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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. So pretty. You look amazing and so happy. i wanna see more pics!
  2. Glad things are looking up. Make sure you post pics of your dress so we can all see!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by amberlynne87 So I just received a text message from her saying "u know we always talked about being in each others wedding but im not sure i want to go cuz its awkward and i want to go to the beach this summer and wont be able to do it if i use my money to go to jamaica" those words exactly WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Quote: Originally Posted by amberlynne87 To be completely honest, she has done things like this to me before just happens that this time it is my WEDDING. She has always tried to one up me and made plans with me and backed out at the worst time and at the last minute. So I'm not surprised this is happening, but it's upsetting because I thought for once we might be on a good run with our friendship. As to the relationship thing, I know her better than anyone just like she knows me better than anyone. I am confident in saying they are rushing into their relationship. But with the house thing, she has said herself not until she's done school. Her text about it being awkward is a little strange. And it really doesnt sound like she is even a good friend. I mean you were upset and tried to tell her how you feel but it doesnt seem like she even wants to talk to you about it. Like your feelings dont really matter to her. And i cant believe she texted you again, WTF is up with that. That's just really rude. I can see the first time but after she knows your upset about the situation she text you again with "its awkward" like wth is that supposed to mean and she's rather go to the shore than your wedding. She can spend her money on whatever she wants but she could at least tell you and try to explain herself and not sound like an ass in a text message. As far as her always saying she didnt want to buy a house until she was done school and them being together for 7 months. 7 months may not seem a lot to you because you've been with your fi for so long but to some people its plenty of time to fall in love and get to know each other. Maybe she just changed her mind about buying a house before school because she's fell in love. Loves makes you do things you'd thought you never do. I always said i didnt want to live with a guy until i was married but when i met my dh that all changed. Quote: Originally Posted by amberlynne87 Well as of right now we have a new groomsmen and a new bridesmaid. They are two people who we would have wanted in our wedding anyways, but it sucks having to ask them as a result of this situation. Well this situation isn't going anywhere but down so I'm done with it. I am getting my wedding dress tomorrow along with the bridesmaids dresses. Apparently they both don't want to be a part of this and she wants to play her games so I'm through with them. I think your better off just not talking to her for awhile until she's ready to at least have a conversation with you about it and acknowledge your feelings. If she's done stuff like this to you before than it seems like your probably better off without her. I'm glad your moving on and found a new bm. Just forget about your BFF and focus on how much fun your going to have with the people who do go to Jamaica.
  4. July 9th i will make sure i tell dh. he loves it and got me into it last summer. thanks for letting us know
  5. I didnt do a site visit and i had no problems. I just did a crapload of research on tripadvisor (this was b4 i found BDW) to narrow down my choices and than i talked to my TA about some of my choices. I also emailed all the WC at the resorts i was looking at to see the different location and options (menus, reception pricing, ceremony pricing, extras). I emailed a few dw brides through tripadvisor and asked how they like their wedding and a few even showed me their pics. I was probably a little nervous since i never visited the resort but luckily i joined bdw and met a few ppr brides that were married before me and they put my mind at ease.
  6. i cant wait to see pics of the new car and i especially cant wait to see pics of your dress. You had an awesome weekend!
  7. it sounds great. Beaches T&C was #1 on my list but we didnt think some of our guests could afford it. Now some of dh's family are going in November and invited us. I sooo wanna go but we dont have the money! I'm so bummed!
