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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. Hey girls! How was everyone's weekend? I had to go to a bday party on Saturday and ate like a pig of course. And as if that wasn't bad enough, i ate a leftover piece of bday cake on Sunday too. oink oink! So i'm starting over today, for like the 20th time. lol But i know that i really have to buckle down and exercise as much as possible and keep cheating to a minimum like just parties. Celina, im really proud of you for calling your nephew and your step sister. I agree with everyone else about telling your dad. Maybe he would want to reach out to them too if he sees how good it made you feel. Steph goodluck with your interview. That's awesome!
  2. I'm giving dogs bath tonight. fun huh? tomorrow, i have a vet appointment for one dog and two bday parties, 1 6 year old's and then an adult party. Hopefully be cleaning on Sunday and relaxing.
  3. I'm having hoagies for dinner too. Not sure if fi got them from primos though. Your making me hungry Yari! Have fun tonight!
  4. Yeah, i don't remember needing to download anything for the first couple of weeks.
  5. I'm stuck at work, just an hr and a half to go... Put plenty of aloe and moisturizer on so you don't peel.
  6. Where's everybody at today? I'm impatiently waiting the arrival of 5 o'clock so i can start my weekend.
  7. Bostons are the best dogs, i'm bias of course. But they are usually a good mix, cuddly, playful (when they are in the mood), and adorable.
  8. What a cute intro Dot, welcome to the forum. Sorry i have no info on your location but there are a few Texas girls on here
  9. Finally got to see pics and your hubby does look like Marc Anthony lol.
  10. You should pm *Heather* she has a puggle.
  11. But definately check to make sure it's not too hyper for you guys. I never had a Puggle so i don't know much about them.
  12. Could you take him to go see a Puggle? I know once i see a dog, not matter what kind it is I usually want to adopt it!
  13. can't you register at your local furniture store, so people can just buy gift cards there.
  14. What would Friday be without one of these? 1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:19 2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Tropic Thunder 4. What are your favorite TV shows? The Office, The Hills, Gossip Girls, Greek, Dexter 5. What do you usually have for breakfast? carnation instant breakfast, cereal 6. What is your middle name? Marie 7. What food do you dislike ? liver 8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Go-Gos Greatest Hits 9. What kind of car do you drive? Acura TL 10. Favorite sandwich? Italian Hoagie 11. What characteristic do you despise? fakeness 12. Favorite item of clothing? jeans i've had for like 10 yrs, really broken in 13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be? Tahiti 14. Where would you retire to? Turks & Caicos 15. What was your most recent memorable birthday? My 22nd 16. When is your birthday? Feb 3rd 17. Morning person or a night person? morning 18. Pets? 2 dogs 19. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Hell no i'm boring 20. What did you want to be when you were little? fashion designer (me too, you must of had fashion plates when you were younger too) 21. How are you today? fine 22. What is your favorite flower? gerber daisy 23. What are you listening to right now? sirius The Pulse has Blink 182 on 24. What was the last thing you ate? granola bar 25. Do you wish on stars? No 26. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Navy Blue 27. How is the weather right now? beautiful and sunny 28. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Derek 29. Favorite soft drink? coke, but i'm starting to prefer Diet 30. Favorite restaurant? On the Border 31. Hair color? dirty blonde 32. What was your favorite toy as a child? barbie 33. Summer or winter? summer I hate the cole 34. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate 35. Coffee or tea? coffee 36. What is under your bed? probably socks Camo (my dog) has stolen and chewed up, oh and probably some dog toys that he hasn't chewed up 37. What did you do last night? watched TV with the dogs 38. What are you afraid of? Having kids lol 39. Salty or sweet? Both, like chocolate covered peanuts or pretzels 40. How many keys on your key ring? 8 41. How many years at your current job? 15 42. Favorite day of the week? Saturday 43. Do you make friends easily? No I'm quiet and don't trust people 45. Favorite hobby? cooking
  15. your siggy pic is adorable! i didn't even notice it before.
  16. The zipper is a nice touch on the runner and i really really like the mason jars and milk bottle arrangements. Great ideas! It's cowboy chic, lol
  17. I want to go to Michael Phelps day! haha He made watching the olympics so much fun this year. I miss the swimming events.
  18. double elminiation next week, that should be interesting.
  19. Welcome to the forum from another PC bride. Did you pick a resort yet?
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