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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. appleton rum is very good. and spices are really nice too. good find
  2. yeah my list just keeps getting longer too and i'm don't have that much checked off either. lol
  3. great stuff. i love how you named drinks after the places you guys have visited together. great idea!
  4. You poor thing. whatever it is sounds awful. I never had shin splints but they are supposed to be very painful. Def go to the docs and let us know what he has. But 4" in a month is awesome. hopefully the doc can help you out so you can stay on track to get in wedding day shape.
  5. I'm sorry but i don't have any suggestions that haven't already been said. But i also wonder if your health insurance would pay for any type of transportation? Seems like it's a medical reason that she can't fly. this is a tough one Ugh!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ChristinaH I love lists. Lists get me through the day. I have an on-going Wedding Stuff list actually. At all times, I carry my little notebook around in my purse. Just in case I think of something else I need to do or another song I hear on the radio that I want to add to the play list. this made me laugh because i have a mini notebook that i keep in my purse (i had to switch to a bigger purse because of it), i'm always writing ideas done it. my fi thinks i'm such a dork!
  7. i got some t's from vista. i bought some with out logo on it and would just added "Maid of Honor" "Mother of Bride" on them, they were pretty nice and prices are so cheap. they always have sales or free stuff. Celina - did you order the tshirt that had the suit and wedding dress on them?
  8. that bouquet is gorgeous. i love the orange and fuschia together. I really like the std's too.
  9. I loved it, though it kinda dragged a little and i don't know about them getting married at the end. 1. When he didnt show up and than they met on the street. I almost strarted to ball. I felt so bad for her. But was glad she beat him with the bouquet. the peacock hat was god awful. 2. I actually liked how they brought Steve and Miranda back together on the bridge. Not happy about Steve being a cheater but i thought he seemed genuinely sorry and they did go to therapy. it kinda wrapped up nicely. 3. loved loved Samantha the whole movie. 4. assistant was great too 5. So glad Charlotte was prego and shit her pants (hysterical). Her and harry were so sweet together the whole movie. And i loved when she told off (in her charlotte way) big, "i curse the day you were born" 6. didn't like how carrie and big just got back together. i expected carrie to yell at him or something when she saw him in the closet than maybe make out a little. But it is a movie. overall i really like it.
  10. that's so sweet that your friend almost cried. mexican food and margaritas sound like the perfect way to celebrate legal day. i hope you have a great legal day friday!
  11. opice - hope you feel better soon. I was doing sooo good this weekend. did elliptical all weekend, when me and fi went out for ice cream i just got a small sugar free water ice (it broke my heart not to have ice cream), brought a lowfat snack with me to Sex and the City on Sunday. the girls i went to movies with were supposed to go to dinner after so i was like cool i'll just order something healthy. Well, after the movie they all just wanted to go home to their fams, i went home got a turkey burger out of freezer than fi says why don't you just eat this pizza. pulls it out and i lost my will power. i was so hungry, starving i ate two pieces of pizza. even though it was really good, afterwards i wished i didn't eat it. i was doing so good and i felt like i ruined it. guess we'll see on weds.
  12. i would of called out of work, your a trooper. Glad you had a great shower!
  13. oh that is such gorgeous lace. and i really like the sweeheart neckline on you. i think im going to have to change my neckline too, i know what you mean by claustrophobic.
  14. that would of been so sweet Morgan but an impromptu later will be really sweet too.
  15. i have no idea what i'm doing. my fsil did her first dance right when they entered and it was really nice. i might do it that way, just to get it out of the way. fi can't dance always stepping all over my feet, so we are basically doing the sway. he doesn't even want a dance but i think you should have one even if you can't dance.
  16. 1. A party once you go home is a great idea. a lot of girls have an ahr (at home reception), some are really fancy and others are more like a huge kick ass party. 2. i think you should let everyone know where your registered. hmmm i don't think you should put it with invites though not sure how everyone would know. 3. you can definately just walk yourself down the isle unless you had anyone else that you feel is special to you do it. I just saw a wedding on tv this weekend and the girl walked herself down the isle while her dad played the trumpet, sounds a little strange but it was actually very nice.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by KellyandMatt08 Thank you Danielle and Erin.. Our wedding was perfect! i'm glad to hear that.
  18. i just voted for your bro too. What was up with the shirtless dudes, how desperate is that?! lol
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