opice - hope you feel better soon.
I was doing sooo good this weekend. did elliptical all weekend, when me and fi went out for ice cream i just got a small sugar free water ice (it broke my heart not to have ice cream), brought a lowfat snack with me to Sex and the City on Sunday. the girls i went to movies with were supposed to go to dinner after so i was like cool i'll just order something healthy. Well, after the movie they all just wanted to go home to their fams, i went home got a turkey burger out of freezer than fi says why don't you just eat this pizza. pulls it out and i lost my will power. i was so hungry, starving i ate two pieces of pizza. even though it was really good, afterwards i wished i didn't eat it. i was doing so good and i felt like i ruined it. guess we'll see on weds.