Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I might have to resort to using hot sauce to make her stop, even though it feels mean. That might be what it takes to make her learn.
Quote: What about that stuff called Bitter Apple, I remember my mom using that stuff to stop chewing. it doesn't smell bad but to dogs it tastes just horrible! If Izzy is like my one dog Camo was, neither hot sauce nor bitter apple spray worked. I didnt use much hot sauce because i didnt want to hurt him but he ended up liking the taste of the hot sauce anyway. He was a serious bugger. the bitter apple spray worked for a little while but than it didnt bother him from chewing up stuff that he really wanted. I just had to Camo-proof the house. And when i wasnt home I crated him. Of course i never left him for more than 4-5 hrs in there (i live near work so i can let him out). I know you Mike doesnt like crating but really that's the only way i could get him not to chew everything. And than when i was home I made sure he was occupied. I took him on long walks after i was done work to wear him out a little (he litterally could run around for 10 hours straight and not be tired). I also took him to doggy day care twice a week for 4 months. That actually worked good because the day after doggy day care he was so beat from playing the day before he was calm.
I'm sure she'll grow out of it and she probably makes up for her bad habits with lots of puppy love. She's probably still teething. he did after he was teething too but about 3 months after he got fixed he calmed down a lot. and Stopped chewing on things. Now its an occassional sock (but we try not to leave anything out).