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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I also have a hard time getting past how scripted this season is. I mean, they may have been in the past but it wasn't so obvious. I'm also tired of the one important remark conversatiosn followed by blank looks. Do you know what I'm talking about? It's like real conversations don't happen like that. I don't say something to my friend and then they stare at me for 5 seconds with no response. I agree. The show is mostly commercials and awkward silences this season. There's maybe 5 minutes of watchable show per episode. Its getting painful to watch.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Bisha I keep saying that I'm not too worried about it but, have been a lot more diligent about turning the alarm on at night since I can sleep through a burgalry in my own house (very heavy sleeper)! Thank you for the reassurance and I do hope that they catch whoever it is. I always say that I dont care about material things but, the idea of someone going through my stuff or, god forbid, hurting my animals scares me to death! I had noticed a higher police presence in our neighborhood lately but, attributed it to traffic stops and nothing more. I guess it is better to know then not to know and it's great how good the neighbors have been about it but, that still does not make me feel any better about the situation! I know exactly how you feel. I wasn't worried so much about people taking my stuff, i was really worried about my dogs. But most likely my dogs would of kept a theif away. they aren't big but one has a big bark. That's good there's more police around, I noticed more of a police presence too. Quote: Originally Posted by Bisha Danielle, I just realized that your DW date is the same as mine! Yayy Date Twin!!!
  3. thanks kathie, i'm going to be extra good until Saturday. it's going to be tough that day we are going to Phillies Mets game its an all day trip, i'll have to try to find decent things to eat.
  4. 3.5lbs in a week is great Michelle! I'm in operation hottie but i know i gained this week, i had way too much junk food this weekend. i'll find out how much damage i made tomorrow when i weigh in for Biggest losers.
  5. That was Michelle's ring. it was beautiful! i love the hair pic Tara.
  6. I'm going to include a lit of the most popular souvenirs for my location. But your list looks great.
  7. I printed the brochures myself with brochure paper. I have some leftover, if you want it i'd be happy to mail it to ya. I'll post the template but i used Avery Design Pro, you can download the program for free on avery.com.
  8. I would just ask her why she didn't go on Sunday. And let her know that you missed her being there. I don't think it hurts if you ask nicely. I think you should let her know that you were dissappointed. It'll make you feel better.
  9. I screwed up this weekend. I spent all weekend painting our house so we ordered take out every day. i'm already up 1.5lbs not sure what it will be tomorrow.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by paradisus_bride Hi ladies, I am new to the site and will also be getting married at the Paradisus Palma Real. The wedding date is December 5, 2008 and I we will have about 40 guest. We have planned our welcome dinner for Bana as well so I am looking forward to hearing the reviews. I've heard really bad reviews about the dj's that the resort uses. Does anyone have any suggestions? Tira Hi Tira. I'm going to burn CDs with the music i want, i figure the DJ can't mess that up. I really hadn't heard anything bad about the dj before, now you have me worried. a few girls have used ipods and had no problems, maybe you could go that route.
  11. That's not right. She should of came and they both should of come to the family BBQ. Unless they had a real good excuse which if they did i'm sure you would of heard it by now.
  12. i loved it. I posted on the other thread you started http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t28101 I don't know how i feel about Serena and Dan getting back together, it just seemed too easy.
  13. I don't blame you for being bummed. Is your fi upset with his bro at all? Im not a big fan of wedding showers but i make sure that i go to everyone's shower that is important to me because i know it's important to the person i care about. I wouldn't blame fi's bro, i would blame her for not being there. Why were they at fi's dads house?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline I never did see this show but I hear its SO good. I will have to watch it! You should start watching Jac. I love it!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Oh, was she on Gilmore Girls? Maybe that's why she seems familiar. Who was she on Gilmore Girls... wait... was she Rory's dad's wife or something? Yep, she's christopher's wife/baby's momma, Sherry
  16. I don't remember seeing that chica on GG before. I think i would of remembered her because she was on Gilmore Girls and i hated her character on that. And i dont like her character on Gossip Girl either. They were kinda acting like we should know her. Isn't she going to be Blaire's new guys mother? That how it seemed on the previews, if that's the case why didn't he say Hi to them at the white party? that's a lil strange.
  17. Great pics Tara, my fav is on the blog you both are laughing. It's so adorable.
  18. Yari, how are you giving your pashs out? (with oot bags, giving them out at wedding, etc)
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Yes, I did get a great deal on the pashminas. Thanks to Carly and one other BDW member (sorry can't remember her name right now...ugh) they put together a super large order. It was awesome, but a pain in the arse for them cause the guy that sold them was a jerk. I got 100 labels. I am using them for an assortment of things for the wedding. I think it was Carly and Trisha. they did a great job making sure we got our pashminas. I have to add rolling up my pashs to my list of things to do!
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