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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. thanks. can you get it over the counter? i'll have to check if they have it in the US.
  2. Welcome back and congratulations. the TTD pic in the water is HOT. You look gorgeous. Thanks for the sneak preview of pics cant' wait to see more.
  3. haha, that is kinda scarey, ny's sloppy seconds. But he did seem like an okay guy on the show, he was really smart and not insane. But if he was on that show, there had to be something wrong with him.
  4. What? That is insane. Nothing like some drama right before your wedding, huh! I'm glad your daughters tests came back good and let us know in two weeks how yours make out.
  5. Beautiful ring! Great vacay pics, you guys look happy together and so cute!
  6. That's great news about your mom recovering well. And i hope you can join the mommy thread soon! Have fun on your honeymoon...
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Hate to say it, but she sounds like she is just being bitchy. How long is this layover? I've been on ones like that before when the layover is like 20 minutes or something like that. Were some passengers get off and some get on, but most remain the same. It really isn't a big deal, even with a one year old. (Ok, I am not a mom, so maybe I am wrong, but that's my thoughts.) Sorry she's being a punk, Danielle! It's about a half hour layover. I really didn't think it was a big deal but i'm not a mom either.
  8. Erica,What is Gravol? Is a soother a pacifier? It doesn't sound like you had a hard time with Hailey at all. That's good news.
  9. I am really calm right now. She can be pretty dramatic sometimes so i'm hoping she just needs to calm down. FI is freaking out over it, saying she's being a bitch I'm trying to keep the peace. OH and yeah Jac it's her first kid. I would love to hear what some moms have to say.
  10. Spencer is awful to h's sis. But Heidi just stands there and lets him do it. Someone should smack some sense into that girl.
  11. I don't know if anyone remembers the issues we had with my fil's and booking flights. Well it's starting again! Backstory: Fi and I picked 7 days for a wedding we chose to have everyone book tues to tues to fit our families vacay schedules (my mom and fi's parents work for school district so they had some of those days off already). Well anyway my nephew (derek's sister's son) will be 13 months old when we leave, he is the only child going now. So when flights started to come out there were no direct flights from tues to tues, so fsil started to freak out because she needed a direct flight for my nephew (her main concerns was that is was going to be a PITA to get on/off plane with all their stuff and she didn't want a long layover with her son). She and my fil's decided to switch their trip to Mon to Mon in order to get a direct flight. They decided that all of fi's family about 12 other people should switch to when they are going to and just my family would be their tues to tues. Well after fi flipped about them changing the days without asking us, we decided to have everyone that is going for 7 days to go Mon to Mon so they all can be on the same direct flight. Fast forward to now: I get a phone call from TA. the direct flight from Mon to Mon has now been changed and isn't nonstop anymore. It goes like this: Philly to Baltimore to Punta Cana- passengers have to stay on the plane it's a very short layover to just pick up some more passengers from Baltimore. on the way back: Also layover in Baltimore but we have to go through customs in Baltimore so kind of a pain in the ass. I was emailing fsil about something else and just let her know about the flight change. Well she flipped out! I tried to put a positive spin on it that it's a really short layovers and you dont' even get off the plane on the way their, and we'll be on the plane on the way back to help with all the baggage. My spin did not help, this is what she emailed me back: I don't want to have to put Keegan through 8 take off and landings not to mention all of the extra time on the plane. I'm not worried about my bags or Joe and I. I just have to do what is best for Keegan. So she talked to our TA doesn't seem like there's anything she can do. Our Ta will try to see if she can get her flight refunded and book her on another direct flight but it doesnt seem like the airline is going for it. I think fsil might consider canceling. Has anyone had a delay with a 1 yr old, is it that awful? How bad was takingoff/landing with the baby? I'm not really freaking out about this yet. I have the mindset right now that it's out of my hands but i have a feeling they might not come if she cant get a direct flight.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Hmmmmm, really contemplating this this time. My pants are barely closing today, it's gross. I don't own a scale though, so I'd have to buy one and just not sure it's in my budget. I willpost for sure if I join, perhaps I can steal a scale from my parents or something. You should join. I'm sure your parents won't miss their scale. I know before this contest I didn't go near my scale for a yr and a half.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Bisha So, I very very very badly need to join! I am once again at the top end of my weight (constaly yo-yo-ing) and my pants are officially way too tight. This has always been my motivation in the past since I refuse to buy bigger clothes and the tight pants are a constant motivator:) I have a few questions thought: 1. I am leaving for my Costa Rica honeymoon/1yr anniversary trip in 2 weeks, how do I get my results to you? Just when I get back? 2. What if I get knocked-up before the end of the season?? Do I just forfeit? How awesome that your having a honeymoon/1yr anniversary trip. We want to do the same next year. 1. as long as you let Ann know that you'll be missing two weeks ahead of time than you can just weigh in at the following weigh in when you get back. 2. The girls that have gotten prego in the following seasons just forfeited. Are you going to try during your honeymoon? Goodluck!
