Quote: Originally Posted by InspiredBride I woke up needing to confess! I am seriously annoyed with my FI. We are renting a house with his 25 year old brother who JUST moved out of his mom's house for the first time when he moved in with us last March. So our lease is up, and last night I told FI I wanted to discuss our living situation. He says we should give his brother at least another year of living with us, because asking him to move out sooner would cause him too much stress. I told him I would really like it if we could start our married life out WITHOUT his brother, since I'm honestly tired of cleaning up after him (among other things). I said maybe we could comprimise and just ask for a 9 month lease so we could at least have our own place for our first holidays together.
So FI says "I'm going to have to ask my mom what she thinks!"
What!? Seriously?! You have to ask your mom what she thinks about where I should live? He said this is because maybe she'll have an idea about where his brother can live. HE'S 25 YEARS OLD!!!
Okay, so I know I'm probably over reacting and we'll figure something out. But for now I'm just so annoyed! I think your compromise for a 9 month lease was pretty fair. He would have 9 months to find somewhere to live, very doable and that shouldnt be stressful. And why does your fi need to get his mom involved, i hate when my hubby tries to pull that stuff with me. as his parents opinion, i'm like hello i'm your wife and it's our business so I dont care about everyone else's opinion. Maybe it's a guy thing. Like they need their mommies. Couldnt your fi's bro move back in with his mom?
Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 Thanks Kat! Its so nice to have people on my side Although, I haven't talked to anyone who thinks he's right. Everyone thinks its ridiculous we're not living together. Its so embarrassing telling people. And my parents want to know wtf is going on. I was supposed to go to dinner with my MIL tonight, but had to cancel. I was so depressed I'd be terrible company. So, while I was on the phone cancelling dinner I broke down and was sobbing. She's great and totally understands where I'm coming from, but I hate making her the middle-man. Its not fair to anyone to do that. She agrees that DH is being ridiculous tho. So, here's what I think I'm going to do. I'm going to call the mortgage lady Monday morning to get a new pre-approval. I have all the info. Then I'm going to call the RE agent and go back to see the condo one more time to check out all the little things that may need to be fixed. He doesn't need to come. Then I'm telling him to sign the 1% deposit check and sign the offer.
He called me tonight and tried to pull the I'm so busy at work all day while the lady at the bank is at work, so I don't have any time to call her or get anything done. Yeah right, so you mean to tell me that during your oh so busy day at work you don't call my brother 4 times a day, talk to the owner of your racecar to make stupid racing plans and talk to your two friends who's a$$es you are up? HA. Fat chance buddy. He's full of excuses and I'm out of patience. Good i think you need to take things into your own hands as much as you can. But i think he really needs to make the time to find a place to live with his wife. And i'm right there with Kat if you need someone else to kick him in the ass to get him moving.
How long have you guys been looking for a place?