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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Between the two of them I don't think they have one fully functioning brain You got that right!
  2. Heather i watch BBAD sometimes and i always check the spoiler sites that pretty much post everything they watch on the live feeds. its all on there. if you want to know what i'm talking about i can pm you, i dont want to ruin it for everyone who doesnt want to know. I'm not sure if they are going to show us tonight, they'll have a packed game they have the veto comp the veto meeting and the hoh comp.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 I love JOrdan & Jeff but they almost (& still may) make a huge & Dumb mistake after VETO comp tonight. We will see I know they are being so stupid. they were really sitting pretty and than paranoia strikes in. If they do something stupid tonight than i hope it bites them in the ass because they deserve it. And the thing they want to do, makes no sense what so ever!!! Can America vote to smack some sense into them?
  4. Maybe once its completely altered you'll love it again? If you still think its plain I would just try to add accessories. And like Amanda said you cant be posting about your dress and not include pics for us. lol
  5. the sweetheart neckline looks really great on you so i'm glad all 3 dresses you would do sweetheart. But my fav on you is number 2 it looks great in the front and in the back too.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg I have fallen in love with a particular set up that I stumbled across the other day. I immediately sent the picture to my mom, who will be helping me with my flowers. She said it was doable. I was so happy to hear that. So the hunt began, I searched and googled all day yesterday with no success of finding 10" Pink Margarita Glasses (not plastic). So, I decided to see if the BDW girls can come through once again and help me locate 3-5 of these things. Below is a picture of the set up that I am trying to accomplish so you have some sort of idea. Thanks in Advance! i didnt read everyone's response so maybe someone already told you this. But i got that flower arrangment for my bday 2 years ago. and the glass isnt pink its a clear margarita glass filled with a pink gel. goodluck with your search.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Jessica AND Natalie is an overdramatic jacka$$. For her to blame Michelle for Chima's actions and to be all like "they took her HOH power away and it's so unfair" wah wah wah. Seriously. IT'S A FREAKING GAME!!!!!!!!!!! They didn't kill her puppy, they took her HOH power away. Michelle was playing the game, Chima is the only one to blame for her actions. I mean honestly, these people are annoying me. I want to hurl something at the tv everytime Natalie is on. And Lydia is such a turd. She's way too old to be throwing a temper tantrum. My 19 month old acts more mature than her. I'm so disappointed. I should have known by her lame ass tattoos that she would be a loser. God, I seriously can not stand these girls. Ditto to everything you said Jess. What really gets me is that they all (C, N & L) think they are so right all the time and are great people. How can someone be so out of touch and think any of their actions are called for. Quote: Originally Posted by ML YoungLove Second- This is the first episode that has made me so unbelievably annoyed that I almost wanted to turn off the TV. How could they have chosen so many idiotic b!tches for one season? L & C are definately on the crazy side. BB needs to change their interviewing process. there are so many times where i thought L or C might actually hurt someone in the house or hurt themselves.
  8. you guys look so cute together. your friend took a lot of great pics is she a pro photog or just does it as a hobby? My favs are 1, 3 & 6.
  9. I see everyone's digging on naked Eric. That seen was great. Bill always looks so pastey and gross but Eric's pastiness is hot. I love that the old Lafayette is starting to come back. He was all bad ass and not taking any crap. Love him. Hoyt was great on Sunday's epi too. Love how he stood up to his mom but went back for that piece of sandwich. that was cute. maryanne better be gone soon that storyline is just blah and i've had enough already. I think that's why this season hasnt been that good lately because i'm tired of Maryanne.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin Congratulations. Matthew is beautiful! Quote: Originally Posted by GeminiLibra I'm a mommy!!! Natalie Noelle has finally arrived after 40 weeks and 5 days, kidney stones, high bp, bed rest and pre eclampsia, and it was all worth it. We went in Wed. night to start cervadil and get things going. At 8:30 am on Thurs I was started on Pitocin and she was delivered at 6:40pm weighing 7 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long. I went completly natural and actually relaxed between contractions somehow. I took hypnobirthing classes and they really helped. I was able to stay calm, quiet, and peaceful during labor. Don't get me wrong the contraction pain was unbelievable but I get quiet when in pain not loud or anything. My poor husband felt so helpless because I sat in the tub for four hours before pushing and there was really nothing for him to do but feed me ice chips. It was such a wonderful experience. I will post pictures later on. Congrats but we need pictures! I'm coming out of the closet girls, as you can see from my ticker. I'm pregnant! We heard the heartbeat this week and had our first ultrasound. Here's a pic:
  11. I got a Save the date about 3 weeks ago for a Wedding that's on Oct 10th. The formal invites havent gone out yet. And the girls bridal shower was 2 weeks ago so the invites for that had to be sent out before the STDs, I wasnt invited to the shower so i have no idea when they were actually sent out. I know around me a lot of people don't send STDs out, this is the 2nd one i've gotten out of all the weddings i've been invited to and one of those STDs was for a DW. So it is common around here to get a shower invite before the wedding invite. I wouldnt RSVP to the wedding until you get an actual invite in the mail. I know you guys wont be living with each other soon but do you have any interest in staying friends with her at all after they move out? If you do than i would go to her shower and invite her to your wedding. The facebook thing is totally weird, maybe she doesnt realize its not private.
