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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. i can't stand spencer, but i'm sure heidi will take him back no matter how much of a tool he is. she'll eventually fall for his bs.
  2. thanks abbie, his faces crack me up and so do his fat rolls.
  3. i loved it last night, and i know it was all staged but i don't care. And I agree with the one week thing, i thought whe was going to be gone all summer. WTF. I can't wait for next week's
  4. that is a great idea. so adorable. your so creative, i would never think of anything like that. thank god i have all you girls with your great ideas for me to steal. lol
  5. I'm so jealous. My house is such a mess right now. I think $85 is worth it.
  6. I'd rather fi go to a Phillies game or something but I'd rather him go to a strip club than one of those house parties where strippers come. I've heard one too many stories about those parties and how nasty they get. fi doesn't like strip clubs anyway, at least that what he tells me
  7. Btb: Yari, is very supportive to every girl Mrs: Sarah, the books she did for Alyssa are fabulous and the free monogram offer to all BDW members is really great.
  8. this picture is making my day: Sorry so big but you have to see his face. it's my 5 mos old nephew Keegan. He's a chunker!
  9. I love the Hills. I have to watch it in complete silence, so I don't miss a second of the drama. fi actually watches it with me, partly so he can just make fun of how mad i get at characters and how i rant during commercial breaks about spencer being such a tool. God Spencer's such a tool! I'm crossing my fingers i can be home from work in time to watch it, i'm recording it just in case i wont be.
  10. They were all pretty bad. Except I thought if you like crimson than those dresses seemed fine. But everything else ewwwww
  11. Congratulations on picking out your dress. You can check that off your to-do list
  12. I'm a Nov Bride too. Welcome to the forum.
  13. You poor girl, dealing with stupid people like that everyday would drive me insane.
  14. I find myself wanting a roll of this tp. God I'm strange.
  15. that is funny. That'd be cute if you were making a basket of all house stuff for a bridal shower and threw in a couple of rolls of bride and groom tp. That'd be funny.
  16. Jenny you guys should keep an extra pair of pants around the salon just for that customer.
  17. When I was in high school and worked at an icecream/waterice store. I had a sweet looking old lady come up and order a small chocolate soft serve cup of ice cream. So after I made the cup of ice cream. I rang it up and told her it was $1, all of a sudden out of the blue. She looked straight at me and started yelling at me that I'm the devil. And that i'm trying to get her because i'm the devil. I'm trying to send her to hell. I just told her to get out of here. And while she was walking away she was screaming that i'm the devil. Well she passed a customer who was on the way up to my work. the crazy chic had warned her that the ice cream wasn't free. I guess that's what set her off. Who knows, maybe i am the devil! What a crazy bitch.
  18. I'm so sorry to hear your sister is putting you through all this.
  19. Welcome to the forum. I thought I just saw someone's review about Costa Rica this week, not sure who it was cause i didn't read it. I'm getting married in Punta Cana. If you need info about my resort i'd be happy to forward it to you. just pm me if your interested.
  20. Hi I live about 10 minutes from Philly over the bridge in Jersey, Bellmawr NJ. Sorry, i'm not wearing shoes so i don't know where you should look. But i did stay at the Aventura and went to fsil's (future sister in law) wedding there. I loved that resort and so did everyone that attended the wedding. You will love it too. I think i have pics on snapfish, let me know if you want me to send you the link pm me.
  21. I see you already picked the pink, but i voted anyway, surprise I chose pink too!
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