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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. oooohhhh i didnt see these. they came out great. i cant believe you did them yourself. great job
  2. Tara a see through dress will just make your TTD hotter like Michelle said it's supposed to be Sexy! I'm so excited for you. Cant believe your leaving 2morrow. Are you at work today? are you all packed?
  3. awww what a sweet fi you have... his main concern is that you be there... that's the sweetest thing i've ever heard. Wow what a guilt trip she's trying to pull. How dare you plan a wedding the way you guys want it and not take her needs into consideration! Give me a break, i hope she grows up shes really immature. I hope she wakes up and realizes that this is what her son and his future wife wants so she should be there for you guys
  4. OMG Debs they didnt speak english in a foreign country, they spoke their own language. - what a stunod that complained about that. some people are ridiculous!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Jen5372 I went and saw Artie in Detroit last September (07) and he was with the usuals....Sal, jim, and JD was there. How the hell does JD even have a job? he cant even speak a sentence! that's exactly why JD does have a job because he cant make a sentence. its hysterical! Quote: Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ I have a funny HS story to share... Maybe like a year ago or a little less my FI was on Myspace and found Elliot Offen's page! That guy is for real crazy...not just on the show crazy. So, we were checking out his pictures and noticed he had a pic of Gary and his son. I thought that was really strange as first of all he's crazy, and second Gary's son is a minor. This was during the time Elliot had hit and killed a woman and also went nuts on the show and they were considering banning him for safety reasons. I told my FI we should really send in a comment to the show and let someone know. If I were Gary I would want that picture the heck off his website. My FI was like don't email them. They will never see it, blah blah blah. I've never been a caller or emailer to the show but decided to go for it. I used a link on their website and sent an email. To my surprise not even a few hours later I had a response! And guess who it was from....JD! HA! The story gets better. He got my email, took my address, plugged it into Myspace and found my page. He then proceeded to hit on me and tell me I was "cute" and said "i'm shameless, I know LOL". HAHAHA! I was dying laughing and also flattered. I showed FI and he thought it was hilarious! I think JD does have a little game in him after all ! Did you all ever see the videos people made for the Howard Stern Film Festival? One of them was a guy who tricked JD into thinking he was a girl and eventually having online webcam "sex". In the end he revealed his man parts on webcam to JD and you see JD log off quickly! So funny! Anyway, I can see how it would be totally easy to lure JD into a funny scam like that! I thought fellow fans of the show would get a kick out of this Quote: Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ Lauren - I bet if your sister contacted JD through Myspace he would totally respond! What a player! The craptacular is so gross! High Pitch is annoying. Did you all like Tracy Morgan today? He's hilarious and so over the top! When he said discharge crust I almost puked! Great JD story who would of thought he was a player or at least trying to be. i didnt hear the tracy morgan yet. i put on the west coast feed. of course theres a client here right now so i'm missing the show. Darn customers taking up my stern time!
  6. Tara a lot of people forget to RSVP. maybe you should just give them a quick call or email to remind them the rsvp date has passed and you need to get a head count. and for your aunt and cousin that got the time share, they probably didnt think that through at all. And they really should of checked with you before making that decision. some resorts have rules about having a certain amount of people stay there for weddings like the rui you need 80% of the guests to stay at the resort, even though your paying a day pass fee. But they probably didnt know about any of that, that's why they should of checked with the bride first. and your grandfather should be happy that your having the wedding you dreamed of. Dont let him get you down. Its your wedding so you need to be happy with everything because you'll remember this day for the rest of your life and you want to look back on it as one of the happiest if not the happiest days you've ever had. i really hope your family starts to support you more. keep your head up
  7. yayyya you posted it. i'm saving this puppy for when i get back.
  8. You look so pretty. great idea your sis had to buy your a hair pin you can pass down. And booo to your bms.
  9. sorry tara i dont have a silk dress and i would of never thought about it being see through. could you wear a slip under it if the TTD? i guess that wouldnt look right
  10. What a great shower. the venue is adorable. I cant believe your mom made that cake it's perfect and i love the cupcakes you made. your cousin is lucky to have you guys.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl I heard a funny costume idea on sirius cosmo radio the other morning. A girl called in and said she was going as "the walk of shame". She was wearing a button down mens shirt, mens boxer shorts rolled up, cute high heels, pretty earrings, makeup fully done, and hair all messed up. I thought it would be really funny and easy to do! It is original. thats a great costume lol
  12. that's why bdw is so great. it got me through so many rough patches during the planning process
  13. my wedding is in a week well 9 days but whose counting and i hadnt given it much thought until i read your post. No one has called or emailed to find wish me luck. I really hope some of my friends and family unless call me by the wedding.
  14. He's so adorable helping you with oot bags
  15. Amanda that is so sweet a bunch of guys throwing you a shower.
  16. I remember Halloween a couple of years ago was really warm here. i was wearing a short costume and didnt need a jacket. this year is going to be a chilly one
  17. I'm sorry Sam. You and your fi have to decide what is best for you. Dont worry about making your mom happy, fmil, stepmom, etc. that's too much for any person and you'll only stress yourself out more. And you poor thing trying to help everyone with travel arrangements, that is way too much for you to deal with. And what fsmil said was WAY effed up and out of line. What a hurtful woman. Can you cancel the $10,000 minimum and do something smaller or hold off a few months to see how many people book?
  18. i havent seen any custom floaties but that's a great idea.
  19. crazy! R you in north jersey? we just have rain here. i'm in south jersey about 5 minutes from philly.
  20. dont worry about the number of the size. wedding dress sizes are a joke, not true to size at all. So dont let it bother you. But if you are planning to lose some weight i would start working out now and go back to look at dresses in a couple of months. I know when i start to lose weight i feel a lot more comfortable trying on clothes.
  21. they are time consuming and honestly i dont think we saved that much $ by diy. after the face i definately would of just ordered them. i would get quotes from Sarah and Anagarcia on the forum. they have their own businesses. i got a quote from Sarah and it was very reasonable. here's her site Sproullie Designs | Custom Photobooks, Invitations and more! i dont know what ana's site is but i'm sure you can search for her on here.
  22. dont worry i'm sure everything is fine. i hadnt had much contact with my wc until last week. i'm getting married on the 6th.
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