  12. I dont know how i missed this. I hope you got the TL. My last 3 cars have been Acuras and I absolutely love them. I've never had a problem. I had a TL until Feb and i traded it in for a new TSX which i also love.
  13. I think the pork sounds better but I guess you should make sure your guests all eat pork. Looks like you have plenty of time before your wedding though, have all your guests booked already?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by estella1007 I spoke to my travel agent, and unfortunately we would lose almost half of our $. We are going on the cruise regardless. Everyone that is going wants to go anyway. 2 couples are celebrating their 5 and 10 year anniversaries, it will be my best friends honeymoon since she is getting married the week before I am, and the rest are just excited to go away. We discussed putting it off, but since everyone wants to still go, we found the yacht club that is available the Saturday before we leave. We figured we would pay for the hotel for everyone that night, and pay for the limo to and from the cruise terminal too. This is the place we are considering.ClarksLanding I grew up at the Jersey shore and have lived there my entire life, up until a year ago. I wouldn't be crushed if I had to sacrifice Bermuda. Honestly, we only chose a destination wedding because we couldn't afford a $30,000 wedding at home, but now we are getting a deal, so the price is not a factor anymore. I just feel that everyone was expecting the Bermuda wedding, and my FI had his heart set on it. We are so torn as to what we should do. The yacht club looks amazing. Your wedding would be gorgeous there. And you can still go on your cruise with your family and friends. I know you said your fi had his heart set on a Bermuda wedding, is there anything that he really wanted for his Bermuda wedding that you could maybe still do. Like a trash the dress for example. Let us know what you guys finally decide.
  15. Yeah i think the fight between Russ and Chima definately was real, maybe it started off as fake but def ended up real. I was like Russ at the beginning of his HOH reign but now i just feel like smacking some sense into him. I cant believe he fell for J & N's BS. I'm so annoyed at Russ for throwing Michelle under the bus several times. I felt really bad for Michelle last night when she was crying, i think Russ really hurt her feelings. I thought Jesse's convo with Jeff last night on BBAD when he was trying to get Jeff to vote to keep Ronnie was pretty funny. Jesse thinks he's so smart but was making the most stupid points and Jeff totally wasnt buying it. Like Jesse said i was hoh twice and didnt put you up, i had to laugh when jeff was like "cause you couldnt." duh Jesse you dummie Jeff was an athlete and therefore safe.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Bing & Win Win Natalie - I can't stand that little yappy terd .... lmao. you got that right! Quote: Originally Posted by Jessica Natalie is so freaking obnoxious. I want her to go home already. Lydia is also getting more annoying by the minute. Lydia is just so pathetic. and i cant stand when she talks to Jesse in a baby girl voice. Does she really think that's cute when your her age. And will someone please throw away Natalie's big a$$ slippers. i'm so tired of hearing her drag them across the floor. Ewww she doesnt even shower, she showered once this week and give her a freaking comb for her hair! she's just nasty inside and outside!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by estella1007 I am just concerned that what if she DOES get back to me saying that everything is ok. Do I trust her after reading that awful testimonial? Why can't anything be easy? do you have anyway of contacting the bride that had that testimonial? Im just wondering how long she's been trying to contact the WP. I mean if she's been trying for 3 weeks too and hasnt heard back from her that's a REALLY bad sign. And you said this isnt the first time you didnt hear back from her for awhile, how many times is she going to dissappear between now and your wedding. I wouldnt want my wedding in her hands.
  18. Estella do you have to keep the October 8th date or can you move it back to give yourself more planning time? Also did your guests or you put down any deposits for the trip?
  19. I'm sorry your WP is MIA. Honestly if it was me i wouldnt want to deal with her anymore either, especially after seeing the post from the bride that was leaving for her wedding. That would be when you need your WP most you dont need her dissappearing on you like that. Is a Bermuda wedding what you and your fi really want? If it is than maybe you should try to find another planner, im not sure how many Bermuda brides are on here but im sure there's a couple that might be able to point you in the right direction. But if your not sure about Bermuda anymore, i think the yacht club sounds really nice and you could definately have a gorgeous wedding there.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ Yeah, I'm watching parts of it now on After Dark. Chima lost her shit on Russell! Do you think that was supposed to start off as a fake fight? Because they were talking about faking a fight a few days before that. But it deem seem like a genuine I hate your guts fight. And how about Kev going off on Ron like that, that was AWESOME! I cant stand Natalie she's such a sh*t starter.
  21. I dont get the actual live feeds but according to the website that the live feeders post on it's confirmed. Nice! and i cannot wait to watch last night bbad sounds like things went crazy last night. and the
  22. lol i'm glad i'm not the only one. i havent gotten any work done since 1130 this morning. i just keep hitting refresh vote for jeff than i run over to the bbwebsites and look for updates. it really is an obsession.
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