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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. i was just going to make a thread asking the same question.
  2. You don't have to be embarrassed, we all have issues here lol.
  3. how cute. when my cuz's baby lost her hair he started to call her George Costanza. poor kid but it was pretty funny.
  4. Great room. i really like how you painted the walls with the chair rail, i love that look.
  5. it'll be hot all day so you might as well stick with 4 so you can get your shots. Make sure you wear a lotta sunblock.
  6. I know the Paradisus Palma Real does, i'm sure the paradisus Riviera does too. check their website.
  7. i think i'll try to do the same for future PPR brides. im not doing a site visit and i would of killed for pics like these.
  8. Shay, if you are near a office depot or staples, etc. they should have a section of cardstock paper in single reems that will have weights on the reems you'll see 60lbs, 80lb, 110lb etc
  9. these pics are perfect for girls that can't do site visits. Morgan brought the site visit to them. you can see every portion of the hotel, great pics.
  10. Me and my fi have the same sex issues. i put on about 20lbs in the past 2 yrs (well now i'm losing it) and just don't feel that sexy. And i've been tired a lot too. my fi gained but his mojo is still the same.
  11. I saw a commercial for old navy yesterday, Saturday flip flops are on sale for $1
  12. i like the head wear and sash. And the m&m theme is funny, great idea. the fake moustaches must of been funny.
  13. I received something like the Berry Margarita for my bday last year, it was really nice and huge too.
  14. Oh the bs we dw brides have to deal with. How do resorts just change policies and spring it on you like it was never the case. Definately show them the emails with the gazebo decorated and how it states it in the package. They just can't change that on you like that. As for the spa credit, do you have a copy of the promo? that spa credit of $900 sounded too good to be true, maybe it did have just those weekdays listed in small print. I hate when they hide things in small print. Goodluck dealing with them. let us know how you make out.
  15. Wow he's got a lot of stuff going on. It sounds like this is not the right time for him to stop seeing a therapist, it sounds like this is when you need one the most. And your a great fi helping him get through everything. I think you should try to sitdown with him and let him know you feel for his situation and that you are willing to be there for him. But it's not fair for him to tell you he feels trapped, he needs to explain himself a little to you.
  16. Matt loves you that's why he isn't leaving. And moving and wedding planning are both really stressful events. No wonder your freaking, i did them at seperate times and i freaked. can't imagine if i did them within a year of each other, i'd go crazy too. You need a week of no wedding thoughts what so ever, just to clear your head so you can think straight.
  17. i'm doing what bianca said. I'm doing one per couple and putting doubles of some things like stadium cups. i have a couple of singles sharng rooms but im giving them both their own bags.
  18. This sounds like fun. Hmm i think something on a boat is definately a good guess. you can definately get chilly out on the water so the sweater would make sense and the flat shoes would work too. i think your right. i have no idea what else it could be. Have fun!
  19. that is great that he thinks he screwed you and he has no idea you can get it without him anyway. i wish i could see his face when he finds out you got the passport, if you tell him in person can you please bring a camera so we can see his face too? lol
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