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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. I feel your pain. i had instant mashed potatoes almost every freaking day after my wisdom teeth for about a week. I also has soups that had barely anything in them like shrimp bisque that had grind up shrimp in it or just chicken broth. You might be able to eat pastine with chicken broth (it's really really tiny pasta you could just swallow) or how about cream or wheat/oatmeal? Oh and i wouldnt starve yourself. i didnt want to eat so i didnt and the medication i was on for it made me so sick to my stomach because i was supposed to take it with food. Honestly i think you'll feel better in a week and be able to eat more healthy things. I dont think a week will set you back too much.
  2. i had lasik done in 2004 and i have no regrets about it. I did have to put the drops for dry eyes in for about 2 months after the surgery but my eyes do get dry normally anyway.
  3. I would either hire an outside WC or find another resort. These problems will most likely be there during the whole planning process and do you really want to be stressed out about this the whole time?
  4. good thread... fsil is how i met Derek so we are very close friends. fmil I love and talk to all the time. ffil is very nice but we dont talk as much as the others. it's sometimes awkward if we are alone but not in a negative way just we dont have much to talk about. So i love all my fils but the one thing that sometimes bugs me about dereks fam is they are so much into each others business. they tell each other everything and they argue with each other. that being said im used to my family that hardly ever argues with each other (well my immediate family, my mom hates my dad's mom) and my immediate family also doesnt get so involved in each others business. Like example, when i wanted a 2nd dog all of d's family told him that we are crazy and than went through a long list of reasons not to get a second dog. And they kept telling us this reasons frequently until we finally got our 2nd dog that they love. Now my parents did tell us we are crazy but to do whatever we want. That wasnt a big deal thing but you get the idea.
  5. Thanks Steph. How exciting your getting your fitting today. take pics!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Danielle your dress is gorgeous.. and you look fabulous in it!! Awww Thanks Lisa Quote: Originally Posted by sdnative222 I have a "pre-wedding information" letter that I've sent out in the mail this week and a "thank you for coming to Maui" letter that I'll include in the welcome bags in Maui. The welcome letter just says, "thank you for making the long trip to Maui to share this special time with us" Here's a pic of the pre-wedding that I printed on vellum paper and cut down and pasted to lavender paper. Great letter. I also did a packing brochure and called it "Packing for Paradise" Great minds think alike! Quote: Originally Posted by EricaG I got the cake topper from ebay. It will look great on the cake if we end up having the beach reception since it won't start until 6:30-ish. My Mom has started making my TTD dress, and it started off with the intent to make it look like my actual wedding dress, but now it is going to be totally different. I can't wait for it to be done. Danielle - You look great in your dress. I am so glad to see pics of it. There were a few times that I have had similar thoughts, but then as soon as I try it on or start looking at other dresses, I remember why I love it so much. I got our Hepatitis vaccines the other day, and I gave them to all of us. Yup, that's right....I even poked myself. My Mom is a nurse too and doesn't think she could poke herself. I was pretty impressed with myself, as it didn't hurt at all!!! LMAO!!! Everyone has great welcome letters. I still have to finish our welcome books, but I am waiting for a few more pics, and making sure that there are no more surprise guests coming. I just found out that if my Aunt & Uncles trip to Mexico falls through, they are coming to the wedding. Dam Erica people keep adding on to your group. I cant believe more people keep coming when you are so close to the date. the more the merrier. glad you like my dress. I cant wait to see your TTD. I wasnt going to get a Hepatitis shot because it's not required in the US. Do you think i should? Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Thanks for the compliments on the brochure! I have been told several times the past few weeks that I am very detail oriented. My MOH asked me yesterday after I told her I want us to "Wig-Out" for my Bach party; She was like, "Where do you come up with all of this stuff??" I told her - Oh my friends on BDW! We were on the phone and I swear, I could hear her shaking her head! LOL! Okay - so I go tomorrow to pick up my dress. I am SO EXCITED!! It will be the first time I've had it on where it actually fits. I am going to try to get some pics with my old camera so FI doesn't see it. If all goes well, I'll be dropping the bag in the mail to Tara. I plan on packing OOT bag stuff this weekend and dying my hair. FI and I went to the video store last night and I rented "Made of Honor" to get me a little in the mood! haha! OKAY - I forgot to tell you, one of my BM's told me that she went to someone's house and they had this basket with towels in it and it had all of these starfish on it. She said they were white but had little rhinestones all over them! Of course I fell in love with the idea so now I think I am going to accessorize all of my baskets for my AHR with these lovely starfish that I can glue little rhinestone thingeys on. Doesn't that sound great?? You should definately do a Wig out party they look like so much fun from other girls pics. How was "Made of Honor"? i have to rent it to get me in the mood too. How exciting your picking up your dress!!! and the basket sounds beautiful perfect for the DW.
