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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. theweddingchannel.com and brides.com have some info.
  2. i think with the other girls help on the forum you can totally work with these. Sorry i'm no hope, i am so uncreative. i voted keep with them and just fix em up a little.
  3. those are great. you did them yourself? they look awesome. I really like the colors. I love those together and the beads with the starfish. Your guests will be so impressed.
  4. leia i don't have any extra, but my soduoko books (it's not the soduko for dummies version) I got them at the dollar store, dollar tree.
  5. I like the sun one, but also agree with some of the other suggestions about dates being a little too small to read.
  6. Very cute, that looks like one of the ones i'm looking at.
  7. I agree with NYJen I really do like those colors together, and i'm not just being nice to try to make you feel better. I would love it if i received one of those bags. I really like that color blue too.
  8. I got mine, I love them so much. the colors are great just like everyone else said. my label didn't have shipping either. as soon as you pm me with price i'll send you the money. Thanks again girls.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE travel candles and matches (got at Michaels for $1) - got matches at Ann's Bridal Bargains first aid kit - Tylenol, chewable Pepto, Tums, Chaser, band aids, neosporin & aloe vera gel playing cards Margarita mixes with our names on them Manicure sets (in BM & MOH bags only) bottled water sewing kits with our names on them Ann's Bridal Bargains welcome letter - www.vistaprint.com Spanish translation sheet Maps of the area Disposable wedding camera MOH & Bridesmaid OOT Bags - all of the above with: Manicure sets Bridesmaid & MOH tank tops Luggage tags I feel like I am forgetting something...I'll figure it out later. Thanks for reminding me to get matches, the website you posted has a great price for them. That would of been great, my guests with travel candles and no matches,
  10. I had stadium cups made with our logos on them, so people could get them filled at the resort instead of the lil cups the resorts give you. A lot of girls put snacks in the bags, which i know i get hungry late at night especially if i was drinking and would love that. What aboout lip balm with sunblock, i think a lot of people forget to pack that. I put some fun things in mine like soduoko (don't know how to spell it) books, playing cards, and rafts. And for the women i got pashminas to keep them warm when it gets chilly at night.
  11. I don't think i could ever get the different reception options to post (that lists fire dancers, that kind of thing), if you want to see them than pm me your email address and i'll forward it to you, along with pics of the resort if your interested.
  12. okay i found the link to the thread but you have to go to response post #5 to see the attachments of menus and reception options for the PPR: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t11697
  13. Hi I'm getting married at the Paradisus Palma Real, they have a lot of options to customize your reception. We are having fire dancers. But some of the other options are fireworks, folklore show, and they offer a chill out reception that has bali beds and seating no tables it's different than a regular reception. I posted on a thread the different reception options. i'll try to find the post for you.
  14. That is awful Alyssa. You've done so much work, i can only imagine how hard it would be to start over. And your so sweet thinking how it affects the people who work there and on the island. That's very considerate of you. i'm glad to hear that you and all of your guests are going to get your deposits back, that is a lil bit of good news. Goodluck with your planning.
  15. Those look great. I really like the flower print you have in the bankground, really cool looking. Wow a 150 people, that's great so many people are coming.
  16. Hi from another PC bride. goodluck with your planning
  17. did you check ebay out? just don't get them from discount tshirts on ebay, that's where i ordered mine and they went bankrupt. I'm sure there are other vendors on ebay.
  18. We sent STD's a year out ahead of time, and people put deposits down 11 mos ahead of the wedding date. Which in our case they kinda had to, our resort just happens to have 3 conventions going on on 3 of the days our guests will be there, so our guests had to put deposits down to save their rooms. Part of me wishes we would of at least waited a few months for airfare to come out, but you can at least pic your date. and confirm your date is available with your resort. Our first two choices fo dates were booked so we had to go with our third choice and that was a year out. I wouldn't wait to long to at least get your date saved.
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