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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. I wouldnt invite people that arent invited to the wedding but i'm not in your situation. I did have people that were invited but couldnt make it to the wedding that did come to the shower. I think if your friends decided to throw you a shower that would be cool. Maybe they'll do that. Or a bachlorette party with them or you can plan to have a lunch/brunch with them.
  2. I havent shaved my legs since I think Sunday, yeah they are pretty darn hairy right now. Oh well! I confess that i snuck out of my work seminar for an hr yesterday to go shopping at Kohls!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by gossip girl But then he went and got me a personal trainer (I always wanted one). And that was effing expensive. So now I don't know what to do! I know he doesn't expect anything big, but all the things I was going to get, this professional camera, GPS watch, thing to watch movies on his blackberry, 2 new suits, he went and got on Black Friday. So now I have no ideas. Derek does that to me all the time. I hate that. this year i told him i wasnt exchaning gifts with him and when he asked why, i said cause you cant wait till xmas to buy yourself stuff you end up going out to get it in December usually after i already got it, so then i have to tell you what a i got, what's the point i'd rather just give him the money so he can get it for himself. Well he wanted to do xmas exchange so he promised not to buy anything. It's pretty funny last week he called for permission to get thermals for work. I started laughing. For gifts this year we werent going to get anything big just small stuff and a stocking, but now since we won fantasy football we got a little extra to spend for xmas. The only thing i know i'm definately going to get him is a Braun electric razor. he really wants it. i think it's $250 at BBB and i can use my 20% coupon so it works out good.
  4. Great review Jess. I didnt see this before I read the wedding review and asked how the resort was. the suite was beautiful.
  5. I agree with the other girls, no big deal just sent it out with Dominica. If you didnt notice chances are your guests wont either. Guests seem to just glance over invitations, they wont even realize the mistake. And if they do, you just say "that's how you say it in the Dominica Republic"
  6. They came out great, brilliant idea. Your guests had some great pics to use too. So i see one pic of a pug in there, is that your pug?
  7. 70 people didnt show, that's so wrong. I would be fuming too. That's inexcusible
  8. Jess I'm sorry you had a lot of issues at Dreams. I know when i was looking into locations in Punta Cana their wedding cordinators were really hard to get a hold of, I was hoping that things would of gotten better for you but it sounds like they need a lot of work still. I can understand if the wc is overworked there but it sounds like she didnt care. If she's too busy to make sure all your guests make it to the cocktail hour than I'm sure she could of had another staff member do it. How was the actual resort itself? it looks really nice on the website. I'm really glad you liked Severine, she's fantastic. Did you get your pics from her? How did they turn out? Congratulations on your marriage!
  9. Welcome back Jessica. cant wait to hear about your wedding and trip. Tara she'll never live it down. That's definately a story that sticks with ya. hehe
  10. Great pics. Your backyard is beautiful. You guys look so cute togehter.
  11. it was really funny. earlier in the pool she was by the pool bar and walked away saying "im taking a pee lap" well i thought she was swimming over to the steps to get out of the pool to go to the restroom but Oh no i found out that she was peeing in the pool all day and that her pee lap actually consisting of just swimming around the pool while peeing. Nice!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY Yeah and I projectile vomited on my wedding night. It was really romanitc. Oh poor girl. I did the same thing the first night i hooked up with derek about a half hour after our first kiss. lol we still laugh about it today, how his kiss made me puke!
  13. I saw your partying on the youtube vide of your wedding, you still can do it!
  14. good thing they fell out at the jewelry store. better there than somewhere else. Oh and now it's going to be so sparkly. i love when my ring is nice and clean. So pretty
  15. Abbie your superwoman. Have fun at the grocery store, it's brutal this time of year. I had to go twice already this week and derek volunteered to go for me today to get the 2 things i forgot. love that guy!
  16. on the biggest party night of the year I'm staying home and get an early start on cooking for Thanksgiving.
  17. congratulations! Nice an upgraded room. And the housekeeping staff sounds great. I'm glad that the barcelo worked out for you and i think it sounds like you may of lucked out by not having it at Dreams, i cant believe some of the staff didnt remember you. I mean i could see some but everyone you talked to acted like they didnt know you. They could pretend and look you up. Geez! i cant wait to see your pics
  18. Yes you can have the reception on the beach. in my vacay pics there is a pic of them setting up a reception there. unfortunatley it was rained out so i dont have a pic of the setup all finished, just of it in process. I think it would of been beautiful on the beach too.
  19. great pictures tara. Im laughing about the comment regarding you holding your bouquet so high. my sil told me right before i walk down the isle make sure you hold your bouquet down and keep it down for the ceremony. all of her wedding pics had her holding the bouquet real high. So my whole ceremony i kept saying to myself over and over in my head "keep bouquet down keep bouquet down". I wonder what i said I do to? jk
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