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Everything posted by Helen_S81

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by sam726 Hi Helen, Thank you if your daughter is having the beach wedding i will come along, maybe it will help me make my mind up, not sure if im going to have the beach or gazebo wedding. I have had my heart set on the Gazebo but do not want to go all that way and lose the destination feel if you know what i mean. We are also travelling out from Manchester at 9.45am for the dreaded 14 hour flight!! Then you are on the same flight as my mom I'll be pretty distracted before and during the ceremony, but if you hang around come and say hi to me afterwards maybe? I'll be the one with the grey satin dress, 5' 2", very short hair, english accent.
  2. Melissa, you mentioned that the disco at the Riu Jalisco is not open on a Wednesday night, do you happen to know if it is the same at the Riu Vallarta?
  3. Thank you all for your kind comments! I'm taking it off to be framed this evening before my -50% coupon expires tomorrow.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by sam726 We arrive at the Riu Jalisco on the 2nd May til 16th May and marry on the 12th. Then we will be there at the same time (May 2-9) but I will miss your wedding on the 12th. I think my daughter is renting the bar for after the meal and bringing an ipod with music on it. You can always come over to the Riu Vallarta if you want an idea of how a wedding will look, on the 7th around 3pm. I believe the wedding is on the beach. You may be on the same flight as my mom who is flying out of Manchester the same date as you.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN Yeah it was a big mess this morning. I think that the plow "dudes" thought it would melt pretty fast so they never came to our 'hood. It was very slick. By evening rushour the roads were dry. Sidenote: I really dislike it when the snow starts to melt and the piles of snow are covered with dirt. So gross! I hate the dirty piles of snow too! I wish we would get a really good day of rain to wash it all away. It looks so nasty outside right now.
  6. A while ago Morgan and I were talking about cross stitch and I said I was working on a project as a wedding gift for my daughter and her FI. Here are some pictures of the finished sewing project, before I take it to be framed. I might update the pictures once I get it framed but I thought I'd post some pictures now so you can see the detail. It has taken me about 3 months mainly just evenings, but that is what a writer's strike will do for you
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Yes, it is the same place. WooHoo! Thanks Yari. I think I'm more excited about the Rhythms of the Night tour because I get to see Las Caletas than I am about anything else
  8. Thanks for the update. I was wondering what was happening. Let us know when you know more!
  9. Does anyone know if this is the same place that you go to on the 'Rhythms of the Night' tour?
  10. Love it Maura! The kitchen cupboards are awesome. The floors spectacular. The terrace looks a little chilly right now but I'm sure it will be a nice place to hang out in the summer! Congratulations!
  11. What date in May is your wedding? I will be at the Riu Vallarta (right next door) for my daughters wedding May 7.
  12. My thoughts are with you at this time.
  13. Congratulations! Travel safe and see you when you get back.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 I don't drive. I was in a really bad car accident about 7 years ago and never got back behind the wheel. It wasn't as bad as it could have been but I was really banged up! 11 broken bones, severe concussion, cuts and bruises all over my body. I was so scared the one time I did drive I had a panic attack and nearly crashed! I was so afraid I would hurt someone else that I stopped driving all together. It took about 3 months before I could even ride in the front seat again. I know I really need to drive again but I always find a way of justifying why not to. We can't afford another car with payments, gas & insurance, etc. I'm always at work so there's no point. It's more economical and earth friendly to car pool. I can't have a kiddo until I drive so that needs to be my project after the wedding. I just wanted to mention that I work in a psychologists office and a fair amount of the work they do is with people who have been involved in motor vehicle accidents. Most of the time the treatment is covered by the car insurance company. Good luck with finding a solution.
  15. My younger daughter had bangs cut about 2 months ago and she looks great! We say she looks 'Feisty'
  16. When we ordered and paid a deposit for the bridesmaids dresses the bridal store cut a swatch from the sample they had and gave it to the bride.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 We are doing 1 per couple, unless they are single...then they get their own This is exactly what we are doing. Even if they are single but sharing a room, we did one per person.
  18. From one mother of the bride to another welcome! You'll find lots of great information here.
  19. I think I'd phone them. Most people are going to have questions and I think it would be easier to do by phone. If there are lots of people to be contacted maybe you can get some help from parents or bridesmaids?
  20. My dress is in the basement in a rubbermaid bin along with a bunch of other stuff I keep for sentimental reasons. I had grand ideas of using it for something but haven't done anything with it in 27 years, except wash it after the ceremony. I offered it to Katie and her reaction was "It has sleeves!" And, btw I can still get it on although it is a bit tight through the chest and waist
  21. We are considering buying a mac laptop for our youngest daughter (she graduates university in June but is going on to do some post graduate studies) but this thread makes me seriously reconsider that. We have another really good friend whose mac laptop hard drive failed last week.
  22. My opinion, I'd rather my daughter and her FI *not* buy me a gift. My daughter is pretty good about making cards and writing thoughtful things in them for us. I'd love some photo's put together in a book though
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