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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. i'm about 10 mins from philly so i have the same 99 degree heat thing here today and tomorrow. unfortunately i have to work both days. And even though i work inside there's a crappy window unit that doesn't really work when it's this hot, and it doesn't come anywhere close to reaching me where i sit. i am wearing capris, t shirt, flip flops, and i came in with my hair wet hoping that would help. But i'm still HOT and getting more miserable by the minute. i need some waterice.
  2. Thanks girls for all the support for me and my parents. I never got to announce how happy i was to be an aunt, even if i won't be able to see the kid till its 1st bday part j/k. Baby's name is Roman. He was born 6lbs 6oz and 19 inch longs. Here's a pics: ***Update on the situation*** My parents are just going to wait to hear from them. they have a place in the mountains and they figured they wouldn't be able to see the baby anyway. And didn't really want to see my bro and his wife so they went away for weekend.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by wayneswifey I bet when you and your husband have a baby she will be the 1st person to say that your mom is showing favortism. I just said the same thing to my mom, that when i have a baby i know that i'll prob have my mom and fi's mom over a lot. esp since i'm clueless and wouldn't have a clue what to do with a baby! i'm sure sil and my bro will be like "hey your always with Danielle's baby, you never did that with Roman (that's babys name btw). Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Tell your bro to get his balls out of her purse and step up. Just because she is older than him does not make her wiser! I love that...balls out of her purse. lol I think she's being really immature and my bro is being a tool! Quote: Originally Posted by redheaney I'm no psycho-analyst... but me thinks this is definately a case of her asserting herself and letting ALL involved know their place (your brother included) I'm hoping your parents have the where-with-all to tell her to go and whistle-dixie when she comes knocking on their door for assistance... and she will. Guarenteed... I know they'll be calling my mom for help this summer. esp when my bro goes back to work and my mom has the summer off. I kinda want my mom to say no, at least for a little while till they beg her to help them. Let them stew a little in regret.
  4. I love that dress, i remember Carly posting it before. And the shoes are adorable.
  5. I think the question should be "Did this not happen to anyone else?" Cause it seems to happen to all of us!!! Your never going to make everyone happy and at first i would feel guilty by the people who would tell me "i'm dissappointed that i won't be able to make your wedding and i really wanted to see you get married", well you know what they should be dissapppointed because my wedding is going to kick ass! All those people are going to miss out on a great time.
  6. It's nice that you have such a strong family that supports one another. Now i hope you have only good things happen for the rest of the year.
  7. i just mailed my invites last monday. i'm not doing rsvps so i figured i just would send them out now, otherwise i might of waited till end of June beg July. Since all my guests were already booked and i wasn't expecting anyone else to book, i didn't want to do rsvps. i would just be so aggravated by the people who didn't mail them back. Funny thing is that two people rsvp'd on my website which i didn't even know you could do! Oh and one other person has booked, i hope i have enough oot bag stuff.
  8. the girls usually post them in the thread with the boarding pass invite pics. they are posted as attachments and you need points to open them, i'll send you some points.
  9. Welcome to the forum Melissa. i'm a pc btb too. there are a lot of resorts that have nice wedding packages. i have info the paradisus palma real, if you need any of it than pm me. goodluck with your planning!
  10. your welcome. there was also a couple of really nice slideshows from weddings they did on their blog.
  11. Thanks Amy last week i was on the forum collecting packing lists and i was going to go through and summarize them into one, now i won't have to dod that.
  12. i'm getting married in Nov too and I really hadn't done much until last month and now i think i need a break. I'm taking this weekend off from wedding planning. Maybe you just need a weekend away from wedding stuff and then you'll be refreshed. I keep trying to think how much my guests will enjoy all these diy project and other stuff (oot bags). it keeps me going.
  13. that's funny because i faxed them over my contract on Monday and Severine was supposed to send me a bill for deposit and i haven't got it yet. she did email me to let me know she got the contract, maybe they are just really busy this week.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I've just been asking my friend about this because she has 2 kids and she said that her MIL is lovely and the best person in the world but when she had her first for some reason she hated her and wouldn't let her anywhere near the baby and had a pop at her all the time. She said she felt awful afterwards but for a few weeks she just couldn't help herself! Maybe its just hormones (i'm hoping!!) Maybe it's hormones. My mom thought maybe she was just trying to state her territory (not my moms exact words). Let my mom know it's her baby and she's in charge. Which is kinda funny since my mom never butts in until we ask her to. She's just not like that at all.
  15. Thanks girls for all your opinions. It was esp nice to hear the side of the girls that have had babies. I talked to my bro yesterday. I told him that my parents are really upset, esp my mom. I told him that his wife and himself really hurt their feelings. I asked him, if he knew how exicted they were for the baby to come and before he answered I told him how excited they were for the baby. And now they don't want to intrude on you guys so you'll have to let them know when it's okay for them to see their first grandchild. He then tried to tell me that they were up there 3 times in 2 days, i stopped him in his tracks and said the first time they went up i was with them, they got to look at the baby for maybe 5 minutes and they had to leave because your wife was tired, oh and two visits of seeing your first grandchild for a half hr is hardly too much. He sounded like he was sorry and he was going to call my parents. I told him, they went to the mountains (they go almost everyweekend) because they didn't want to get in the way of any bonding time with the baby, they said if you need anything you can call them. I then hung up. when i went home fi told me that after i told him the story about what happened that afternoon he called my mom. He said my mom was crying (my mom never cries) and was really upset. He told my mom that when we have a baby she can hold it whenever she wants. That made my mom feel better. What a sweet fi i have! How come he never says anything that sweet to me?! lol thanks again girls.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh How rude! Can I ask how old your SIL and Bro are? She sounds very young and immature! She's 35 and my bro is 29.
