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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. FI doesn't know yet, i'm dying to tell him but i'm sure he wont' be quite as excited as i am. Im so excited that i'm just sitting here waiting for fi to call me back so i can tell him! I am so going to be working this weekend, i just cant seem to concentrate today!
  2. Hey Joanie. I'm getting married in Punta Cana on Nov 6th, 2008.
  3. Haha! I couldnt stay away. Oh and i just had signed off again and then talked to my TA so i had to tell you girls what she did. I adore my TA, not sure if i told you girls before, but she decided to do something special for me so she set up a private beach dinner for me and derek while were in Punta Cana. Isn't that the sweet?! It'll be the day before everyone gets in so it's perfect. I'm so happy now that made my day! I was going to set up a beach dinner myself but then decided not to since i've already gone above our budget so i'm really excited to get our beach dinner again!!!!
  4. Oh and feel free to steal the hairstyle. That would be really great if you can do it yourself. I'm awful at that kind of stuff and i have no patience to do my own hair. Let us know how ya make out with your hair trial.
  5. Celina, my closet is full of cute possible outfits for the shower. everytime someone makes plans with me from now i'll me dressed to the max. lol I can see myself walking around Home Depot with fi next weekend with a dress and heels.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by K&Rwedding So I had to weigh in tonight because I don't think I can find the time tomorrow. So all in all I believe I lost approx 12ish lbs. Though by the scale it is more, when we started I had just came back from vac and it was also that time you know. So I calculate approx 4-5 lbs in just water weight, so it was actually more than 12lbs after that. Well hey either way. I am feeling good. I have about 7-8 more lbs to go to wear my dress. I wish every one the best. You did great. How awesome that you can just pull up a skirt that you couldnt even get one before. and you look great in your bathing suit pics. I wish i would of took before pics before bl2. I need bl4 to get to my goal weight. Im I'm 12lbs away from my goal weight for the wedding but i think i'm probably not going to reach it. Its getting harder and harder for the pounds to come off lately. I'm going to just try to do really good on bl4 and be happy with my end result even if i don't reach my goals. Ive been getting so many comments about how good i looks lately and i've been so much happier with my appearance. It feels good! Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl well, i did it! i managed to make it over the 10 lb. mark! LOL it's silly how happy it made me to have lost 10 pounds, since i have SO much more to lose, and i should have lost more than that in 8 weeks. best of luck to you all, and i'll see you in BL4! that's awesome your over the 10lbs mark. You should be proud of yourself!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 I totally think it's Dylan! However..I ahve read that Both Luck Perry & Jason Priesly said they weren't coming back...So Maybe...Just Maybe, they will Shock us and she hooked up with Steve and it's his kid!! She has history with him....They had just broke up when 90210 originally started. I think they are setting us up...Just my Opinion...Either way..I am loving it :-) I also recently got back into One Tree Hill...I am loving them all grown up! :-) That would be such a great twist, Kelly with Steve. But i'm leaning towards Dylan, i just have a feeling it's his kid. I missed the previews for next week but i recorded the episode on DVR so i'll just fastfoward to the previews. Did anyone watch the Privileged show? I recorded it but didn't watch it yet.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I would be going crazy not knowing when my shower would be! You still don't have any clue? I have no clue. I kinda think it's at the end of September but no one has made plans with me for anyday at the end of Sept. I have been checking my registry and looks like more things are being purchased. So i figure they sent the invites out at least. It's kind of bothering me because 1. i want to look good for it and 2. i feel like i can't make plans to do anything. lol OH well, i'll just keep checking my registry until i can narrow down the date a little better. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I love this hairstyle, and I think it would look really cute on you. Thanks Michelle. i think i'm leaning towards that style now. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Oh also girls...my dress isn't even in yet..should I be worried?? Or they haven't even called either..haha I called awhile back and they said 2nd week in Aug. Hmmm...seeing as it's 2nd week in Sept maybe I should call again. Do you guys all have your dresses?? I have my dress, i would definately call them because you should have your dress by now and starting fittings. Maybe they forgot to call you or didn't leave a message. When did you order it? Quote: Originally Posted by EricaG I really like that second style Danielle. If your hair is about the smae length, I am sure it would look great on you. What did your hair dresser says about the hair styles? How is your e-ring and wedding band? Can't wait to see pics of them!!!! My hair dresser liked the second style but told me to get a tighter curl/wave like this style She thought that curl would stay better in my hair. so i think i'll go with a combo of those two styles. I LOVE LOVE my wedding band with my ering. So glad to have my ering. I was a little sad after i tried my two rings on together because i had to put the wedding band back in it's box and away till the wedding. I'll take pics as soon as i can. Okay girls i'm off BDW for the day. i just wanted to do a quick check in with my Nov girls and now i have a lot of work to do.