  14. I have a craft show saturday morning and then we are cleaning our house to get it read for the new hardwood/carpet we are getting put in. I would love to work on my welcome packets this week or weekend if i have enough time.
  15. Congratulations Kat. that sucks about the videographer but i'm sure your photos will be absolutely gorgeous and your grandma will love them.
  16. the pics look great, i have to wait till i get home to open up the template. My work needs to get Power point.
  17. Man your all over Burt in those pics lol. you look so pretty riding the bull in your dress. That looked like fun, glad you enjoyed it.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by annluv Hi Danielle, hope you remeber me, i just got back for PPR and i gotta tell you this place is amazingly beautiful, it is the most beautiful resort i have seen, omg it looks better than what you see online or even on the magazine, i Love this place i'm also planning it there now, i met with the wedding planner manager her name is Viviana she's really nice i cant say much about the staff because i didnt interact with them but from the way Viviana and the other wedding planning staff greeted me and treated me i can tell you they were very attentive and nice, Viviana showed us the place and seemed very sure of everything she knew, unlike some of the other resorts we visited. Danielle i dont think there's anything you should worry about this place can't be more beautiful and Vviana is very helpful.... GOOD LUCK ON YOUR WEDDING!!!! where are you planning the ceremony? and the reception? Yayy Ana so glad your gonna be a PPR bride too! I'm having my ceremony on the beach and reception on Olympic Terrace. I'm glad Vivianna gave you a good vibe. I cant wait to see the resort in person, i'm less than 2 months away!!!
  19. I'm in. The $15 fee is good and so are the dates. I'm so glad i will be home for the final weigh in, i'll be away for my wedding on Nov 5th. I know i probably wont win since i plan on pigging out the day after the wedding lol but bl has been keeping me in check and it's well worth the $15.
  20. Oh i remember that guy on I Love New York. Was he really buff and his mom was very conservative and polite? He seemed normal on that show. Goodluck to them.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 The brunch has to be your shower! My shower was a brunch and started at 11:00. I'm so excited you finally have a possibility, the suspense has been killing me! Ha ha! I tried to stay away from my registeries, but I started changing things. I would get the Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel catalogs and find things I wanted, or liked better so I would change stuff. I changed the bedding the most, and we didn't get any of it at our shower. All that work for nothing! We had also registered for that big margarita maker, and I took it off because it wasn't really a necessity and I figured no one would buy it. Well, after the shower, my cousin asked why we didn't register for that. She saw it at the store and thought it would be something I would like and she wanted to get it, but it wasn't on the registry. Who knew!? So your shower was a brunch. I was thinking about it and the place we are going to "brunch" at is the place that fsil really wanted her baby shower at. So i can see her pushing to have my shower there. It would be a perfect weekend for my mom to have it too, every weekend she goes to the mountains with my dad but this Saturday she has a craft show she will be selling jewelery at so I can see her having the shower on Sunday since she would be home anyway. But fsil keeps acting like brunch isn't definate yet she has to ask her parents if they still want to go. maybe they are just trying to throw me off. So i'm going to be dressed up on Sunday with my digital camera in my purse if we go to brunch. I'm going on the 27th to get my makeup done. I'm going to make an appointment for the Laura Mercier counter at Neiman Marcus or Nordstroms. FSIL is going to get her makeup done at Bare Escentials.
  22. Oh erica you look stunning in your tp dress. lol Your kids are adorable.
  23. Totally understandable that you guys are frustrated and at your wits end. Does SIL not have anyone to leave the kids with? Honestly, i would just let it be sil's problem, you told her it was adults only if she doesn't have the sense to figure it out ahead of time than it's her problem.
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