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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. I'm bummed for you now, I still can't believe that Dreams and the photogs can't put their differences aside for one day. I think that's ridiculous. I guess there's not chance of a Dreams' having a change of heart, huh?
  2. I think they are adorable. and i agree with everyone else, No ribbon. where did you find them?
  3. opice my colors well I think my colors are going to be turquoise and lime green like my siggy. I love blues and i wanted bright colors. But i think the purple or orange you were talking about would look great for a DW, you don't have to go a tropical color route. I'm going to try to make my invites and get them out by end of May. I'm not going to send RSVP cards, all of the guest that are most likely going already booked. Maybe i'll do a RSVP on our wedding website.
  4. that website has a lot of cute dresses, I think you will fall in love with one.
  5. I like the dress your looking at, do you know what the detailing is? crystals, lace. it looks beautiful. I acutally got my dress and I was really dreading dress shopping. Because i'm pale and fat too!!! But you know what the first place i went to was great, i didn't feel like i was being poked and prodded. But the second place I went to I hated, it was david's bridal and i felt like they would just leave me standing in my undies with my dressing room door wide open for everyone else to see. It was an awful experience, about 4 dresses in i just stopped the sales lady and told her i was done. so you need to find a place that your comfortable with. Oh, and i wore boy shorts, i didn't want my ass hanging out. Dress shopping wont' be as bad as you think it will be. I'm starting my diet next week, joining the BDW biggest losers season 2 for motivation. so hoping next time i try my dress on i'll be thinner and tanner. I'm actually starting to look for bridesmaid dresses. Goodluck with your dress hunt and let us know how you make out!
  6. Your niece is such a little cutie! Glad you had a great trip, thanks for sharing the pics!
  7. Welcome! Hawaii, wow that will be beautiful. We are planning to go for our one year anniversary. Happy planning!
  8. I guess you should look at it that way, she'll be paying to come to yours so it's it'll be equally hard on her later. But i understand why you are frustrated $800 is a lot of money especially when your still in school. I don't blame you for being upset. I'm not really sure what you can do about it though. sorry i'm no help.
  9. I know that for fsil's wedding in Mexico, she couldn't have any witnesses that had the same last name as her or her hubby. she had her aunts as her witnesses. Maybe you just have to pic fam that has different last name as you so they won't know you are related?!
  10. Wow opice34, you have a lot going on. if there's anything i can help you with, let me know.
  11. Welcome to the forum! There's a lot of Jamaica brides on here to help you with that area. Goodluck!
  12. Finally got a chance to check out their website. Their pics are incredible. loved the slideshow. I just emailed them to find out if my date is available. I would love to have them do my pics. And their prices seem very reasonable.
  13. DanielleNDerek


    I missed this thread too. Hi Buffie welcome to the forum. Yari's great and everyone loves her. It's nice that you joined the forum. I'm sure you'll be a great help to her. goodluck with everything!
  14. I'm catching this thread late. I'm sorry your friend can't make it, but i'm glad your not letting it get you down anymore. I was upset too that a lot of our close friends and the family i'm close with aren't coming. But you know what, we won't even notice these people aren't there because we will be having such a kick ass time!!! Your wedding will be great and the people who aren't there will regret it when they see your pics! Their loss.
  15. That's great you were able to talk to her and actually make amends. And you look great in that dress!
  16. I think the email that you sent to his dad (parents) was dead on. Your being very straight forward and making all of your points known. And you weren't being rude about it. I hope that does the trick. Your future in-laws do sound like they care about you. Like others have said, weddings make people crazy. Try not to take anything personally.
  17. Hi Juan welcome to the forum! I'm getting married in Punta Cana. I'll have to check your website out.
  18. You look so beautiful in your pics. You guys make a very cute couple. Your pictures came out great. I really like the one with the guys on the lifeguard stand and the one with everyone sitting on the doc. So cute!
  19. Knowing what you want to get is a very good start.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR I've also decided that I have WAY too many points - and I am going to give some large amount to the winner to spend as they please! Now if that doesn't motivate you - I don't know what will! And I plan on doing this for the first season too .... you lucky ducks! Points! Now it's on! I'm getting excited.
  21. welcome to the forum. i stayed at the gbp and loved it. goodluck
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