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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. Do you guys all know when your bridal shower is going to be? Mine is a surprise but i really want to know when it is. I want to look cute!!! I usually love surprises too but this is bothering me. Oh well, nothing i can do about it. I ordered a cake topper yesterday. I wasn't going to get one and then fi decides we should have one. I didn't want one because all the ones i liked seemed to be expensive, not that i would know i never had to buy one. But fi said you'll only buy one once so get what you want. He didn't have to tell me twice. lol
  2. Everyone had great comments and mine are pretty much the same. Don't worry about EVERYONE. First worry about you and your fi, then your parents. When we started planning we just looked at the dates that were good for us, then asked our parents if they could make it, and checked with our siblings. That's it. We didn't worry about anyone else. If there are certain people that you definately want there then check with them but you don't take everyone into consideration. And you pick a resort, if people want to stay somewhere else they still can you would just have to pay the day pass or let the guests pay them (that's up to you). Once you pick your date and resort send out a STD with a letter explaining that this the resort your staying at, it's all inclusive, prices (or estimates), and let them know they can stay there or somewhere else. If people really want to go, they will. In the end, you and your fi have to be happy. you don't want to look back at your wedding and wish you had it somewhere else.
  3. Did you send out STDs already? Most people started to let us know that they were either not going to make it, definately coming, or trying to make it within a month of receiving the STDs. That helped with our head count.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride I am planning on order the hot pink ones...How do they look... are they cheap looking Actually they are really nice. The only thing i didn't like was the handles but i was going to cover mine with ribbon. But my fi thought i was crazy, he like the handles. I really wish the color went with my bm dresses. Quote: Originally Posted by michaela Do you think they would ship to Tennessee before the 10th of August? I think they would make it to Tennessee well before August 10th. I can mail them right away if you want.
  5. i didn't watch it last night but was it the blonde from NJ yelling at her fi? She was unbelievable. But if was that chick, they were married before and divorced so he knows what he is getting into and it's his fault for letting her treat him like that.
  6. Welcome Danica. I'm a november bride too. I stayed at the Bahia about 4 yrs ago, it was very nice. I'm sure you'll have a great time. It seems like a lot of DW brides have a hard time getting ahold fo the WCs. I hope you find info on here to help you out.
  7. I think your cousin is going to be better off without that beyotch.
  8. 1. Where is your cell phone? home 2. Your significant other? derek 3. Your hair? up 4. Your mother? home 5. Your father? work 6. Your favorite thing? mexican 7. Your dream last night? none 8. Your favorite drink? riesling 9. Your dream/goal? skinny 10. The room you're in? messy 11. Your ex? which 12. Your fear? break-in 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? rich 14. Where were you last night? home 15. What you're not? skinny 16. Muffins? cinnamon 17. One of your wish list items? boobs 18. Where you grew up? Twp 19. The last thing you did? purchase 20. What are you wearing? sweats 21. Your TV? flat 22. Your pets? loves 23. Your computer? bdw 24. Your life? stressful 25. Your mood? bored 26. Missing someone? no 27. Your vehicle? dirty 28. something your not wearing? flipflops 29. Favorite Store? kohls 30. Your summer? hot 31. Like someone? der 32. favorite color? turqoise 33. When is the last time you laughed? earlier 34. Last time you cried? weeks __________________
  9. if libra did get back doored that would be pretty sweet.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by zorlack76 Well, I hope I can put some ease to your mind....I have had birds get into my mail box. They always get out somehow, but it has happened. My best guess is that the bird got in and had an injured leg or wing or something, so it couldnt get out. It them probably dies because of the heat. Its probably warmer in the enclosed mail box than it is outside. Maybe that's what happened. It's really scary to think it might of been one of your neighbors. That would be sick...
  11. I'm sorry that you have to worry about this. Im glad her sister can watch over her. But i still think that you should talk to her. Maybe just let her know that you would really appreciate if she didn't drink while she was there. Let her know that it is your wedding and you want her to be there for you but you want your day to go perfectly, you don't want to have to worry about her.
  12. It wouldnt' be a wedding without some drama lol. But i'm glad you got through it, it sounds like it ended good. can't wait for the pics
  13. Wow those are great pics. The scenary is gorgeous there. You looked beautiful. the resort photog took really good pictures.
  14. MIB came out great. the paper you used was a really nice touch and so was the tag with your date. great job!
  15. I heart keesha too. I loved Jessie's face when all of the people he told Keesha to nominate were safe and when there wasn't a key for him, he was soooo pissed. He's such a tool! I hope he doesnt win the POV
  16. Congratulations on making it legal. Sounds like you had a fun time. You look so happy in the pics.
  17. This is great news. And of course i'll still keep him in my thoughts.
  18. Welcome to the forum Jen, Alyssa's pics were great btw.
  19. Welcome to the forum Velvet from another Punta Cana bride!
  20. I don't have pics of either one on the site. I did have pics of the old bm dresses on here. My bm dresses just came in i'll have to take pics of them because the designer's site doesn't have a good pic of them. And my mom took pics of my dress on her regular camera and i have yet to see them, that was in December! Maybe when i go see the bms dresses again i can ask to see my dress too, we got them all at the same place. I just have no desire to try my dress on right now.
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