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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. What a D-bag! He needs to learn to treat people with respect. His email was beyond rude. But thank god you found out now before you hired him, could you imagine being stuck with this jerk in Mexico?
  2. i had the same problem and couldnt figure out how to get reception. i would get it for a week and than not have reception for another week so i just listen online. Sucks you cant listen online at your work.
  3. I'm so dissappointed that Jesse is back on the show. I cant stand him. when the athletes won part of me didnt even want to watch the next show. Hopefully he'll be off next week. I'm not really sure who i like yet. I like the teacher guy and i like Kevin. I did like Lydia but if she cries like Mel said all the time, than that would be annoying to me. I dont like Boobs, Chima she's so dramatic, the girl who lied about her age i just think that was so stupid to do like she's going to get caught up in a lie and look stupid. i was joking to dh that if that girl wins hoh watch they'll have pics from her family of her at her 21st bday party and her playing all these HS sports (she also said she didnt play any sports in HS).
  4. Im no fan of Jessica but its pretty beat to dump her the day b4 her bday.
  5. Im sure its going to be well worth the wait. Your photog is probably really making sure everything is edited perfectly. You'll be thrilled when you get them.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by honey740 Get rid of the 3rd party, it's only hurting you and helping the TA, it's your wedding. Furthermore, I would drop this company all together. They sound terrible. I personally wouldnt book a group of guests without a TA. We had issues with airfare and had to switch departure and arrival date and my TA worked all these issues out for me. If it wasnt for her my guests would of been out some serious dough. My TA handled a lot of things for me and i was really glad to have her on my side.
  7. My guests had to put down their deposit by a certain date to guarantee their rate. I did have guests book after that date and the resort rate was different but luckily for them the airfare went down so it kind of evened out. Your guests should still be able to book but might not get the group rate. I think that's pretty common. Even for work when i go to conferences i have to book by a certain date to guarantee i get the group rate and there's only a limited amount of rooms availabe. Once they reach that number i'm out of luck and have to pay regular price. I would maybe try to talk to someone higher up that can get into your Ta's files so you can find out how many have booked and what not.
  8. Maybe its some sort of special deal your getting. I know our final balances were due till about 2 months before we left. our deposit was due with in a few weeks when we picked the resort. and the airfare was all due upfront. I think it really depends on the package your TA gets you. Maybe you should ask another TA. There's a TA on here that does trips fron Canada I would talk to here.
  9. Everything sounds amazing. I cant wait to see your pics. Congratulations!
  10. Diane i got my hair done at the spa but did my own makeup. I did a hair trial a few days before the wedding which i would recommend. I brought some pics of what i wanted and showed it to her, definately bring pics. I also wanted to make sure the style would work in my hair, my hair is thick but really fine and doesnt always hold a style like i want it too. The stylist i had was great. i forget her name off hand but i know i put it in my review. You could probably do a makeup trial if you wanted. I never had my makeup done for anything so i just went to a Laura Mercier counter a few months before the wedding and had a trial done there and the girl walked me through how to do everything myself. So i spent the few months before the wedding doing my makeup every weekend to get used to it, i dont wear much makeup normally so i needed practice.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Helen_S81 There is a member on BDW who makes these http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21980 try sending her a PM her name is Agape Gems I was going to suggest Agape too. she made some for my bridesmaids and they turned out great.
  12. You should definately try to do a review under Wedding Reviews section because we dont get that many PPR brides on here. so a review would be greatly appreciated. Did the resort photog shoot your wedding? Your pics are great. you look gorgeous.
  13. that's good news. now get your hand prepared for all the signing your gonna have to do 2morrow.
  14. that's good. I know the travelers insurance that my guests got covered health issues while away but you would have to pay while in DR and than were going to get fully reimbursed when you got home. Thankfully no one needed it.
  15. Never got the feeds. i did watch BB after Dark sometimes and check one of the spoiler sites i think Jess posted it last year. and that site always had a lot of updates.
  16. Cant you edit your evite to put on the presents thing. I'm sure most people will end up going on evite later and looking at the invitation again and will see that. This way its not a whole other email. I wouldnt sweat it. as far as the rooms for your friends, could you put the photog in a hotel to free up the room? and cant any additional people that want to come get a hotel room and just come over to hang out during the day and on the wedding?
  17. Oh and to add, im pretty sure everyone besides my mother left their programs at the ceremony location or the reception location so they all pretty much got thrown away. So dont stress about programs, its really not worth it.
  18. I wouldnt redo them instead i would give yourself a few days to think about it and if you still really dont want to use them than just scrap the programs. but honestly I know the look of them is really bothering you but its probably something no one will even notice at your wedding. I was so picky about so much stuff for my wedding and no one noticed if anything was off but me. And your fi really tried to help you and its really sweet how he realizes he messed up but is trying to fix it for you so i would just hold onto the programs and see if they grow on you. I'm sure they are fine and just look awful to you because they werent exactly how you wanted them. If you get a chance to post them on here and we'll give you an honest opinion about them. And once you get to Mexico you'll be laughing at this whole incident, its amazing how relaxed i was once i stepped off the plane, i didnt give a crap about any of the wedding planning. I'm sure you'll be the same way.
  19. Gwen sounds like she's adjusting well. I'm sure you'll be a train system pro soon. The new flat sounds like its in a great location. I cant wait to see pics of your new place.
  20. As soon as my dh picked up the ring at the jeweler he ran over to my parents house to ask my dad permission, my mom was still at work he waited for her to come home to show her the ring. My dad was so happy that dh asked him. Im sure your fi will ask maybe he feels funny, its not like its something he does everyday so i'm sure he needs to work up some courage even if he knows your dad will say yes.
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