  17. i've always got a weird vibe from her like for holidays, she always kind of just fits our family in, like she's doing us a favor. i told my fi what happened with my parents and he is more pissed than any of us. of course he has a tendency to over-react at first like now he wants them to no bother coming to our wedding because we wouldn't want them to barge in. His sis had a baby in Oct and she was always having us over and all of the grandparents over. She wanted everyone to get to see the baby. i think me and fi have been comparing it to that situation. I always just figured that when they had the baby they would want at least my parents to get to see it a lot for the first couple of days, but they dont' really want them there at all. I'm just disgusted with my bro right now. He has no balls!!!
  18. I'm way more pissed at my bro than her. I don't know what her prob with my parents would be, she's always asking them for favors and even got my parents a baby monitor as a gift so my parents could watch their baby. Now all of a sudden she starts to act weird towards them and it seems like she's like that with my bro's side of the family. Right now i'm so pissed i can't even talk to my bro or i will tell him to f off, which will probably make things worse. I don't know what to do. My mom is trying not to take it personal, she was even going to have food delivered there today (originally she was going to make food and drop it off but figured that would be intrusive). I told her not to order anything because it would be too much of an inconvenience for them to open the door for the delivery guy.
  19. i'm not paying for anybody to go to my wedding. I am paying for bm dresses, gm attire, and getting them all gifts because i know the expense is high for them to have to travel. But they are getting a vacay out of it. is your fi expecting you guys to pay for all of his family?
  20. This is probably going to be long, sorry. when my brother announced that his gf (his now wife) was prego my parents were really happy. they have been buying things like crazy, they redid my sis' old room into a nursery, and my mom even ended up throwing the baby shower. sil's friends were going to throw her a shower and asked my mom if she wanted to join in, of course my mom said yes. And then they proceeded to tell my mom that the mil should have to pay for everying and is supposed to be in charge of the shower. So my mom ended up doing all of the food, decorations, basically everything (of course me and my sis helped). But my mom was really okay with it, she just wanted sil to have a nice baby shower. Well my bro calls me Weds morning and tells me they just had a baby. i'm all excited and ask if my parents are really excited. He didn't tell them yet. He said he didn't want to tell them she was in labor because he didn't want them showing up at the hospital at 430 am. I was like okay whatever but i knew they might be a little dissappointed, they are dying to see this baby. Of course when my parents find out about the baby, they want to go up to the hospital right away. I go with them. it's about 4hrs after the baby was born, we get there and baby is in basinet, my bro is home, and sil is in hosp bed. She tells us that we can't hold the baby since it's sleeping. Which is fine and that we would have to step out when the lactating nurse comes by to show her how to breast feed, which of course we would step out. Well 5 min later the nurse comes by sil tells her she can wake up the baby and show her how to breast feed. So we are like okay we'll step out for awhile, maybe go down stairs get a drink but sil says to us that we need to go because she has to get some sleep. Okay fine, we go she's tired. I talk to my sis later that day and she said sil said she didnt' want any visitors at all the first day because she wanted to bond with the baby the whole first day. my parents go back to the hospital that night and sil's sis is there and than her dad walks in. And her dad says how he couldn't get any sleep last night after they called him at 1 am to tell them sil is in labor. and then sil's sister says the same thing. Both my parents were like 'we slept fine because no one called us to let us know'. but my parents were still like no big deal, they probably just didn't want us up at the hospital waiting for the baby. so they visit for maybe an hr and go home. they go back yesterday day to see the baby and sil friend is there holding the baby talking about how she just changed the babys diaper and has been holding him for such a long time, blah blah blah. So she's ready to hand over the baby to some one else, sil takes the baby and says to my parents that they can't hold the baby right now because she needs to hold him for a little while to bond with him again. After sil is done bonding she lets my mom hold baby and than my mom gives baby to my dad to hold. my mom goes to the bathroom and she hears the word "barge" come out of sil's mouth. my mom walks out of the bathroom and my dad says to sil "tell my wife what you just said to me". sil turns to my mom and says "I hope you guys don't barge in all of the time when we get home. i have to bond with the baby". My mom just turns to my dad and tells him to give the baby to it's mother, my mom says goodbye to sil and my brother (who btw didn't say anything during this). My mom is devastated, this is her first grandkid and we haven't had a baby in the fam for like 20 yrs. She would never stop in when they were home with the baby, she just thought since it was the first 24 hrs she could come see the baby. I felt really bad since i know how excited they were for the baby to come. And they've been asking my parents for favors like crazy and now they don't want them around. I don't have a baby yet, is this a normal reaction?
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