  9. I'm glad Jayson's dad is home with his family. I hope you get good news soon. I can only imagine how stressed you are. I know what wedding stress is like but having to deal with an illness in the family at the same time is way too much for anyone. Life just doesn't seem fair sometimes.
  10. You really have me thinking about this Nicole. I think im going to do it, but wait till after the wedding when i can do it right.
  11. From the first paragraph's description of Buster, i thought for sure you got a Boston Terrier because mine has all the same traits (gassy, burps, snores). but Buster is adorable, you can tell he's playful from his pics. He looks like such a happy dog.
  12. I cant wait for it to be on tonight.
  13. I think i like the second pic too. It's not what i had pictured in my head but i think with the length and texture of my hair it would probably work the best. I have my regular hair appointment tonight so i'm going to bring the pics with me and see what my hairdresser says.
  14. Yeah Chad Johnson legally changed his name. But the nfl won't let him change his jersey name. I think it's stupid but I'm sure he doesn't care what i think.
  15. Okay I found more hair pics too. This one i don't really the like the hair so much, i more like the flower placement but my flower is about half the size: I like this style and it's about the lengh of my hair:
  16. How cute your son is practicing with his mini sombrero. I'm supposed to be working but I just cannot concentrate today. fsil picked up my rings and i can't wait to see them. I have a hair appointment after work so i wont be home till 8 so i'll have to wait till then.
  17. Mine's an easy one too. It's Dan-Yell And Derek
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline yari- my thoughts exactly! i have NO idea why she is with spencer, she dont even seem happy when their together. first of all, he is uglier than donkey balls. k, and worse he has the personality of a soft penis. SO WHAT is he good for? NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGGG Love the description of spencer Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline Does anyone know if Audrinna got her boobs done? OHH ya know what else I thought was cute- when Justin Bobby offered his help if she needed anything, a place to stay etc. That was cool, normally he is so weird and never pays attention to her, he just dozes off or something. He goes off with his deep theories. lol he's a stoner if i ever saw one. It looks like Justin Bobby will be his usual tool self this next episode. I find it amusing how Spencer complains about Holly laying around on his couch all day without a job, Hello Spencer wasn't that you a year ago on your sisters couch. And at least she just moved here. He's such a douche! The last two episodes were a lot better but the show is mostly commericals and clips of new music, hardly any show. They need to do extended shows.
  19. It took us 2 hrs at Bed Bath and Beyond and about 1 hr at Kohls. i would give yourself 2 hrs at least.
  20. I have to agree with Erin about buying a dress you fit in now (or when you order your dress). You can wait a few months to see how your diet is going before you make a decision but it does take time for gowns to come in. I had every intention to lose 30 lbs when we got engaged and i've only lost around 17lbs. If i had ordered a smaller dress, i'd be screwed right now. Diets are hard.
  21. Hi girls. I cant be on much during the day this week. I have a deadline next Monday. I'm going to try to sneak on at night after work, but i think i'll be working late this week too. Oh well. Heres what i've been up to the last couple of days. Got my teeth whitened I LOVE THEM! had my first dress fitting it went pretty good. my camera didnt work but my mom took pics on her's. i'll have to keep bugging her to send me pics, shes really computer illiterate so this may take awhile. I picked out carpet/hardwood floors for my house not sure what we are gong to get yet. Oh and i'm supposed to be getting my rings and fi's band today. Cant wait for my ering back and cant wait to see how my band looks with it. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 I am working on printing our welcome brochures right now. I think they look good but I may need a heavier paper. Got two more RSVPs so that leaves 5 people overdue. Dont really understand what is so hard especially since there were STDs in January and all. Geesh people!! Your to do lists kill me ladies!! I think I need to make one up. The list seems short in my head but I think when I write it out it may look ugly!! Uh oh!! cant wait to see the welcome brochures Steph. Glad to hear from you. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Okay, I need some help from my November peeps...I attached the invitation I'm working on right now, how does it look? two or five eyes are better than one...I always screw up the spacing...so i really need some feedback pls. TIA Oh crap, i don't have power point at work. i'll have to check this out later. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl I'm back & I am officially a lurker in your thread now. Welcome to the Nov thread!!! Congrats on becoming a married woman! Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 OK ladies, I got some shower pics. It took awhile to download them from my email and upload to flickr so I don't really feel like uploading them again to photobucket. Here is the flickr link: Our Bridal Shower - a set on Flickr There is a really stupid picture of me being a goof ball so just ignore that one. I meant to delete it. Your shower looked great. Glad you had a good time. The cake was awesome. And there were so many cute babies at your shower. I'm still trying to figure out when mine is. I'm like Inspector Gadget!
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