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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. you should send it in to a network. sounds a lot better than most reality shows. I just sent it to 10 friends.
  2. that was good. kind of scarey when i see everything i have to look forward to.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by big3n09 We are not using a TA so what do you all think or what have some of you all done as far as guest booking their flights? We are receiving a special rate from the hotel so receiving a package rate was not an option. I have spoken to Air Jamaica and what they quoted me just doesn't seem like a deal or that it is worth using that option so I'm just wondering how I should address flight arrangements. Did your guests already book the hotel already? Because maybe a TA can get the same rate for the resort and just book flight when they become available. I had some problems with our travel arrangements that came up and was so thankful to have a TA to fix everything.
  4. Wow your fmil has a great attitude. What a strong woman. Im glad surgery went well.
  5. I got the Shark for my bridal shower last year and it works good. but sometimes i feel like i have to scrub my kitchen floor on my hands and knees, mostly just because of the dogs and honestly i dont clean my floors as much as i should so maybe that's the real problem.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline ok here is my solution: jon - grow a set of balls and stand up to kate when she treats you like a child, and kate- take a valium. love your solution!
  7. Gavin is adorable. I cant wait to see Kerrington Danielle pics! i'm so excited for ya Kelly!
  8. welcome to the forum. there's a link to my ppr review in my siggy if you want to check it out.
  9. Maureen just said what i was thinking perfectly. I feel the same way. And i also dont think it was all Kate's fault. Jon definately shares the blame. I do hope that they both focus on their kids and try to get along in front of their kids.
  10. Abbie I agree with you Kate was a complete bitch. i didnt watch the full episode last night just some of the end but what i did see was really sad. I dont think the show ruined their relationship, I think they would of had these problems without the show. When i first started watching the show i really liked Jon and Kate & of course everyone loves the kids but as the more i watched the more i hated how Kate treated Jon. I know if i had multiples i would yell at dh sometimes but not over every little thing. I literally wanted to jump in the TV and smack her over the coupon incident. the guy forgot to use the coupon give him a break, he had just packed up the old house and was trying to get moved into the new one and your gonna harp on him over a coupon when your making $75k an episode. At that point i kind of had enough of the way Kate was treating Jon. So no surprise that Jon has had enough too. I did feel really bad for Kate last night because you could tell she was really upset and seemed like she wanted to work things out.
  11. i'm so jealous of you right now MarieSam. its so crappy out in Jersey and your living it up in Mexico with beautiful weather. Have a great time for me!
  12. about 6 months after dh and i moved in together, my dad cleaned out my parents basement and brought over 3 boxes that were mine. Well i had no idea what was in the boxes but it turned out they were old pics and notes from old boyfriends. dh was pretty upset that i kept them. but honestly i didnt even remember keeping them and i know i didnt box them up and put them in the basement while i was with dh it was b4 that. i'm sure your fi has no idea he still has them. i would just tell them you found them. Let him decide what he wants to do with them.
  13. Happy anniversary!!! yum steak and lobster dinner sounds good.
  14. Erins was really good too. I used hers and TA Maureen to help make mine, although i got married in the Dominican.
  15. i'm glad your dad said something to her. Sounds like everything is going to work out.
  16. Amy she can join the forum and not tell anyone who she is. She doesnt have to post pics. but if she doesnt want to join at least she has a great friend that can help her. I'm sure your experience with a dw is going to be really valuable to her. Your such a sweetheart!
  17. Happy Wedding Day! You deserve to have the perfect day and i know your going to have it today. Cant wait to hear all about it.
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