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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. Dont be nervous i'm sure everything will be fine. i was married at the Palma Real and loved it. enjoy your planning.
  2. oh i love me some uggs. when they first came out i really didnt get why anyone liked them and than finally last year for xmas i got a pair from D and I love love them. They are by far the most comfortable shoes i've ever worn and i wore them all winter long. He also got me a pair from Macy's they arent uggs they are EMUs. they arent as comfy as the real deal but they were a lot cheaper so for those who dont want to pay the higher price you might want to check them out.
  3. yeah i dont think they will show us Lydia and Jesse getting it on. How creepy was it when she was talking about how she likes to watch Jesse sleep and than they showed clips of her doing it. and than she went on to say how if he screwed her over she would do her revenge on him when he sleeps. okay psycho much?! BB better watch her, she's not all there. lol@ Lydiot. i keep voting online for Jeff to win the Coup De'Tate.
  4. yeah i'm not sure what Marrianne is. At first i was thinking she's a witch of some sort but she seems much to evil for that. A demon sounds likely. Whatever she is, shes definately a major beyotch!
  5. Awwww that was really sweet of your dh. He's a keeper!
  6. you know Steph i dont like how bills says sookie either. I love jessica and hoyt. When Jessica's character first started I didnt like her at all and when she met hoyt i was thinking that she better not hurt him. But now i think they are cute together. and i loved how hoyt yelled at his mom and told her his girlfriend is a vampire. i wish Lafayette would get back to his old self too, i miss his character. as soon as i saw that pig i was like oh crap she's with Marianne. that sucked. i cant wait to see what happens with Sam next week.
  7. i'm not sure what Paradisus in Punta Cana you mean, the Palma Real or the Paradisus Punta Cana? i got married at the palma real and i have a link to my review in my siggy. Foxytv got married at Paradisus Punta Cana and she has a review in the Wedding review sections, there's a lot of PPC girls on here that should have reviews. And MP is pretty new, i think i might have seen one review for a wedding there but i'm not positive. I would do an advanced search for those resort names in Wedding REview section. Goodluck!
  8. He did get big but i cant judge i packed on the lbs after our wedding. I had to laugh when i saw I think in People that Brittney was going to force him to lose weight, thought that was pretty funny since they arent even married anymore.
  9. I really hope the cliques are done this week. and i'm praying Jordan or Jeff wins hoh, i would love if Jordan won because everyone doesnt think she can do everything. And i love how Natalie just assumes she's going to win this week. I hope she's the first one out. I cannot stand listening to Ronnie's stupid stories. If i had to hear him say "concussed" one more time the other night i was going to scream. I have to fast forward so much of the BBAD because i cant stand him and he loves to hear himself talk. And how quickly he forgot how he was crying in his hoh room and now he's all cocky again. I dont know if i can watch after Jeff & Jordan are gone. And Mel your right Lydia never stops crying or whining. Its like enough already. And i cant believe she's turning on Kevin now and he's totally oblivious (sp?).
  10. i missed the nomination threads this month but there's plenty of great lately to choose from. I just voted!
  11. Yeah Andrea i agree with you that its an unfair advantage and they shouldnt do that. I still dont like Jessie but i can tolerate him a little more this year. I did like Laura though that sucks she had to go. I hate Ronnie, if he doesnt go up than i hope everyone turns on Jessie.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild One of my BMs was in grad school at the time of my wedding and I knew she didn't have the money but I asked her anyway because she is a close friend. I explained that I wouldn't be hurt if she couldn't make it but that it felt right to ask. As it turned out, her mom paid for everything as a birthday gift to her, so you never know what could happen! I hope it works out for you I would do what Jamy did, its great advice.
  13. Thanks. I'm so glad things are starting to come back to Ronnie. He thought he was just so darn smart and had complete control over everyone. Can you pm me the website you go on for all this info. I'm really into this season.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Debs I can't even believe Lydia from last week's show when she freaked out. To Jordan: "I was nominated and you didn't even cry" WTF is that? FREAK! I know that was so stupid when she said that to Jordan. I dont like Lydia she cries over everything like last night when Russell yelled at her, she acted like it was the end of the world. He shouldnt of cursed at her but you dont need to cry over it. Plus she did give him an attitude that set him off but she's all I didnt do anything and he just yelled at me WAAAAAWAAA! I just think if you live in that house with strangers 24/7, things are gonna happen like that so need to not let it get to you. so we taped last night's after dark and i saw the first 1/2 at lunch just now and some major stuff must of happened during the day yesterday. the . I need to find a spoiler site so i can know what happened, the after show pretty much had them talking about one person but didnt say what set everyone off.
  15. Poor Nismo. I hope surgery makes this little guy all better.
  16. Jennie i agree with JAWedding. the things that you are saying about your fi are very serious and should not be taken lightly. I think you should really think about your relationship and let your fi know how you feel. Marriage is a big step and it isnt easy. I dont think you should get married to someone you dont truly trust and believe in.
  17. the bridge one is really cool. you guys found some great places to have pics taken. they came out great.
  18. its a really hard decision to make. have you tried other websites like tripadvisor or Debbie's Dominican Travel forum there's a whole weddings in dominican section so there might be some iberostar brides on there. I had found a few brides on tripadvisor that were married at my resort and i sent them messages and some showed me their pics, doesnt hurt to ask.
  19. My boss is here so i cant open up the link to all the pics on kodak but the ones you posted on this thread are beautiful. You look gorgeous!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg Well, concidering he hasn't contacted me in about a month...I am a little hesitant to send him my money. it looks like your in a standstill, he wants money for the disk and you dont want to pay for it. So i would just drop it.
  21. Stephanie you handled the situation perfectly. You did nothing wrong and he's trying to scare you into taking down your review. But unfortunately for him, you know what your talking about and he doesnt.
  22. If your really dissappointeed with the size and quality of your book than i would buy the disk off him and make your own.
  23. thats interesting Abbie. maybe the report is false.
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