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Everything posted by Helen_S81

  1. Ok I found this: Canada Post - Canada Size and Speed Size Speed Maximum: Envelope and Self-mailer: 245 mm x 156 mm x 5 mm Card: 235 mm x 120 mm x 5 mm Other Lettermail: 380 mm x 270 mm x 20 mm Local – 2 days Provincial – 3 days National – 4 days Minimum: 140 mm x 90 mm x 0.18 mm It looks like your envelopes are just under the requirements but that might be for the sorting equipment. I'd try one just to see what happens? BTW I send stamped addressed envelopes out quite often with the sender and return address the same with no problem.
  2. Welcom to the forum from one mother of the bride to another. I can't offer any advise on the two resorts you mention but if you do a search by clicking on the button near the top of your screen and entering either one of those resorts you will get lots of information.
  3. Also try Windsor Bridal on Orfus Road, near Yorkdale. They have some there.
  4. Congratulations Rebecca & Chris. I hope that your day is everything you have dreamed about. Wishing you all the best for the future!
  5. Congratulations on your wedding Maura and Jose! Wishing you all the best for today and the future!
  6. I'm pretty sure that is the mug we used, although they don't seem to be showing the blue colour anymore. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14394 That is a really good deal! Hope someone can use them as they worked well for our group.
  7. I think it sounds great! You came up with a perfect solution for what he could wear. Go for it!
  8. We bought a package of 12 white umbrellas from OTC (I think they were the 'paint your own' ones). They came in a box that was about 24" x 8" x 8" not very big at all. We gave them to a friend to bring down for us in one of their suitcases. Then we got them to take them to the ceremony site and either put them on the chairs or hand them out to the guests. When I got there everyone was using them and they had saved one for me. They were very much appreciated by the guests.
  9. Congratulations! Hope that your day is everything you had hoped for.
  10. We use reusable bags nearly all the time now. We have special ones with compartments for the liquor store and really big bags for Costco as well as the cloth bags for the grocery store. Our grocery store gives us a credit for using the cloth bags.
  11. Congratulations Erica! And have a great birthday! (It is my daughter's birthday today too, the one that just got married).
  12. Everything looks great! Love the hair do! Don't forget to take your camera to the fitting tomorrow
  13. Yes, well done Joshua. The top four all did amazingly well. I can't wait for the tour and So You Think You Can Dance Canada!
  14. I'm excited for the finale tonight! Looks like there is going to be some good guests on the show too! This has been a great season and I think that any one of the four deserve to win this one.
  15. $1380 CDN per person - Toronto-Puerto Vallarta for 7 nights occupancy (double) - cheapest room option possible at your resort (inc airfare and taxes) Approx. 100 # of invites sent 31 (27 in the package from Toronto) # of guests attending Riu Vallarta - Resort Name 5* # of stars of resort
  16. One day I was driving along with my two kids in the back seat of the car. I guess they were around 8 & 10. The older one, in an attempt to "educate" the younger one, says "You know that doctors drink pee". My ears are alerted and I ask her why she thinks that. She says "why else do they collect it in cups?" Good job I caught that one before she took it into adulthood!
  17. Beautiful photographs! What a nice thing to have for the future. You both looked amazing!
  18. Holy Sh!t Maura! You've been very busy It all looks so elegant and professional. Great job. Try and relax and enjoy the next few days
  19. Congratulations Morgan! That is so nice that you are taking your mom.
  20. My younger daughter got 4tickets for the show in Toronto! October 26! They go on sale for the US shows tomorrow.
  21. Congratulations! I know how expensive buying somewhere in Toronto can be so congratulations on finding the right one!
  22. Hi Jenny, I have an emerald cut diamond ring almost identical to yours. It was actually a 25th anniversary ring my husband had made for me but I wear it with my original wedding band that is 27 years old. The wedding band is just a plain white gold band but it looks kind of banged up in the picture but it's not that bad in real life I swear! My hands look so old in these pictures but I thought you might want to see what a plain band looks like on a real hand with a ring like yours
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