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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. the new Hills is starting soon YES!, does anyone know when? Last season was alright I hope this season is better. Ive never watched the City. Maybe one weekend when they have a marathon of it i'll try to watch it. I do like Whitney but i thought it might be kinda boring because she kinda was on the Hills (no offense to Whitney, she was just drama free)
  2. I'd be interested to hear what another WC would say. I wonder if some typically do two weddings in one day. I would think since your wedding is first she would be with you so i wouldnt worry about her not being around. If i was the 2nd wedding than i would be worried.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Rhonda My FI is also trying to find a song for him and his mom. One of our friend's danced with his mom to "In my Life" by the Beatles and I thought it was so sweet...I actually might use that one for my father/daughter dance...but, maybe your FI would like that.. I was going to suggest that Beatles' song that's what i danced to with my dad. dh danced to the Boys II Men song "A Song for Mama" and it was really really long.
  4. i also agree with Yari's approach. You have enough on your plate this is the last thing you need to be worried about.
  5. Hi Jess. I got married at the Palma Real but i think some of the info i have might have the PPC info on there too. Did you see the romance department's website Caribbean Resorts for Romance - Romance by Paradisus I think they have all the packages for the resorts on there.
  6. you should do an advanced search with bridesmaid as a keyword in thread title. i'm sure a bunch of stuff will come up.
  7. Here's the photobook idea, so cute... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t34894
  8. Candice someone just did photobooks for each one of their girls on the forum. I forget who did them but they were really cute. Each book had pics of the fun times they had together and there was a poem through out the book and at the end it asked will you be my bridesmaid? it was something like that. i can try to search for it. It was so sweet. Than i've seen cookies you can be maid to ask your girls with I think Jess had them done.
  9. Congratulations. I know you are nervous right now but once you calm down and it sinks in you'll figure everything out. And dont worry about the coffe and i'm sure the sushi is okay just dont have it again. Now take a deep breath. Did you tell your fi yet?
  10. I can understand that the dad is worried about his son. But it sounds like he is trying to blame you for Larry's problems. And you dont know what Larry has told him about the situation. He may of made it ought to be you overreacting to him drinking which was not the case at all. If the father was there that night when everything went down I'm sure he would understand why his son is in remand. Try not to let his reaction upset you.
  11. Ugh I hate those kinds of situations. Normally I would say it's her vacation too she can take whomever she wants but he doesnt have to be invited to your wedding day events (or other wedding activities during the trip). but than in the back of my head all i can think is that he'll be hitting on other chicks at the resort. What resort are you staying at? hopefully its mostly couples so he will stick with your bff. And hopefully its big enough where you dont have to see him the whole time. I think you should have a talk with her and let her know you still dont like her bf from back in the day and you really dont want him at your wedding. Let her know that you love her and really want her to go but you would prefer if she left the bf you dont like at home so she can enjoy herself with you and your other girlfriends.
  12. It does take them a while to email you back. has it been a week? It made me nervous at first but honestly they were just busy and the pics were worth the wait. I loved mine.
  13. Andrea did you think about doing a TTD session here at home? so you can get some good pro pics of you guys together. I thought the pics that were on facebook of you two were beautiful. were they the friend you are talking about?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I might have to resort to using hot sauce to make her stop, even though it feels mean. That might be what it takes to make her learn. Quote: What about that stuff called Bitter Apple, I remember my mom using that stuff to stop chewing. it doesn't smell bad but to dogs it tastes just horrible! If Izzy is like my one dog Camo was, neither hot sauce nor bitter apple spray worked. I didnt use much hot sauce because i didnt want to hurt him but he ended up liking the taste of the hot sauce anyway. He was a serious bugger. the bitter apple spray worked for a little while but than it didnt bother him from chewing up stuff that he really wanted. I just had to Camo-proof the house. And when i wasnt home I crated him. Of course i never left him for more than 4-5 hrs in there (i live near work so i can let him out). I know you Mike doesnt like crating but really that's the only way i could get him not to chew everything. And than when i was home I made sure he was occupied. I took him on long walks after i was done work to wear him out a little (he litterally could run around for 10 hours straight and not be tired). I also took him to doggy day care twice a week for 4 months. That actually worked good because the day after doggy day care he was so beat from playing the day before he was calm. I'm sure she'll grow out of it and she probably makes up for her bad habits with lots of puppy love. She's probably still teething. he did after he was teething too but about 3 months after he got fixed he calmed down a lot. and Stopped chewing on things. Now its an occassional sock (but we try not to leave anything out).
  15. b2b *Heather* - Sweet and helpful. Always listens to us vent. mrs Morgan - girls are still using her templates and ideas and she's always willing to help a bdw girl out.
  16. beautiful. Those arent pro ones. they are really good. You look beautiful. and how did you copy the snapfish pics. i've tried to do it like a 100 times and they always copy to be way small.
  17. I dont have kids but I think it should be your call. Did you pick a resort? If you dont want kids you could pick an adults only resort than its more out of your hands. Maybe it wouldnt hurt feelings. Maybe your bro would like to go away with out his kids? would he have anyone that could watch them?
  18. here's Becks list http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t20049
  19. You should check out Becks checklist that she made. it was great and you could plug in your wedding date (or perspective date) and it would tell you what to do by a certain time.
  20. Wow your ring is gorgeous. everything looks great. I stayed at that resort before I really liked it. Your going to have a great time. enjoy yourself.
  21. Hopefully he wont be in remand for that long and when he's there he will have time to reflect and realize he has to get better.
  22. Like Erica i had Severine too and loved her. She did a great job. I was so happy with my decision to hire them. Glad you are too.
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