  7. Thanks girls for the dress comments. I've been working on my welcome booklets for 2 days now and the end is in sight. I think i went a little overboard it's more of a book than a booklet. Think i'm gonna have to consolidate it a little bit better.
  8. Forget the effing bitch even exists. Enjoy yourself and remember that she is out numbered. Dont for one second let her get to you. I am soooooo excited for you to be leaving and getting hitched!
  9. Amy you should get some Noxema for your butt. It will take the sting out. I've been going up and down with my dress. First I love it than i don't like it on me. It's like a rollercoaster. And when i posted the pic yesterday i was having a "the dress doesnt look good on me moment". I'm glad you girls like it that makes me feel better.
  10. How pretty. Kittens are so sweet and soft. I love the names you game them.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by syl1115 Here is the kicker, if I don't put in an application and go through the interview process, I am not eligible for the transition package which is 21 weeks of pay. If I find another position with my existing company or any other company, I do not receive transition. If the new company makes me an offer up to 10% less than my current salary and I refuse the offer, I don't get transition. If they do make me an offer at 10% less than my current salary I will start working for a company that sucks! I will not retain any seniority, I will be starting out with no vacation, 1 sick day for every 73 days worked, horrible medical benefits and 6 holidays. I currently have 20 vacations, 5 sick days, 3 personal days and my birthday off. Not to mention 7 paid holidays. The new company is offering a bonus for anyone they hire if they stayed employed there for 1 year. WTF? Is the company that bad that they don't expect us to stay for a year? I think the plan is to put one of their employees in with ours so they can learn everything then they will terminate us after the first year. The transition package will then be based on our 1 year with the new company. That's a bs deal. The company seems shady to me. I'm really sorry. I hope you find something a lot better out there.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren who's high pitch? lol LMAO I'm gonna have that crank call in my head all day now
  13. I missed the last show. I'll have to watch it online. When A was on Ellen she said she was told by one of JB's friends that he and LC hooked up. And when A found out she confided to Heidi who than told spencer. Spencer spread the rumor. And A said that She tried to call LC about it but LC just hung up on her. And A is upset that LC choose to go to the tabloids instead of talking to her about the situation. It sounded like A pretty much believed that LC and JB hooked up because they would always flirt with each other (that obviously was not part of the show because they look like they didnt even say hi to each other). I'm kinda feeling like A is being fake about this whole situation. Or the whole thing is some fake story line to spice things up since the Hills hasnt been that good this year
  14. That site is great thanks for reminding me. I started to gather songs for my reception playlist and weddingwire will definately help me out
  15. Here's a pic of my dress, ignore the puss on my face. It's on a little loose we have to pull the lace a little tighter but you get the general idea
  16. Audrinna went on Ellen and talked about LC and Justin check out this clip on Perez Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton Blog Archive Audrina Finally Speaks Out! Lauren Will NOT Be Happy!!!!
  17. I definately would go with the Felicity. And like you just said you could always get the Katie bangs later
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