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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. it took me 4 tries to get into this thread but it was sooo worth it to see your beautiful dress. are those crystal beads on it? Very pretty!
  2. hey november girls. i'm back. since the forum is going through some maintenance, ive been having a hard time posting. it keeps getting stuck on me. What's everyone up to? erica how was the shower?
  3. i got magnets with our logos and the calendar made on Vista Print. they were free i just paid for shipping.
  4. We got back late Monday night and yesterday i didnt move from my couch. We had the best time. The wedding was perfect. The resort was gorgeous. Everything was incredible. Best time EVER!!! i'll have my review ready by the end of the weekend but here's some teaser pics to hold you over. My photographer was Severine from PhotoSouvenir. When she posts all the photos on Pictage i'll post a link on here. the judge and Derek's aunt translating The Wedding Party us with our parents the whole group rings and starfish Alyssa let me borrow (thanks alyssa) pics of us
  5. Thanks girls. i'm just about to walk out the door to go to the airport when i come back i wont be a b2b i'll be an official Mrs. I cant wait. bye
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie yay danielle! have fun! ps, i'll let you (and whoever else reads this!) in on a little secret: YOU are the winner for the MothM B2B for October! YAY! i was just about to post a thread! Awwww thats so sweet, its my last month for b2b.
  7. Thanks girls. im just waiting for our ride to get here.
  8. for the airport. I'm really excited! I cant wait to get there. While i was taking my planning pics on Thursday I dropped and broke my camera. But i got it fixed yesterday but i havent had a chance to finish my planning pics yets. But i promise when i get back i will post my planning thread, i've been waiting for months for it to be my turn so im not missing out on it!!! I just want to thank everyone on here for all the support through my mini crisis, help with my planning stuff, and for all the great ideas i would of never thought of on my own. Im so thankful for all you girls and the forum. You've (it's) saved my sanity so many times. Love ya all. I will have a ton of pics (hopefully beautiful wedding pics, i'll be thinking Sexy on my wedding day - thanks for that tip Stacey). And i'll post a review of everything when i get back. Goodluck to all my Nov brides. I cant wait to hear about your special day when i get back Tara, Celina, Stephanie, Lisa, & Michelle (hope i didnt forget anyone) I think i'll be back for all the other Nov brides. I'll be back on Nov 10th. Goodbye for now (a lil eric the midget for all my stern girls) Love yas
  9. Hey girls i'm just checking in been swamped the last 2 days. i leave for the airport in less than 5 hrs and i cant sleep lol I broke my camera while taking my planning pics on Thursday but got it fixed yesterday so when i get back i'll have to do my planning thread. im so glad i got almost everyones email. did anyone get taras? I think i can log into a computer where i'm staying so i'll definately check in. For all the girls that leave when i'm gone Have a great trip and a beautiful wedding. I cant to hear about everyone's special day and see everyones pics. We are all going to be gorgeous on our wedding days!!! i'll definately have a lot of great pics to show you, unless i manage to somehow break my camera again just kidding (knock on wood)! Love ya all, your support has been great i couldnt get through the process without all of you. Bye girls talk to when i get back!
  10. Any other Nov brides want to add their email addresses to try to get in contact quicker/easier when we get back? So far I have: Lisa (Chiquita) [email protected] Michelle (beachbride0 [email protected] Erica (EricaG) [email protected] Celina (SoontobemrsE) [email protected] Stephanie (lucy106) [email protected] Danielle (daniellenderek's)[email protected] are these all right and are there any to add?
  11. fmil should mind her own business, it's your dress. you need to be the one who loves your dress and your fi will love what you love, right? Get what you want.
  12. honestly if i were you i wouldnt go. they should at least congratulate you and the fact only 4 people showed up for your dinner is just awful, and they didnt even treat you. so it wasnt even like a celebration thing, it's like they felt they had to do something so they did as little as they could.
  13. That sucks Jam but it sounds like it's for the best. And i'm proud of you for confronting her now knowing you may be dissappointed. I hope now that's settled, she can still be there for you in other ways for the wedding that arent financially draining for her
  14. i was going to say pm ta maureen, but i see tammy already said that. i do think you made the right decision changing TAs, it be such a pain constantly emailing the TA you dont need that aggravation
  15. i'm not packed yet. i have tomorrow and friday so i'll be doing it than
  16. embarrassing : my grandmother and i mean that in a loving way.
  17. Gorgeous pictures. your reception laua looks like so much fun. i love the dancers.
  18. Ewww. weirdos. OMG and she just turned 16. At the first pic i was thinking who lets their 16 y/o daughter look like that and than i saw her mom. it answered all my questions.
  19. good job erin. i lost a lb but i had gained last week so it wasnt that big of a deal. But i leave on saturday for my wedding so goodluck to all you girls i'll talk to yas in a week and a half
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