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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. I sent mine to Ann, but i'm not sure i if that was right or not. Good for you Robyn, 2.6 lbs is great. I'm only down .5lbs, what a crappy weight in. I guess it's good that i at least lost and didn't gain. I hear Yari and Jill, i have a whole closet of clothes that i no longer fit in and about 1/3 of them have tags on them. How sad, that i didn't even get to wear them. But i'm going to wear them. That's my goal to fit into all those clothes. I know i will need more than one biggest loser to do it. I think i might set a goal for myself, that if i lose 15lbs by mid July i can go shopping. My goal for the wedding in Nov is 30lbs. There's an INC dress that i really want for our trip. I'm trying to use that as motivation too. Plus im going to have to buy some swimsuits soon, that could be ugly if i dont' really start doing better. goodluck with weigh ins today girls!
  2. i put mine up right away, We got engaged at the end of Oct so i made it in Nov. but i just started giving the address out now. The reason why i didn't put it on my STDs was because we changed locations and i hadn't updated the website. i didn't want people to be confused. but i think you can give it out as far in advance as you want.
  3. How come i didn't see this post before. i've been looking for shirts like this. I too was going to have a custom shirt made, but it was going to be like $50 for an infant. i'm running out to old navy this weekend.
  4. That is bs. I think they know that it's a month before your wedding so they hope your willing just to pay the extra becaue you'll have no choice. I hope that they will come around and see how shadey they are being.
  5. that looks perfect for a dw wedding. love the texture.
  6. the jeweler that made my e-ring got very sick right after he made it, he has bone cancer. He does really great work and we know at least 5 of our friends that have gotten their rings from him. I just found yesterday that he is doing better and will be working at home if we would like to get our bands from him. I'm so excited. I felt awful when i heard how sick he was, even though i never met him I've always heard how nice he is and he was really helpful when Derek designed my ring. i guess i'll be looking for a wedding band soon.
  7. i'm cracking up at my desk. that's so funny.
  8. they will love those scrapbooks, that's really sweet. Are your bm's long time friends or family?
  9. When fi did actually fill the dishwasher on maybe 2 occassions in the almost 2yrs we've been in the house, i was so annoyed by how he put things in the dishwasher. i have to load things a certain way, drives me crazy when he puts dishes where there should be glasses or glasses where there should be dishes. I hate that.
  10. Kate i'm sorry for all the troubles you've were having. The venue you picked out in Cape Cod looks beautiful.
  11. Does anyone else have a fi that leaves glasses and dishes everywhere in the house? We even have seperate walk-in closets and he somehow manages to leave his glasses in my closet not too.
  12. I don't think my fi has ever put anything in the dishwasher. Oh and when the dishwasher is full, he won't run it. he says he doesn't know how. How can you not know how to run the dishwasher? Our machine is so simple, just turn the know to normal wash, close the door, and pull the lever to lock it. That's it, it's not brain surgery.
  13. I really wanted to have Sarah make our invitations because her work is really good, but since fi had bought most of the stuff for them a few months ago and we couldnt' take it back looks like that's what we'll be doing this weekend. We have a part on Saturday but i guess Sunday and Monday we'll be making boarding pass invites. I just received the envelopes and folders for them today. I'm actually getting excited to make them now.
  14. i canceled mine, i had ordered way too much stuff anyway. i might order some stuff later down the road. like the makeup remover pads and the blot sheets, they would be great for the wedding.
  15. I'm glad you can laugh at it now. Be prepared for more gross things in your future. a couple of times one of my dogs had gotten sick and fi stepped in it on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. He was such a baby about it too, which made me crack up even more. I can't keep undies or socks anywhere near my dog, he gets them evertime.
  16. I already received my order from paperpresentation.com. I love the folders and matching envelopes. Now i can do the invitations this weekend!
  17. I was assuming that Dan & Georgina had oral because that's the only thing that made a little bit of sense. it was so vague, strange breakup. I'm so glad that i'm not the only who can't stand Vanessa.
  18. Uh-oh, wish i would of read through the whole thread before i jumped the gun and ordered a bunch of stuff. I just try to email them to cancel my order. i think i'll wait to see how everyone else likes their stuff first.
  19. It's great to have you back Ann! Congratulations to Shannon, great job!
  20. Blaire was great in last night's episode. She'll get over Chuck. I'm kinda glad Chuck will be back to his old player ways. I'm not a big Vaness fan, her and Dan better not hook up.
  21. Can i get a job at your work? not only do you get to eat nachos but you also get to guess what your coworker will bring in. You should start an office pool "What nacho toppings will blank bring?" make sure you let us know.
  22. Ann, Congratulations. She's so beautiful and precious. She sounds very smart. I'm sure she's getting stronger everyday and will be coming home soon. Keep us posted with updates.
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