  8. Wow she has balls. i wonder where exactly she came up with $75 from? is she just a money grubbing beyotch and tries to get money for every little favor she does. And i cant believe your paying for all that stuff for her and she's asking for $75 from you. She's so ungrateful. make sure you dont put out any more money for her.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 Oh, I almost totally forgot that I am doing something exciting. I'm taking 4 college summer courses that start on Monday. Yup, FOUR. I'm hoping I haven't bitten off more than I can chew. But I'm excited to get 4 classes completed in such a short period of time. Good for you Kelly. It might be tought but i know you can do it! Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 Katrina~ how was your cruise? Nothing much new with me. Still house hunting. I'm starting to get really frustrated with it. When I do find something we like its already under contract and we've missed it by like a week. So annoying. And, I can't get people to STOP telling dh that we should offer 40,000 under asking because if we make an offer that is accepted we will always feel like we could've gotten the house for less. I will NOT feel like that. I WANT them to accept our offer because I actually WANT to live in the freakin house. UGH. I think this is a terrible strategy and I plan on changing our game plan on the next one. The good news (slightly good) is that we've found a house that has been foreclosed on in our ideal neighborhood. It is not yet listed on the market. I called the agent who will be listing it and he said he will give me a call BEFORE it gets listed publicly to let me know how much it will be so we can be the first offer in on it if it ends up in our price range. The appraisal is getting done by the bank this week and it should be listed by next week. So, keep your fingers crossed for me that this one might work out. okay fingers crossed. Goodluck with the house and school.
  10. Goodluck with the new business Alyssa. I love the idea of selling my old jewelery that i haven worn in YEARS and getting some $$$ to do something fun with.
  11. last night i watched the first 3 epis of season 1 and i really loved the show. i'm gonna try to watch at least one tonight. i'm trying to catch up as fast as possible b4 season 2 starts.
  12. Sorry you lost some guests because of the swine flu but i'm really glad everything else went great and your wedding sounds perfect. Congratulations!
  13. Yayy im so happy for you. I cant wait to see pics and i cant wait to hear everything your going to do with the nursery. i hope the owners dont go stealing before friday.
  14. like Erin just mentioned i would check with your WC because although i ended up doing a legal in the DR when i was looking into doing a symbolic i dont think my resort required a copy of the wedding license. Just check so you dont pay for a translation when you didnt need it.
  15. i had the same problem. everytime i saw something on this site i had to run out and get it. I went way overboard. For example my oot bags had so much stuff in it, i think it was kind of overwhelming for my guests because they forgot everything that was in there and just used a few items. I would of been better off not getting a bunch of stuff for my oot bags and just narrowing it down to a few items i thought they would really enjoy. So maybe take a step back and wait a little bit so you make sure you get things that area really important to you first and than go nuts on all the things that are great but not your must haves. those vista print offers are always around. i must get a vista print email every week.
  16. Amber i know your really upset that your friend isnt coming but try to be forgiving and not assume she doesnt have a good reason not to go. Yes she definately didnt handle the situation well by avoiding the question and than telling you by text but she was probably really upset that's she's going to miss one of her best friend's weddings and i'm sure she was afraid to dissappiont you. But i'm sure she has a valid reason, i know your close friends but that doesnt mean you know everything about her financial situation. I dont tell my best friend about my finances, i'm sure she thinks i'm rolling in dough but in reality i'm living paycheck to paycheck. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings but i know your wedding is your top priority to you right now but to her i'm sure buying a house with her bf is her top priority. Buying a house is a huge deal and very costly. I didnt really realize how much all the little bills really add up until i sat down with my bf (at the time) and was shocked at how much a house really costs. Having people back out is a part of having a DW. I had people who were "definately going, no way were they missing even if they had to call out sick from work everyday" not come. It happens all the time to girls. It sucks but you just gotta get past it and move on. Try to forgive your friend. I know it hurts she's missing your big day but i'm sure it hurts her not being able to go too. Maybe she'll make it up to you and be a lot of help with the planning process.
  17. Sorry you had to deal with such a tool. You were very proactive about what was important to you and your dh but this guy just didnt seem to care. Seems like he's on some kind of power trip. I hope your able to salvage more pics and make a really great album. Like Abbie suggested i would look into what Sarah can do. Her albums look really nice and she might be able to work with some pics that you dont think are usable. I'm so glad you posted an honest review to warn b2bs about this jerk.
  18. you dont look like a hot mess at all. girl your crazy i think you look gorgeous. your dress fits you so perfectly and i love your makeup. i cant wait to see some pro pics!
  19. im in for todays challenge. i missed a few challenges because i wasnt online much at the end of last week but i'm going to try to complete as many as i can.
  20. beautiful hair and makeup. and i agree with you about the makeup even looking better after its set.
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