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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt OMG! Me too! So since you are a Bruce fan, I have to tell you a pretty funny story. About 5 years ago I was my friends date to a wedding in a town about 3 hours from us. I didn't know a single soul, aside from my friend. We went to the ceremony and there was a pretty decent lapse in time between the ceremony and the reception at the VFW. Being from out of town and not having a place to go, naturally we went to the VFW early to get some drinks. Turns out the bartender was very friendly and let us drink for free until the reception started. Then the reception had free beer. Ok you get the picture. Lots of beer. After the necessary first dances my friend and I get onto the dance floor and befriend the DJ. Fast forward an hour or so. And I've got the DJ playing song after song of Bruce. Meanwhile I have his MIC and am running around the reception dragging these random people on to the dance floor so they can sing Bruce with me. I ended up getting a pretty good group! Ha! He played Glory Days... hm... at least 3 times! And I sang, very loudly and badly to each and every one.... in the microphone none the less Ha, I was definitely "that girl" at that wedding!! Man, it was a good time! lmao. That's a great story. Did ya make the wedding video? if ya did we need a copy of that. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE OMG Danielle - my TA just called and asked if we wanted him to mail our docs or if we wanted to pick them up. I said - drop those babies in the mail! Mexico - here we come!!!!! I picked our group's up yesterday. Yayy one step closer to our destinations!
  2. I'm doing the legal in PC. I chickened out on the legal at home because i didnt want certain people to find out meaning my grandparents. My parents would probably understand the it's the paperwork and easier explanation but my grandparents would not. I hope your dad comes around.
  3. I love Victoriano he's such a cutie! A ball thrown at your head could do some serious damage
  4. OMG i dont know where to find one but i think that's the best idea EVER!!!! Can i come to your wedding?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Maybe you need to sit him down and explain how important Kitty is to you. Maybe he just doesn't understand that point. But if he does and just doesn't care, I'd start standing up for Kitty and for yourself. I'm also concerned that there is something more fundamental at hand. Like FI can't tolerate sharing your love and affection. If that's the case Kitty is just the object du jour, and if she goes, it's going to be something else that you love and care about... and then something else... and something else until the only thing of any meaning in your life is FI, because he's forced you to abandon friends and family to prove to him that you love him. And that's wrong on EVERY level. Start by talking with him. If he doesn't understand, then I'd really slow down and give this some thought. Good advice. Like Becks said i think you should have a sitdown with him and explain to him how much you care for your cat.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt i'm putting some must have songs on cds and on my ipod. for example, I LOVE bruce springsteen and cannot imagine my wedding with out some Glory Days playing in the background. but other than the must haves, i'm leaving it up to the dj. Bruce is my fav, he's actually my fav, my dad's fav, and my two bros fav. We were brought up on The Boss! Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline omg are you guys super excited, iiiiitssssss gettinggggg cloooseeee ;oP Yeah I'm super excited! Wooohooo I just got a call from my TA that our travel documents are all in i'm going after work to pick them up.
  7. Yes I have. It was in the Riviera Maya at the Aventura Spa Palace. Fi's sister was married there about 2 1/2 yrs ago. I loved it, it was so much fun.
  8. U second the disasterous weekend. I expect a major gain on Wednesday. I am trying to get back on track. I'm leaving for Punta Cana in 3 weeks I cant afford to gain weight now.
  9. These Fiesta Cheese Fondue was to die for. I could of ate that all night with my chocolate with peanut butter swirl fondue. Sooo goood. I'm not bringing receipts for customs. But i'm also not bringing all the oot stuff since i'm giving them out b4 we leave. I'm bringing favors though. God only knows where the receipt is for them! Girls are you all burning cds/or bringing Ipods with you? I feel so pressed for time that i was thinking of just writing down my playlist and not burning the songs to CDS. Is anyone else just making playlists and not bringing the songs? is that a bad idea? Celina those bags sounds great. I'm sorry about your sister. But at least you know now that you tried to reach out to her, you dont have to look back and wonder what if you tried to make things work. I think your life will be healthier with out her in it. I know you'll miss her though.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK Love the pics danielle! I can't believe it's almost time for your wedding! I know i'm so close. Last Saturday was 3 weeks away from the day we leave to go to PC! Quote: Originally Posted by yamille yay! It looks like you had a blast. I wanna go to the melting pot now.. it sounds yummy You should go it was delicious!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Bisha Look like you had a great time! I agree, the Melting pot is great for groups! Every time we went, I would come out with my pants open and unable to breath! LOL Did you go to the one on Cheltenham ave? no it was on Filbert Ave. Is that near cheltenham? I'm the worst with directions and stuff. I knew i was full when we left the Melting Pot but as soon as i sat down in the car I felt like i was going to blow up I was so full! lol
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Tamster808 Even though Kozmo is 26 lbs and Newman is 66 lbs and both are 4 years old(yes they are named after Senfield). Please tell me that you call Newman like Jerry. lol i dont think i can say Newman and not say like that.
  13. Such cute dogs and kitties everyone. this thread always makes me smile
  14. Havent test packed yet. Tonight i'm going to cut the programs and menus. Hopefully get them all put together b4 fi gets home from work. He's such a micro-manager, i cant do wedding projects near him he'll drive me nuts! Then i think i'll put the labels on the tags for my oot bags. I'm hoping to get the oot bags put together by next Monday so i can hand them out next week sometime.
  15. I fell asleep before the benchs cleared last night. anyone see it? This series is getting nasty! Go phils!
  16. Personally if my fi told me i had to get rid of either one of my animals, i'd tell him to hit the road. And i would never let him treat them badly. They are like my kids. I wouldnt marry someone who would make me give up something so close to me or be so hurtful to something i love. That being said, my fi isnt like that and i'm sure your in a horrible position. My sis used to volunteer for a cat rescue and it's very important that you dont take your cat to a shelter because cats are very hard to adopt out and get put to sleep because there are so many of them that dont have homes. I would look to find a good home for her.
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