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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. I like them both on you but i really like the front of #1 so i voted for that one. But i do like the back of #2 better.
  2. The motorcycle actually worked, lol thats great! I'm imagining a dog on a motorcycle riding by me right now. The two bostons are very handsome.
  3. Becks did a really nice one: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16771 Oh and i think JennyK just posted one a few weeks ago, it was really good. you should search for it.
  4. Oh i forgot to post about this, on saturday we received our custom shirts. They came out great i love them. We have to order two more now since we didnt' know sizes. So by the end of the week i'll have the other two people's sizes and ill have all my shirts ordered. So glad to get that checked off my list. I'm going with my dad to K&G this week to get his pants altered. i didn't think he's remember to do it so i'm having him meet me there. And most of my family still hasnt' gotten their passports yet, this includes my parents and my brother. I'm getting tired of reminding everyone to go get it. I told everyone to make sure they go apply for one by the end of the month.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 Congrats on getting the rings. I got FI's band already, but mine are being made to match my e-ring. They should be done in August. I can't wait to see how they turn out. I think we might give coloring books and crayons at the wedding to keep the kids occupied. The hand held games would be a good idea. I know my brother has a Nintendo DS, but the other one is only 3 and I don't think he gets video games yet. Maybe we can get something else for him. FI and I also got a new camera on Friday. We decided we would get that instead of doing wedding gifts for each other. I will take pics of the stuff I got so far and post. Be prepared for lots of pics coming soon. Michelle someone on the website posted (about a month ago) a really cute coloring/activity book she made for kids coming to her wedding. I can't wait to see all the pics of your stuff so far.
  6. Sounds like you hada busy night Erica. I booked photosouvenir too, i'm a little scared because they told me not to send my deposit in, they would bill me for it later. They told me something about only being allowed so much transactions on paypal per month and that i shouldnt be worried. But of course I am! Celina - nice shirts. The custom shirts are really expensive so i don't blame your fi for not wanting to order them. We couldn't find any other shirt we both liked in a color i wanted, fi was really picky about the shirts too so that made it harder. So finally we saw the custom shirts and both agreed on them. We have a really small wedding party so it's not too bad.
  7. I love your hair. It looks so cute on you. I can't wait to cut my hair after the wedding.
  8. You poor thing. I feel so bad for you. I hope that TA gets in a lot of trouble. What a horrible person she is to do something like that.
  9. So i didn't do too good this weekend. Friday i was so pissed at my boss that i ate pizza, more than i needed to. Yesterday we went to breakfast which me and fi never do, i had french toast and home fries. It was really good. So today and tommorrow i have to be really good for weigh ins.
  10. fi doesn't want to wear one but we get one free with out wedding package so i'm going to give it to my dad.
  11. Congratulations on the new pup. Your pics were beautiful, you looked absolutely gorgeous. I love how your dress was flowy, very pretty.
  12. Wow, i can't believe you were able to get your fi to go. I have to find someone to go with cause no way will fi go.
  13. I was wondering the same thing. i'm not sure what time i should make my hair and makeup appointments either.
  14. Congratulations Abbie and your pics are beautiful. You look gorgeous!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by flygirl Okay ladies, I'm scared for tonight...I work at an event center bartending in the evenings and every night we turn in all of our tips and then about every 3 weeks we all go out for dinner and drinks with the tip money (I'd personally rather keep the cash, but I got outvoted). So tonight is our tip party night. We are going to Houlihan's because they have half priced appetizers during happy hour...yay, fried food! I worked out this morning and saved all of my extra weight watchers points for the week for tonight's outing, but I'm still scared about the booze. I do want to have a few drinks, but I'd like to do it the healthiest way possible...is there such a thing as healthy alcohol? I was thinking light beer would be the best option cause wine and mixed drinks are so sugary, but then again, they don't call it a "beer gut" for nothing! Like Betsy said the sugar free redbull and vodka is really good. I also like bicardi and diet coke or sprite zero (or diet) with vodka.
  16. Here comes the weekend, great. it's so hard to eat healthy on the weekends. Goodluck this weekend girls.
  17. Maura I have brochure paper i'll definately have some left. If you need some (and if i have enough for you) let me know you can have it. I'll mail it asap if you want.
  18. That's an incredible story. I really do think that dress was meant to be. You look so beautiful in your dress.
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