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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. Goodluck girls. I did do the cycle tracking on FF and it did help some. Honestly i was amazed at all the things i didnt know about my body. i had no clue about the cervical fluid stuff and a ton of other stuff so it did help to learn some of that. I really only temped and tracked my period, i didnt really get into tracking my cervical fluid because i wasnt really getting the difference between all of it so unless i was sure what kind it was i just didnt put anything down.
  2. Make sure you talk to the resort first because a lot of hotels make you have a certain % of guests stay there, even when your paying day passes for those who dont stay at the resort. I got married at the PPR and at the time you did need a certain amount of guests to stay at the resort, all my guests ended up staying there so it wasnt an issue for me but it could be for someone else. Def talk to the WC and get it in writing on an email and save it.
  3. I think that because i'm already married i can see both sides easier. I've been dissappointed by people who said they would definately be there and changed their minds, i've gotten guilt trips from my grandparents aunts etc, and i've stressed about this stuff. But I also know that once you get to your location for your wedding you totally forget about all these people and all the other stuff you were stressing about. Its crazy but once i stepped off that plane i felt like a weight was lifted off me and i felt great. and dont feel bad about how many people you have coming compared to how many people he has coming. All the people coming are really coming to see both of you get married and spend time with both of you. Your 2 months away from your big day dont let people get to you because when your in Jamaica your not even going to give those people a second thought. Your going to be too busy having the best time. Everything will be perfect in the end, just keep reminding yourself.
  4. I think your taking it way too personal. I would just focus on whose coming to your DW and be happy that you can spend time with them. I'm sure your aunts would rather be at your DW than worrying about your cousin. In regards to your cousin, i think it does sound pretty serious, i know you said he's just a pothead but you also said he has mental problems and ends up in an ER every few months, that sounds really bad and i can understand why your aunts are worried about your cousin and your cousin's father who isnt handling it that well. I would just let it go and if your aunts decide to come later than great, if not there's nothing you can do about it. When you get home you can show them all your great pics of your wedding and your vacation there and i'm sure they'll regret not being there.
  5. Hi Jami. I'm from the Philly area, i'm right across the bridge in S Jersey. Like TA Maureen said we are lucky we can go to a lot of places from Philly. Dont worry about not knowing where you want to go right now, you'll get it all figured out. I would make a list of all the things you and your fi are looking for in a resort, ErinB did a great list I would check that out. Than you can start narrowing down places than finally resorts. Just take it one step at a time. Once i had a location in mind & a small list of resorts you can sitdown with a travel agent and get prices and opinions about the resorts. Prices can vary during seasons and stuff so a TA can really help with that kind of info.
  6. i love christmas music. my two favs are Brenda Lee's Rocking Around the Christmas Tree and Springsteen's Santa Claus is Coming to Town.
  7. i got married at the Palma Real a year ago and loved it there. there's a link to my review i my siggy that talks about most of the stuff you have questions on. goodluck.
  8. I voted wristlet. I'm not the type to change purses a lot but i do use my coach wristlets a lot when i go out. Its great when i'm going out and i dont want to bring a big purse, i can just throw in my drivers license, some cash, maybe lipstick, gum, etc. just the necessities for the night. Plus than the next day i can just throw those few things back in my big purse easily. I think your girls would use it a ton especially on the trip. You dont want to be lugging your purses out at night, this is so much easier. the makeup bag is cute but i could care less what my makeup bag looks like, i got one at sephora for like $20 and its just plain black the one thing that i do love about it is that it has a seperate compartment for my brushes.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin Thanks, I can't believe he's 4 months either. He's at such a fun age right now. Everything I do cracks him up! How are you feeling? awww how cute he likes when mommy makes a funny. that's so sweet. I hope i have a happy baby too. And i feel fine. Quote: Originally Posted by Trice Hello Ladies, I'm just checking in. We are expecting our first child May 7, 2010. Congratulations! Quote: Originally Posted by ~*~Margie~*~ Hi ladies, thanks for all the feedback, sorry for the delayed response. Doc got back to me and says "its normal" (I hate that phrase). She said that it is most likely just intense pressure from the baby moving down into position and he is probably hitting the cervix directly with his fingers/hands. So now I just picture this baby trying to claw his way out. She also said that the sharpness could be my cervix thinning. She said some woman can actually feel this happening? News to me but...she's the professional. She said we will do an internal at my next visit to see if I am effaced, so that will be tomorrow night. Gotta love how every weird a$$ thing is normal when your pregnant. so tonights your internal, goodluck. let us know how you make out. Quote: Originally Posted by cougs danielle, hope you're feeling well ... not long to go now! Thanks for asking Lisa. I feel fine just some minor things like acid reflux. Which i never had till i got preggers and i get it from anything like water and bread. But than if i eat a burrito with hot sauce i wont get it. So weird. How are you doing?
  10. Margie that sounds awful. I havent had that so im no help. did the docs office call you back? Mrs Martin - Matthew is so cute. Cant believe he's 4 months old already.
  11. for anyone that needs them i have some pashminas left from my wedding. I think i have about 5 but they are all different colors. pm me if you want them, i would rather mail them all to one person and not have to divide them up cause its easier (I'm lazy).
