Dear fi,
I don't know if you noticed or not but I'm barely home because i'm always WORKING. I work 75 hrs a week and I don't have time to clean the house. No, I didn't empty the dishwasher after I ran it at 10pm sunday night and i didn't have time to empty after working 15 hr days all week. Why don't you try getting off your ass after your 4 hr to 8 hr day you could take the 10 minutes that it takes to empty the dishwasher. Oh and do you think you could throw a load of towels in the washer for yourself. There's about 4 different petsmarts in a ten mile radius from our house, if the dogs ran out of food why don't you try going to one and picking up some dog food. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that one out.
I don't have time to do all the things I usually do until after tax season. I need you to pick up the slack and help out around here. I know your used to not doing anything but give me a break here.