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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. I like all three dresses that you posted. very cute.
  2. Sorry i forgot the gm shirt pics! i knew i was forgetting something. I was in a hurry to go watch the olympics that i ended up falling asleep through anyway hehe. But anyway, i'll post the shirts later and i need your opinions on the packing brochures i made for my guests so i'll post that later too. the pic for my cake topper didn't come out real good but there are turqoise and aqua crystals on it. I'm a little nervous since of the crystals fell off in the box. i'll have to glue that back one. Anyone know what kind of glue i should use?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I have been totally slacking in the workout and diet department. I'm so mad at myself because I wanted to lose so much weight before the wedding, and haven't lost nearly as much as I have wanted to. I'm thinking about getting a personal trainer to whip me into shape in the short time I have left. I can't stand to look at myself in pictures now because I feel so fat and I know I will be really disappointed in myself if I hate our wedding pictures. It's not like we can retake them ya know? My FI is always telling me that I don't need to lose and blah, blah blah, but that is not the point. It is the way I feel. Exactly how i feel! Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I feel like I missed so much yesterday! I wasn't able to log on at all, but it was for a good reason. I am a recruiter and work from home most of the week, but go into the office 2 days. I work in our downtown Chicago office now, but I used to work out of our office in the suburbs (Schaumburg for the IL ladies) where our HR department is located. There is a point to this story I swear! So yesterday I was supposed to go to a meeting in Schaumburg at 1:00. My team was all supposed to meet in the lobby since my boss was the only one with a badge to get into the HR floor (they took mine away when I stopped working out of that office). Normally, I'm early, but I was the last one to get there event though I was still early. We get up to the floor and my boss says just go in the conference room. I was the first in line and I heard people talking so I thought maybe it was another meeting that hadn't ended since we were a little early so I just kind of cracked the door open and peaked in. All the HR people were sitting in there, but there was a tablecloth on the conference table and all these luau flip flop beach decorations up all over and everyone was staring at me. It took me about a minute to realize it was a surprise bridal shower for me! I was so shocked and I felt like a total idiot because I'm looking around trying to figure out why there are these decorations up for our meeting. Event they were like she doesn't get it. Of course they all thought it was hilarious, and were happy that I was truly surprised. I literally had no idea. I had invited a few of the people I worked with in that office that I was close with, but didn't invite everyone, and I did invite the staffing team I work with downtown and most of them are coming to the wedding and my real shower in a couple weeks. I didn't even think they would throw one on their own so it was really sweet. We got some great gifts. We got all of our glasses, and some our bar glasses, vases, a cupcake stand (which I really wanted!), BBQ tool set, and the Kitchenaid countertop oven we registered for. They didn't get any pictures of me walking in, but one of the girls took some pictures of me opening gifts on her camera phone so when she sends them I will post them. Yesterday totally confirmed my hatred of being the center of attention though. I started to tear up after I realized what was going on, and started sweating! I was such a mess! I don't know if it was because of being surprised or being nervous or a combination of both. My FI was off yesterday so I ended up getting home early with a car full of gifts so he was really excited. He was hoping we would get the oven and BBQ set since those were two of the things he registered for. That's really sweet of them. I hate being the center of attention too but i'm excited about having a shower too. Just wish i knew when it was. that is killing me, still no hints from anyone.
  4. Hmmm I would be afraid to pick out a swimsuit for a bm because girls have such a hard time finding the perfect swimsuit, kwim? Is there a swimsuit store near you that you could get a gift certificate for. Or buy them cover ups and a gift card and let them know if the gift card is for them to buy their own swimsuit. I do think it would definately come in handy for a dw.
  5. I think they did away with the one flood control for searches.
  6. Here's my bm dresses: My cake topper And the cds for my departure gift bags, i'm not finished all of them yet:
  7. Maybe you should talk to one of the TA's on the forum. I'm sure they could recommend a place for you.
  8. i love those single cards with the pick up lines, what a great idea. I wonder if they have them near me.
  9. Welcome Susan. I'm sure everything is going to be fine. You have to remember that the Rui is experienced with doing weddings in this manner, we aren't. So try not to worry.
  10. Here's morgans. think 2nd post has template http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t15671
  11. I wouldn't pay that much, it would be less to pay for extra starfish if your aunt broke a couple. I would just ask her to try it.
  12. I would do it after. Especially if you are planning on using the same dress as your wedding day. Do you want your fi to see you dressed as a bride before the wedding? some people mind, some don't
  13. IMO I think they are really cute but I also know that's the kind of thing i would probably throw out in a few months. Maybe you could make them into christmas ornaments, I would keep it forever if it was an ornament.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 YOU pick the date when YOU want not when it suits her bloody schedule, its her son she can make a fucking effort!! i'm sure if you ask FI he'll probably say its a first lol Great point Harty!
  15. My resort WC made a reservation for a restaurant at our AI so i don't have to pay for it, it just won't be private other patrons will be eating there too.
  16. I think it's fine if it's just a setup charge, i think the $250 would be worth it knowing you wouldn't have to worry about it yourself.
  17. I feel the same way about her voice and it gets worse when she's drunk.
  18. I now can't stand any of the girls in the house. Keesha is getting on my last nerve. I don't know how much more of this show i can watch, I'm starting to hate it.
  19. I think there are some Rui brides on here. Another place that some girls have gotten married is the Gran Bahia and they have a few resorts in the same complex so your guests can pick the resort that they can afford. I know i've seen a review on here for that resort not too long ago. Goodluck!
  20. DanielleNDerek


    Welcome to the forum. Hawaii is such a beautiful place to have a wedding. Goodluck with your planning!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* I totally agree. The only thing I get is whether there is a splash or no splash...but sometimes they say the synchronization is great, when it looks like crap? Yeah, sometimes i think it's crappy too and the announcer thinks its great.
  22. I have no idea what that means - but yeah Vive les Etats-Unis! lol
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