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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. i know a girl that used these people recently. she loved her pics Juan Guzman-Wedding Photographer in Dominican Republic
  2. i'm a huge fan of The Notebook and i can watch A lot like love over and over.
  3. that's pretty beat of him. Maybe you can say something to the woman that keeps getting him food. lets call her susie. "Wow Susie your going for seconds, you must be hungry today." maybe she will be too embarrassed to get him food. She's in the wrong too, if she knows he isnt in the club.
  4. that pineapple angel food cake that rachel posted sounds really good.
  5. if you've been really thinking about eating them for the past week than i think you should let yourself have one. Otherwise you might go nuts and eat a lot more than one.
  6. That would be annoying Courtney. Is anyone else really nervous about what kind of mom they'll be? I am so nervous that i really won't know what to do with a baby. everytime i go to babies r us for a baby shower gift, i just stare at the shelfs trying to figure out what stuff is. I always feel so clueless when i'm in there.
  7. I think walkie talkies would be a little difficult. those things never work that great and if the resort is that big, i'm not sure they would be able to work anyway. I would just setup a welcome reception. I'm just going to have everyone meet at the lobby bar at my resort so it's free since i've pretty much blown my budget. Make sure you get everyone's room numbers when they check in. At fsil's wedding, everyone kinda just met at a certain bar everynight. it wasn't always planned but it worked out. And people didn't have to meet. Some people like to do their own thing on vacay.
  8. Congratulations on the new job!!! goodluck with it.
  9. great bm dresses and love the aqua color and your dress is beautiful.
  10. Wow compared to some of you girls, i've hardly been anywhere. 1. US 2. Mexico 3. Jamaica and soon Dominican Republic, that's it.
  11. I've actually been thinking about this subject a lot lately. Like when we are going to start trying to have kids. We've talked about having kids after we get married but never really discussed when we should start trying. Sadly, i kind of have to plan around my job. i have a three month busy season that i cannot take any time off from. I guess fi and i really have to sit down and discuss when we want to start trying. I'm definately not going to tell anyone that we are trying, that's too much pressure.
  12. Hi girls! Steph i hope the doc can finally help you out. Well i haven't done any wedding planning in weeks now. I took another weekend off and went to the Jersey shore on Saturday. I really need to get back into the swing of things. because i'm a little over 4 months out, i really should get some of the diy projects done like programs and welcome packets. I just dont' feel like doing anything right now. i need to snap out of it.
  13. I just voted. How stinkn' cute was that pic? Your neice is adorable and Gordie is a handsome guy!!!
  14. I don't check the forum that much when fi's home. Everytime i'm on the computer at home, he tells me to get off and spend some time with him.
  15. i'm not looking forward to weigh-in 2morrow. I ate so much this week. I felt so crappy on Monday from all the food i ate.
  16. i think it needs a sash. it makes the fit look even nicer. Could you do a sash and a dramatic necklace? or do you think that would be too much.
  17. great pics. i really like your dress very cute. and the teacup theme is a really good idea.
  18. that's really strange behavior. maybe she's jealous he may like you more than her.
  19. welcome to the forum from another PC bride.
  20. I am so sorry for you and your daughter. He is being so selfish trying to keep you both from going. Hopefully he'll come around.
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