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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. There's a lot of Punta Cana brides. Yayy. I'm just checking to see if there's more Palma Real brides that i can relive my wedding through.
  2. Congratulations on making it legal.
  3. Welcome to the forum and congratulations. I got married in Punta Cana but a different resort. It takes awhile for the WC to get back to you sometimes, that's pretty normal with a dw. the average response time ranges from 1 to 3 days. goodluck with your planning.
  4. the pics were great. I love the blu steel pic and the pics of just your legs with the ice skates was so precious.
  5. You guys take great pics. those all look great. And your dress is gorgeous by the way, is that the one you wore for your wedding too or did you buy a different TTD?
  6. Awww he proposed again that's really sweet. what a good man you have.
  7. Erin i've had messages like that too. i've noticed them over the past few days. i've gotten them when i went to buy gifts, check pms, and check unread threads.
  8. that was great. You guys look so cute together all making out. how funny were you counting the seconds of the kiss. the fireworks shot above you guys looked so awesome. Love the video.
  9. Congratulations. I got married in Punta Cana and i loved it there. I hope you love it too. Goodluck with everything.
  10. Erica i'm glad you have a friend close by that can help you out but you know we are all here to support you. Keep us posted on your situation. I'll be thinking about you.
  11. Erica I'm very sorry about what your going through. But i know your strong and are doin what is right for your children. If you need to talk or vent please let me know.
  12. this is an easy one for me. My aunt that I NEVER talk to and am not close with at all. Decides to set me up on a blind date. I tried to get out of it but she started to bug my dad about it and my dad asked me just to go and if i dont like him fine at least i went. So my aunt tells me how this guy is really really handsome and how he made a ton of money (which i didnt really care about but i guess its better than him not working right?). So apparently i must of went to high school with this guy but he was a few years older than me. My high school was really big so i had no idea who he was but apparently he looked me up in the year book and knew who i was. He called me a few days before the date and all he talked about on the phone was HIM and how much money he makes. I mean he talked about his money for like an hour. I knew the date was going to suck after that conversation so the night before i went out with my friends and got totally hammered and didnt get home till 3am and got no sleep. So the night of the date i was completely hung over like going to hurl if i ate anything. Anyways when he picks me up I'm shocked because the guy is about an inch shorter than me (and i'm only 5'4) and only weighs about 20lbs more than me (and at the time i was very thin). And no his face wasnt cute. I was like WTF was my aunt thinking, he's puney as all heck and not even cute too boot. Well his car is a total clucker (which i was okay with) until we go to the bridge toll when he has to open his door to pay the toll because his window wont roll down. So mr. loaded cant even pay to get his window fixed for his car. He took me to a phillies game and he proceeds to ask me if i'm from California because i look like a California girl. Which i thought was weird thing to say but whatever. So the whole game we barely have anything to say to each other. It felt like the longest game in history. And finally he gets a call from a coworker and says to his worker "i'm on a date with my future wife" I'm like what date are you on. We barely have anything to say. Oh and he was so obnoxious and conceited and i for the life of me couldnt figure out what he had to be conceited about. I even went to the bathroom because i was at the point i was going to call someone to pick me up. I know thats messed up but he was so obnoxious i couldnt take it anymore. But unfortunately he followed me to the bathroom everytime i went and waited outside for me (which was actually very polite of him but i wanted to sneak out). So after the game i asked if he could take me striaght home because i felt really sick since i was out the night before. He didnt get the car to a full stop in front of my house when i opened my car door and ran to my front door and yelled "Thanks". that was the worse date Ever. I dont know what my aunt was thinking but she doesnt really know me so i dont know why she thought she would know what kind of guy i would like.
  13. Congratulations Shea Jada is beautiful!!!
  14. I used a photog that lived in Punta Cana and loved her. She was Severine from photosouvenir. here's their site Photosouvenir Punta Cana, Wedding Photographer Dominican Republic A couple of girls on the forum have used them and loved them.
  15. That's something i would do. Well at least it's just shipping. And you have plenty of time before your wedding. I'm sure you'll make sure you proof everything very carefully from now on.
  16. Congratulations that's great news. Your going to have so much fun being an aunt. Make sure you posts pics of her so we can see her.
  17. if you cant get them from that site, i bought rafts from this site and i'm sure they would have snorkel stuff too Pool Rafts & Pool Floats - ToySplash Inflatable Pool Rafts & Toys
  18. Congratulations. Punta Cana was gorgeous. Goodluck with everything.
  19. I think all inclusives are great because you really do get your moneys worth. It really depends on your all inclusive. Most usually have at least one bar like the lobby bar open all day. The pool bars are usually just open during pool hours. Some have restaurants that have dress codes (closed shoes, long pants, etc). Some require you to make reservations for dinner at the restaurants other ai's you can just go to the restaurant without a reservation. Some ai's limit how many times you can eat dinner at an a la carte restaurant during your stay. For breakfast the ones i stayed at all had buffets. Lunch would be a buffet, some of the ai's also had a little beach grill to eat at too (burgers, hotdogs, that kind of thing). Dinner they usually have buffets and a la cart restaurants. You can go on tripadvisor or expedia and look at each resort your interested in usually in the description it will tell you the hotel policies on dinner reservations, activities, what time bars are open, etc.
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