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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. Nicole you guys are being very very generous by paying for their airfare. I'm guessing from your join date of June that his family has/had a year to save some money. And if they are going for only a long weekend, and you guys are paying the airfare, they should be able to pay for their stay. I agree with what other girls said, people have the money for things they want to be there for. If it was really important for your fbil to be there for his bro he would find a way to make it. Dont beat yourself up over it.
  2. Sorry Kelly, you'll find a better house. this one just wasnt meant to be
  3. We handed ours out 2 weeks before we left. But everyone lives 10 minutes from us so it was easy. i would hand out whatever you can the night before and like Andrea suggested mail the other ones 2 weeks prior. Or if there isnt too much stuff, bring it with you and hand it out when they arrive at the resort
  4. I would put info like Average weather temps, they accept us dollars, travel tips, maybe a packing list, etc. i did a whole package. i'll see if i can post it on here when i get home.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by KatyKo Your pictures are beautiful! I am using them as well...I can't wait!! Your gonna love their pics Katy, Severine did a great job! We are the most unphotogenic couple ever and her pics are so great I'm having a hard time narrowing down my choices for the photo album. Never thought i'd have that problem!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka What a gorgeous venue! You looked amazing - a little different than your siggy or avatar Did you color your hair for the wedding? Your dress fit like a glove and I really enjoyed looking through your photos. Makes me want to go to DR!!!! Were you able to do a TTD session to? I couldnt talk dh into doing a TTD. I honestly dont think he understood the concept. i should of showed him some pics on here and maybe he would of got it. Plus he hates getting his picture taken, i dont really like it either. But TTD are some of my fav pics so i would of given it a try. i think it was only another $200 to have a TTD session, and you got 30 prints and a CD of all the pics taken. i thought that was really good deal. Darn i wish i tried hard to talk dh into it. My hair got really light from all the tanning plus i got some more highlights done at my last hair appointment before the hairdresser. you should def go to the DR. I loved it there. i loved mexico too. i'm not sure where i want to go next! Quote: Originally Posted by weddingchick Great photos Danielle! I guess you must have had a fantastic DJ since it seems that EVERYONE was dancing! Congratulations! the DJ was very good. i gave him a playlist but he played some stuff on his own too. i was a little dissappointed that one of my friends wouldnt even dance. we would always dance when we'd go out but she thought she was "too fat" to dance at my wedding. I was like WTF!!! So my parents, my bro, dereks parents, and his aunts all danced with me. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i don't know if you were just sweaty, haha, but your skin looks positively GLOWING, dewy and radiant! you look beautiful! love that the photographer caught you looking at your ring. haha i think it was just sweat!!! But thanks!!! ive been catching myself looking at my ring now that i'm home all the time. its fun!
  7. i like your hair in the rm pic too. really cute. I just got back from my wedding. Originally when i was planning my wedding, i wanted to wear my hair down (i hate wearing my hair up!) with just a flower pinned on the side by my ear. But then i finally chose a style that's half up and half down, i had a few pieces down by my face. I was married on the beach and thank god i didnt go with the all down style. it was just a little windy and even with just that one piece down it was a PITA. Not too bad but if i had all my hair down it would of been blowing all over the place and taking pics would of been horrible. So i would go with either half up/half down with most of your hair out of your face or all up. And i do really like the rm hair i think that would look great with your dress.
  8. I would do it! you may never have this chance again. Your family can come visit you or you can visit them. I think island living for a year would be sweet. And a year will go by so fast.
  9. I think thats the one dh really liked for the canvas too. We didnt want anything with us close up, i would feel weird with that hanging up in our living room. So one like 189 would be perfect.
  10. I would retake them. I know your dh hates having his pic taken. I would tell him how much it means to you to have pics that you can hand down to your kids or show your kids one day. Maybe this can be his xmas present to you.
  11. Oh and we have to pick one for a canvas painting. i was thinking one like 189 where it's not a close up and you can see the background really good. let me know what you girls think we should use
  12. oh good glad they are working! thanks girls! I have to narrow the pics down to 60-70 favorites for our dvd slideshow and for the wedding photo album. We are having a hard time so make sure you tell me your favs. i'm gonna go check out #189 now Andrea
  13. I would do Sunday as a Welcome Dinner. Everyone can meet each other. Plus Monday night your head will be spinning with everything you have to do the next day. I just got back from my wedding and we did a welcome dinner two nights before the wedding. Everyone got along really wells so we all stayed out for a few hrs later, the welcome dinner was about 3 hrs long itself. The night before the wedding we had dinner with some friends that had just arrived that day but as soon as dinner was over, fi and i wanted some alone time. We really didnt even want to go to dinner with the group of friends, but we kind of felt obligated since they just arrived. So if i were you i wouldnt plan anything the night before the wedding. Maybe if you feel up to it that day just meet some close friends or family for a small dinner.
  14. It should work now. i had to release it. Duh! i'm such a dummy!
  15. Congratulations. i love your new siggy pic. Great review. i'm off to go look at more of your photos
  16. Sorry the resort didnt meet expectations. i think they could of been a little more accomadating with your group. I know how dissapointed you were about not having an upgraded room, i'm glad they are trying to make up for it by giving you a free week, that's pretty sweet. And how cool that you got to release baby turtles.
  17. Great pics. the photog for $200 is a great steal. Glad everything went well. congratulations!
  18. Great TTD pics. I really wish i could of talked dh into doing this, he just didnt get it. i should of showed him some pics. TTD are always some of my fav pics. i saw some of your wedding pics on the blog too. i love your hair, 2 1/2 hrs was totally worth it. he did great. you look stunning!
  19. Tara great review! Everything sounds wonderful. Every review i hear about LC is great, i need to go to a wedding there sounds like a ton of fun. your setup was beautiful
  20. Severine from Photosouvenir just posted my pics on pictage. check them out ..:: Pictage | Registration ::..
  21. i hope your nanny's surgery goes good. my vacay/wedding was awesome! perfect. Had a great time
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