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Everything posted by Helen_S81

  1. Congratulations to Sunbride. I was amazed when I saw the new thread and how much time and energy must have gone into reorganizing all that information for now and future Dreams Tulum brides.
  2. Welcome to the forum neighbour! You'll find lots of useful information on this forum. Let us know if we can help in anyway.
  3. Happy Birthday Morgan! Have a great day!
  4. Welcome to the forum. My daughter got married at the Riu Vallarta May 7, 2008. Let us know if you have any questions.
  5. The best gift I got for my wedding was a really good pair of kitchen scissors. We're still using them 27 years later nearly every day. They've cut everything from food for small children to flowers out of the garden.
  6. Welcome to the forum! I am a mother of the bride too. My daughter got married May 7, 2008 in Mexico. There is so much information here. Let us know if we can help with anything.
  7. I figured this might be the best place for this. For Canadians, Shoppers Drug Mart Shoppers Drug Mart has a sale on photobooks, now until August 1 -25% on photobooks. I have no idea of the quality but I plan to order one this week sometime. I'll let you know what the quality is like when I get it but I have nothing to compare it to
  8. Tara, do not feel bad because of your negative feelings towards your mothers behaviour. I can somewhat relate to your story. I had not spoken to my mom since 1999 (I live in Canada, she's in England) when she came to Mexico for my daughters wedding, and like you, I was concerned about how she would behave. Then I decided that I had been the parent in the relationship for far too long and that I was not going to be responsible for the way she behaved for the week in Mexico. It all worked out ok for us. We have the most wonderful best friends who came with us and basically they took her under their wing some of the time. They'd have dinner with her whilst we had dinner with my Dad, or my daughter's new in-laws etc. But they did tell me once we all got back that they were getting really annoyed with all of her negative comments I know that it is really hard but you are not responsible for the way your mom behaves. Hopefully the people around you will be as understanding as the people who were with us in Mexico and see her behaviour as hers and not yours. You can only control the way you react to her, not what she does or says. I hope that helps in some way.
  9. Happy Birthday Jen! Have a great day!
  10. Today is Martha (JustMartha) and Jay's wedding day! I hope that your day is everything that you have been dreaming about and that you and Jay have a wonderful life together! I wish you lots of happiness together.
  11. I put a bandaid over a sixpence in my daughters shoe for her wedding. She couldn't feel it.
  12. Here is mine. It took me all afternoon but it was a learning experience and I took some liberties with it I know some people wouldn't call my favourite author literature, but it was the chance of my life time to see him live. I'm Canadian these days but I did start off English and I still have the accent according to my kids. The Halloween costumes aren't really needlework but I did sew all of those costumes and persuaded my husband and our two best friends to go along with the idea Thank you for the opportunity to learn something new this week
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan UPDATE- both looked good. Although 300dpi is considered ideal, lower dpi images can still work. I set my biggest dimension (width or length) to 2000 pixels and see what my dpi ends up being. I have made even 12x12 photobooks and the resolution was good. For the 11x14 collage, I made a 5.5 x 7 page at the highest resoltion I could. The collage poster printed nicely. I am happy to see the essentials program I bought can do everything I need so far. I had a hard time deciding to spend $40 for the program & now I use it all the time. Everyone's christmas presents were made with lumapix. I have definitly gotten my money's worth. The other thing I've noticed essentials won't do is allow you to make a margin to keep the pictures from getting tucked in the cracks of the book. I just have to make sure not to put pictures too close to the edge. The better versions of the program will draw a red line their for you. You can get the line with essentials, but you have to remove it before exporting. Thanks Sarah for getting my hooked on lumapix! I'm going to take some pictures & post my recent projects this weekend. I have a box full of them to take home for Christmas. I hope you don't mind answering a couple of questions for me. BTW I find myself thinking of ideas for pages to create whilst I'm doing other things! This can become addicting I downloaded LumaPix and I've been playing around creating a few pages. 1. Do I need to allow a margin when I create a page? Say (for example) the size of the book in Snapfish is 12x12 should an allowance be made for a margin? Of approximately how much? Should the margin be the same for all size of books? Or do different manufacturers have different margins? 2. If I have a picture that is rectangle and would like it to be oval, can I do this with Lumapix or should I do it before in another program? (I do have the full Adobe suite but find it too intimidating, but I can get Katie to edit pictures for me if necessary). Thank you for your help and inspirational ideas!
  14. Your photo's are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them with us. I especially liked the one with the bridesmaids and mothers looking down on you from the balcony.
  15. Those pictures are adorable! And it is so great that you found something 'special' for the two of you to do.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl Is that new? I didn't realize we had Sephora here?!? I was just in NYC and wanted to go there because I thought we didn't have it in Canada That's good news! I'll totally keep my eye on this too. Thanks! I knew we have Sephora around the GTA but I went to the website to see if there is a store in Ottawa and it says there is. I hope if you go and check it out that it is still there You're welcome! Good luck!
  17. I went with my daughter to Sephora and I see there is one in the Rideau Centre in Ottawa. Someone there applied the make up to one side of her face and she did the other. They also gave us a picture of a face and told us where to put everything. They let me write everything down so we didn't have to buy it all at once. They have Smashbox products. Just recently I got a flyer from Shoppers Drug Mart and they are carrying some of the Boots No.7 products some of the girls were talking about on here. I'd check that out too. The shopping channel The Shopping Channel - Official Site carrys Smashbox so once you know what you want check that out as they have really good deals.
  18. We used a bandaid to tape one to the inside sole of Katie's shoe and she says she couldn't feel it there at all. I have a few sixpences that I believe came from my MIL's house. We also used to use sixpences as part of our Christmas dinner. We used to put them in the Christmas pudding, which is a fruit type of cake/dessert traditionally served at Christmas.
  19. Have a great trip and I can't wait to hear all about it!
  20. Oh my goodness! Those pictures are wonderful! I'm so glad that all of your planning and organizational skills paid off. Everything was coordinated even down to the collars and leashes on the dogs! Congratulations Abbie and Doug.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan enhanced that is $120. You can buy the basic & if you want to upgrade you just pay the difference. yep that's it. the free trial lets you do everything, but when you export the picture it watermarks it. but, you can get a feel for the program & see if you like it. Thanks again Morgan. I'm going to download it the end of next week and play around with it the following week as I'm off work for a couple of weeks and will have plenty of time Your wedding photo's are great!
  22. My jewellery box, cream leather, velvet lined, was my wedding present from my husband nearly 27 years ago. It's not nearly big enough anymore as I keep all kinds of keepsakes in it now (including 'baby' teeth, letters to the tooth fairy) but I'd never get rid of it.
  23. Thanks so much Morgan. I think I found it. Was it this one? http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t9563
  24. Your photobook is fabulous! Great job Morgan. I want to do this with the pictures we have from Katie's wedding but I wasn't sure how to start so thanks for the tip on the software. Is it fairly easy to get started for a beginner?
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