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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. BTW Carla my grandparents thought i was crazy for having a DW they didnt understand why i would want to go away and not get married at home. Well we just got back from the wedding and my granparents thanked us countless times for having a DW because they had the best time and it was the best vacay they ever had. They want to go back and got a whole bunch of pamphlets from the resort to give to other friends and family that didnt go. I wouldnt be surprised that if your mom is against it now but likes it the most when she gets there.
  2. Brugal rum was the one our bartender told us was the best. Here's it on wikipedia Brugal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  3. rum is Dominican. let me look up i cant think of the brand names they have. i'll get back to ya
  4. I'm sorry that sucks. I hope he finds something better real soon.
  5. Great pics. I cant wait to see the ceremony ones. You look beautiful i love your hair.
  6. I can understand that your mom is dissappointed that you arent getting married in a church but she needs to get over it because that's not what will make you and your fi happy. And in the end, that's most important. I think your mom is just being difficult about the photographer because your not having the wedding she dreamt you would have, there's just no way she could not like the photographers work. her pics are stunning. I think you should have a sit down with your mom let her know how important it is that you have the wedding of your dreams and you want her to be there through the planning process but her being negative is making you upset. She should be happy your happy.
  7. My wedding went great. Vivianna was really sweet and you could tell she genuinely cares about you having your dream wedding. I started writing my review yesterday and will post it this weekend. Right now it's almost 6 pages long. I went a little overboard because there are hardly any ppr brides on here so i wanted to give them a lot of detail. I think i'll do a resort review too. I absolutely loved it.
  8. I just got back from my wedding at the PPR. We had dereks' aunt to the translation and she doesnt speak a lick of spanish. It's really easy. The WC at the resort gave her a piece of paper that had about 5 small paragraphs on it. During the ceremony the judge says a paragraph in spanish and than passed the mic to dereks aunt and she read a paragraph and passed the mic back to the judge and they did that back and forth. the ceremony was only 15minutes long. It went perfectly, you could have the wc or her assistant do the translation.
  9. Ange how cool that your using Severine like your fmil, your gonna love her too.
  10. Wow your stuff is incredible. I really love the blue you used. I think i told you this before but your dress is absolutely beautiful, it fits you perfectly. Great choice and dam you saved a lot of $!!! Your oot bags are great and so is everything in them. I love the pics you used on the postcards. Everything rocks!
  11. cute names. Mocha was one of the choices we had for Button's name. And i love Ava too. They are so tiny and precious. I remember when my dog was that tiny. Sooo cute! Have fun with them and enjoy the puppy breath!
  12. How cute your dh found your witnesses and pleaded your case, I love that. Congratulations on legal day!
  13. Lisa I'm so happy for you. I got a little teary eyed looking at your pics because you went through so much and i was so happy to see how perfect everything looked. You looked absolutely gorgeous, your dress, hair, and makeup were perfect. All the flowers in your hair, bouquet, leis were all beautiful. The beach and reception venue were stunning. There were so many great pics some of my favs were 150, 203, 414, 416,423, 465, 486, 503 & 516. I basically loved them all lol. The young girls in their hawaiian dress were super cute! What a great group you had. Congratulations again!
  14. Black Friday used to be my favorite holiday every year. I'm hoping to have money to go out this Black Friday. If not i'll be decorating for xmas.
  15. Thanks everyone. We finally narrowed down the pic choices for the album and slideshow. And we decided to do a pic that shows us better for the canvas. I looked at some of sils pics that are blown up and i think the canvas isnt as big as i thought. Derek wants to order the 189 pic in a larger canvas. I'm waiting to see how the first one comes out to decide if we want another one. Plus i have to figure out where we will put them.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by EricaG Danielle, those pics turned out great!!! I am so excited to have Severine so our photos in 15 days!!! It is too bad that you weren't able to convince Derek to do a TTD. I didn't really give Larry an option LOL, I just told him that we were doing it and showed him a few pics so he would understand a bit better. You looked abosolutely gorgeous in all the pics, and everything looked so beautiful! Were the fire dancers from your resort? Or are they from Punta Cana? I'm so glad you have Severine too. She was awesome! I cant wait to see your TTD pics although part of me will be a lil jealous I didnt do TTD. I hired the fire dancers through the resort WC. I'm not sure what the company is they use, the resort has a fire dancer show once a week. They did great all the guests loved them.
  17. Welcome to the forum. I just got married in Punta Cana and it's a great place! Loved it and i hope you will too. Goodluck with your planning!
  18. We did about 16 bags and spent about $600 because i dont know when to say when!
  19. Amy I picked my dress up the morning before we left and i didnt look at it until right before we left for the airport, i'm horrible too! But it was okay. How was Madonna? Did she play a lot of old songs? Erica i'm sorry that your nanny isnt doing so well. Have fun at NKOTB, i really wish i was going with you. i'm dying to go to see them. I still have to post my planning thread. Maybe i'll do it tonight when dh goes to bed early. Welcome home and congratulations to Steph and Michelle. And you too Tara I dont think i said that to you yet. Congrats on becoming Mrs's. Isnt weird saying husband, especially on the forum I'm so used to typing fi and i now have to go back and fix it to dh. I have to get back to work. But i'm going to search the forums later today to look for your pics Michelle and everything i've missed in the last couple of days.
  20. i hope you find something Jess. Have a nice trip if i dont talk to ya
  21. oh those are going to be really pretty, especially in the light. ab is so pretty in the light when its all sparkley.
  22. oh nicole i wanted to add, i wouldnt change your plans to accomadate people. You should do what makes you and your fi happy. if dreams is where you want to be married at i would stick with dreams. Chances are if you picked a resort that was cheaper, the same people still wouldnt go.
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