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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. i got bags just like that on mybridesmaidgifts.com and they personalize them. I got them for our parents.
  2. My dad is going to wear the same shirt that we get for the gm (i'll let you know what it looks like when i pick that out) and the same pants as gm probably will be bahama pants (linen pants)
  3. Your ring is very pretty, i think #1 would look best but honestly they all are very nice.
  4. Do you think it's because it's wedding related and since she called off her engagement she has a hard time helping you with your wedding things? Maybe she still has some feelings about calling off her wedding.
  5. Ok, now i'm dying to give a gift. Can't wait for them to be refilled!
  6. Ohhh, I can give gifts. I'm going to start giving some out right now. I love gift giving and these gift I don't have to put on my credit card. perfect
  7. I agree with Yari about taking her out to lunch or dinner. But you should try to put it as nicely as possible. Maybe say "Hey so and so, I have a lot going on with planning the wedding and i'm feeling so stressed out and overwhelmed. Do you think you can help me out by blah blah blah?" Maybe she needs a hint like that.
  8. That dress looks perfect on you, I think it would look great on the beach. If you love it get, it fits you so nice
  9. No need to apologize to us. You guys were doing us a favor and now you guys are having to deal with this PIA. I feel sorry for you and trisha and i'm sure the other girls feel sorry for you too.
  10. i thought my fi would be like yours, shooting down all my ideas but luckily his parents planted in his brains that "it's Danielle wedding. Make sure you let her do what she wants, she's the bride so its really her wedding." Gotta love them for that one. If i were you i would stop looking for awhile, don't stress yourself out. Tell fi to start looking and see if he picks out anything to your liking. I'm sure once he realizes how much work it is to look through all these choices he'll give up and maybe let you have your way.
  11. Must be something about weddings that's makes people act funny. My normally supportive mom has been a pain in the ass a few times during the planning process. she's been better lately, hopefully your mom will come around too.
  12. Great bags Morgan. Your guests will love them. Like i've said at least a dozen times already your diy stuff is great. Wow your wedding is 3 months away. Time is flying
  13. I had my travel agent info, the hotel info and hotel rates with my std's.
  14. I'm sorry you had such an awful day. I hope your ankle feels better soon. Car repair prices are insane!
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