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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. Yari where did you get them? Did they come packaged like that? They are so cute. I love the design on the bag.
  2. Im so sorry. He was adorable. I would be devastated if one my dogs passed, so i know what you mean when you say his was like your kid. Here's a hug
  3. Becks glad you straightened your TA out. That is really irresponsible of her, good for you letting her know. and how awesome was the lady that sat near you on the train, that was too funny!!! lets see the bands...
  4. that worked, they look really good and i think your engagement pic is going to be a really nice touch. Good job!
  5. i saw on another post you added shells to your bouts, i think they looked perfect with the shells. the fg dress is so cute. great stuff!
  6. the bouts are really pretty, i like the little shells very nice touch. And your logo looks great on the bag. good job!
  7. I didn't read everyone's responses but this is what i did. I did two stores in one day. I had found "the dress" in the first store but still went to the 2nd store just to make sure. After trying on almost 20 dresses in the first store, i really wasn't in the mood to try much on in the 2nd store. So i would spread it over a couple of days if you could. I wore boy shorts but forgot my strapless bras which i wish i had. Most places have shoes to try on the dresses with so you can see what your dress looks like with heels, but you might want to bring a pair just in case. And i hate shopping with people but i was really greatful my mom and sis were there to give me their opinion, you try on so many dresses that it's nice to have them keep track of what ones they like and you like. Goodluck finding your dress!
  8. I'm mad for you too. And you shouldnt have to put your bday onto a calendar that should be etched into his brain along with your wedding anniversary!
  9. make sure you post pics after you get your order. i can't wait to see how everything turns out.
  10. That is horrible. I think you should do something to honor her, but maybe something that wouldn't get them too upset. I really like the frames people put in the bouqets to honor people that have passed. Talk to your friend and see if she thinks it's appropriate or maybe it would be too hard for them. I can't imagine what they are going through. And you too.
  11. Man i missed this episode, i'll have to catch it when they re-run it.
  12. flygirl, We won't tell your fi if you win. You have to at least buy yourself one really cute outfit
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK Here's a suggestion.. how about making your names a lil bigger and in a different font from the rest of the std's I would try to change the fonts like the fonts in the dear friend and family section. i would keep the title font the same but maybe change the font for the paragraphs underneath. How about the titles on the left side of the boarding passes, maybe adding a little more color.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ButlerGirl08 Yeah I didn't start off so good...I was supposed to go workout out yesterday...but yeah, that didn't happen. My eating habits are the hardest thing to get in control. How much is weight watchers Nikki gave me the book, but I can't seem to keep up with it...I need professional help. I hate to say it, but it's only day 2 and I already feel kinda defeated... Oh don't feel down, it's just the first week. Last season i had a couple of bad weeks but it just made me work harder the following week. If you have a bad couple of days, just forget about it and start over. There's no point on harping on it and making yourself feel guilty, just use it as motivation to do better. I forget about initial registration was i think like $20 at ww but if it's still the same weekly cost was $12. It was really helpful when i was in it. Especially the meetings. they were great motivation.
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