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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. to the forum! Happy planning!
  2. to the forum! Happy planning!
  3. to the forum! Happy planning!
  4. to the forum! Happy planning!
  5. l like the first ones but they both look pretty comfy to sit in.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jensatt18 We're planning June/July 2009 in Dominican Republic. We're almost set on Paradisus Palma Real. I'd love to hear about anything regarding this resort and time of year in PC. Hi, you should make sure you introduce yourself by starting a new thread under newbies. I'm also getting married at the ppr. if you need any info like prices for ceremonies and receptions than pm your email address, i'd be happy to forward it to you. i also have some pics.
  7. welcome to the forum from another pc bride!
  8. great pics. i really like how she got pics of all the couples at the receptions. there really sweet pics.
  9. Congratulations. it's nice that that your fmil wants to see it too.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Agape Gems These are some that I made, I found it's easier to make them with wire and chain than stringing so many little beads: I bought mine on ebay but could never find any i liked for my bms and finally i saw agape's. I just talked to agape (formerly twelve piece) yesterday and am placing an order for two for my bms. She's really easy to deal with. I can't wait to see what she comes up with for mine. for anyone not interested in doing them theirselves i think you should definately pm agape for some info.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 Thanks so much for the input girls! I went back to the store and bought them out of the palm tree bags. I'm going to have to try to find another store nearby because they didn't have enough. I found this other bag which I thought was better than the pink one so I got a bunch of them so I would have enough bags if I couldn't find anymore of the palm tree ones. Do you guys like this one or should I go back and grab more of the weird pink one? I figure this one is not so 'beachy' but at least it's not hideous! How many more of the palm tree ones do you need? i saw them at the dollar store near my work, if you want me to see if they still have them and get them for you let me know. it's not a big deal i'm sure shipping wouldn't be very much. just pm me if you want me to try to get them for you.
  12. Goodluck tomorrow. Enjoy your first night in your new house - you have to break it in
  13. love those shoes, they're sexy and sweet at the same time.
  14. this situation is so f'd up I can't believe the owner talked to you like that. I really hope that you can get your money back or something after the wedding. What a bunch of slimeballs changing your contract on you and than acting like they are giving you free sh*t when it was supposed to be included originally anyway. I think that we should flood their email system with complaints for months and months.
  15. I really like the beach bags unfortunately i already bought my oot bags and i've already bought way too much stuff for them too. i'm sure some lucky girl will scoop up your stuff soon.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Robyn Mumford Despite a very healthy day today and even lots of exercise I find myself eating chocolate right now... I'm very sad and upset, my stupid boyfriend broke up with me a month ago and now it is really seeming to sink in Just keep working hard Robyn, than next time you see your ex, he will see how great you look and that your doing great without him. I used to love running into an ex after a break up and for him to tell me that i really looked great. It sounds conceited but it was such a great feeling to just see the regret in his face. Use it as motivation.
  17. I don't think you should change your plans especially since your fi still wants to get married in Mexico. your fils are being really disrespectful to you. Always speaking in a different language so you can't be included in the convo and asking your fi why he isn't dating an asian girl right in front of you. That really crosses the line. It's pretty obvious that his family doesn't care if they are at the wedding. they are planning vacations, but can't make your wedding a their vacation. WTF That's really messed up. Your really sweet for thinking of your fi's feelings, but i think your better off without his family at your DW. I think they would ruin it for you IMHO.
  18. it definately varies a lot, if you want to see the actual costs for the Paradisus Palma Real pm me your email address, i can forward you the cost worksheet that lists the different options for reception and ceremony. I would say that i'm having about 32 people and it's costing me around $8000 including tax and tips.
  19. I was planning my dw before derek proposed too. I don't think it hurts to get an early start. There's so many great places to have a DW now. i'm sure the Bahamas would be great. goodluck with your planning and hopefully the divorce will be finalized soon.
  20. Thanks for the lillian vernon info lizz, i remembered seeing the toiletry bag you had for your rb, i just ordered one for mine. they are so cute.
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