  12. Hey girls. Just wanted to let you know that i had a party recently with Alyssa and was amazed how much money i made. I sold one of Dh's old necklaces and a bunch of my jewelery from high school and early college. Stuff i havent worn in about 10 years and will never wear again. I thought that maybe we would make $250. We made over $1,100 on stuff we will never wear. I was so happy. So if your holding on to your old class ring, gold name tag necklaces, etc i say sell them and get some money for them to buy stuff you could actually use. Especially since all the holiday sales will be coming up, you could a lot of bang for your buck.
  13. Thanks for the honest review. Hopefully Dreams works all this stuff out soon. I have a couple of questions, not that im planning on going but just wondering. Were they still doing construction on the resort? How were the grounds?
  14. tara i didnt see this thread bump. I hope everyone has a great 1 year anni. Anyone old Nov brides out there besides me and Tara?
  15. Your big day is finally here. Im really happy for you. I hope you have the perfect day today. I wanna hear all about it when you get back!
  16. awww its beautiful. perfect for a dw. And you dont look stupid you just look like you LOVE LOVE your dress.
  17. Look at Kerrington's hair. she's got a ton of it and its beautiful. i love her cracking up face too. Kora is so adorable sticking out of the pumpkin. I just love how you dress her especially the headband accessories. I adore the green and brown dress. Love it. And her blue eyes are gorgeous. you girls make pretty babies.
  18. Kat your not fat, i sware your all belly. Tell your little girl that i'm officially giving her teh eviction notice. I want to see her! my bump is getting pretty big. maybe i'll have Derek take a pic of it for me. Quote: Originally Posted by Angel Hey everyone!!! Congrats to all the new mommies to be!! Wow Kat, look at how cute your bump is. That's how I looked with my first. I know your about ready. It seems like the last few weeks are the longest and hardest. Hang in there, she'll be here in no time. I don't get on much but I just wanted to check on you ladies and see how everything is going. How's it going Danielle? How are you feeling? I was thinking about you the other day. Hope everyone else is doing well. Here are a few pics of Zariah. She's getting so big. She'll be 4 months on the 29th. Man time goes by so fast! Man she be making the funniest faces. Have a good weekend! Angel i feel great. thanks for asking. You look great, of course you looked great even when you were pregnant and after you had the baby you couldnt even tell that you were ever pregnant. Wish i looked like you did! Zariah is gorgeous. I love her silly faces. and how precious is her pink hat, love it!!! Love her! we need weekly Zariah pics. and holly crap 4 months have gone by already. i sware that was like a month ago. Quote: Originally Posted by heartbeat So I don’t think I’ve ever check in…lol BUT here I am!!!!!! I’m having my first baby… I’m supper excited!!!! I want him to come already but he’s not due till Feb He’s a lil shy most ppl cant even tell I’m pregnant... Congratulations i'm due in Feb too and also having a boy. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C you girls are too cute. Kat that baby girl has certainly dropped! Congrats to all the new mommies... Danielle how are you doing? Well on our front Kerrington Danielle got baptized on the 17th on anniversary. Then on monday came down with the flu. Its been a very long week. They said someone had to have sneezed on her at the baptism. We dont have her out much. The doc said she is the youngest in their practice to have it. We were in at out of the hospital and doctors office all week. She was on tamaflu also. She is doing much better now. They gave us the H1N1 vaccine this week at the peds office. They said the fed gov is giving them for free to parents of children under 6 mos of age since they cant have it. And we are high risk. I hope none of you ladies have to go thru what we did. Its scary stuff. Awww my poor KD got sick. Poor thing. Glad she's doing better but that's so scarey. Do you have new pics of her on FB? i really need to get on FB more so i can check you and her out. Quote: Originally Posted by brittbrodin Hi Everyone!! I just stumbled across this forum this morning; so much great advice I wish I would've found it sooner, considering I'm almost 31 weeks. Congrats to everyone and Kat, good luck!! From the looks on this forum it looks like you have a lot of people rooting for you! Congratulations.
  19. Carly you might want to check LeGourmet Chef stores and other kitchen stores like that. sometimes they have different brands of hot sauces. my mom buys them for my dad a lot.
  20. Sarah some of the girls might not see this thread so you might want to try to pm each of them and ask if they know of anyone. Sorry i dont, i went through my bridal salon.
  21. I used a TA and was thankful I did. she helped answer all my guests questions, made sure they made their payments on time, and handled any issues we had. Quote: Originally Posted by aprilmay Hey guys, when you use a TA and get a group booking, does everyone have to leave from the same airport at the same time? Are all your guests leaving from Canada? If i were you i would definately ask a TA because i know traveling from Canada is a lot different from the US. From talking to girls on here, it seems really confusing. I know there's a TA on here that's from Canada, TA Lindsay maybe she could help you.
  22. I definately dont think its rude. I'm sure some of your guests would definately love to do their own thing. Plus when everyone gets down there they might end up planning group excursions on their own. my guests did that, my fil likes to snorkle and so do my dh's aunts and uncles, so my fil just asked around to my family if anyone wanted to do the snorkle trip make sure you sign up at the tour desk at the resort. its that simple. What i did do for my guests was make a travel booklet that had some of the possible excursions they might be interested in and if they were i told them just to see to the tour desk at the resort. Your guests will be fine. I wouldnt worry about it at all.
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