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Everything posted by Helen_S81

  1. I had a moment like that this afternoon. I suddenly thought "Shit! This time next week I'll be sitting on a plane waiting to take off"! I texted the bride & groom just to freak them out and get them even more excited than they already are! Good luck with the rest of your planning and wedding!
  2. I also didn't have to pay any duty. I have thrown the box out but I'm pretty sure it came via Canada Post so maybe it came from within Canada? Windsor maybe?
  3. I ordered some parasols from Oriental Trading and I have my invoice in front of me. 12 Parasols @ $30.52 CDN + $ 14.71 shipping + GST & PST = $49.20 The listed price is $29.99 USD. I'd say that the $30 you quoted seems low. Maybe that's the shipping for the USA?
  4. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Sending positive thoughts your way.
  5. You looked beautiful! That dance looked like so much fun. Thanks for sharing all the pictures with us!
  6. What colour suits your mom best? I don't think I could wear the coral, so I'm wondering what colour is her hair and skin? (I'm very fair skinned).
  7. I'm going to lend my daughter my diamond stud ear rings for her wedding day. I wear them every day but I will use something else for the day of the wedding so she can 'borrow' them.
  8. I'm nearly freaking out and I'm not the one getting married! Just over 2 weeks left until we leave!
  9. Hello and welcome to the forum. We live in the same city
  10. I'm sorry to hear this Melissa and will keep you and your cousin in my thoughts.
  11. Helen_S81


    Welcome to the forum! Where abouts are you in Herts? I grew up in Watford.
  12. Just lock yourself in the bathroom with a bottle of wine the first time you try it It does hurt less the more times you do it, but I guess it will also depend on whether you've been shaving or waxing before. I only use it on my legs.
  13. I would also add that if possible the parents should try and not be tired and be as relaxed as possible when travelling. Somehow if I was uptight or tired the kids sensed it and would act up.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by LeXiee Thanks so much ladies!! All these tips are a great help! What kind of medical supplies did you bring?? Tempra Polysporin Benadryl Thermometre Band-Aids Am I forgeting something? I would add some Gravol. My kids tended to get upset stomachs when away from home, eating different food, or when tired, so we always took Gravol.
  15. Thanks for the reminder. We did do this a few years ago, but we should re-do it. We also opened drawers and cupboards that had vaulable stuff inside just so we had it recorded.
  16. Katie's MOH and bridesmaids threw her a girls sleepover party on Saturday at my house. We went for bridesmaid dress fittings during the day for four of the dresses - the five one lives in another city and got her dress from a local store. Then the girls prepared food and decorated. This is at the dress store. Dresses by Alfred Angelo - around $200-250 Candadian - very busy as it was Saturday afternoon: The 'cakes' - seems the girls had the same idea as Morgan's friends Water gun for Mexico? New t-shirt for Mexico? Playing Dream Phone They also did a scrapbook. Each girl brought pictures that reminded them of Katie and recipes and made a page for the scrapbook. We also told stories about Katie - I learnt more than I ever needed to know Nine of them slept over and then the BM's had made fresh sticky buns, smoothies, and banana bread for breakfast! This was a great way to bring together her friends from different areas of her life, from Mom and Me swimming classes at one year old (oldest friend) to her college friends.
  17. Welcome to the forum! I have got so much great advice from this forum, helping me to help my daughter plan her wedding.
  18. Denise, it is really important that you try to stay positive. Enjoy some retail therapy today. Keep us up to date with what is going in if you can.
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.
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