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Everything posted by DanielleNDerek

  1. Ha, love the pic on the bike. You and your friends are so cute and looked like you had a great time. That's was a fun surprise!
  2. They came out great. Your guests are going to love receiving them in the mail are you mailing the brochures with the invites?
  3. I think they look great. Are you going to just bring the bottles and fill them with sand when you get to Jamaica?
  4. Okay i was expecting to open a thread about how fun and great your shower was, didn't expect what i read. Sweetie, I'm sorry they ruined your shower and your engagement party too. DO NOT let them ruin your wedding. If they want to be miserable in Cuba, don't let it get you down. Screw them! It sounds like your family is really trying and they are not trying at all. What is his fam's problem? Do they have some kind of issue with you?
  5. OMG 80 days, so i have 78 days. its so scary seeing it in days. lol where did you get the palm tree table number holders?
  6. Welcome to the forum Mary. I'm getting married at the Paradisus Palma Real in Punta Cana this November. Goodluck with your planning!
  7. I completely agree with your take on Heidi and Spencer being fake.
  8. Sorry Susan, i have no info for you but i just wanted to say that i think that would be a really nice touch for your guests. very thoughtful of you. goodluck in your search.
  9. Jac is there a number you can call on the website?
  10. The front is really cute. But like Alyssa pointed out the transfer paper is really noticeable. Maybe you had the iron on too hot? Is it that noticeable in person?
  11. I agree with what Rachel just said. At one point we had 62 "definates" but when it came time to book half of them had excuses. He were dissappointed that none of his friends were coming and I was dissappointed that none of my close cousins coming. But in the end, we looked at the people that were coming and making the effort to share in our day. We just focused on them. We really wanted a DW so we got over who couldn't make it. You have to decide what's right for you guys. And it's still early I'm sure some of these people may change their mind and decide they need a vacation by May 2009.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Good news guys...I think I am losing some weight! My clothes aren't so tight and I had some shorts on the day before yesterday and when I went to the bathroom - I noticed I could just pull them down without un-bottoning! I'm not eating much, but if I could get my arse in gear and exercise I would do better. that's great Celina! Operation Hottie is working. hehe. I'm trying to work out a little more. I'm only 2 1/2 months out, i'm running out of time.
  13. Glad the BD shoot went good Erica! I wish i had enough guts to do them because i know my fi would love them, it's not like me at all to do something like that. And maybe if i lost all the weight i wanted to, i would get them done.
  14. I'm so glad you finally watched it. I ended up rewatching it when i got home from work yesterday since fi missed it the night before i watched with him. At first i kinda thought Aurdrina was a little mean to Lo when Lo went to talk to her. But rewatching it, Lo even seemed a little rude then and it seems like maybe Audrina has just had it so can't blame her for being that way. Lo should of stayed at the party, she is friends with Frankie and LC didn't know Audrina's friends either. I do feel bad for LC though, she's really trying to get them to be friends. I think it's a lost cause. Stephanie didn't look so good in the previews for next week.
  15. Those were shots, they were huge! Great pics, looks like fun!
  16. Very pretty, definately go try it on like others suggested. Just make sure you like it on yourself. What i think will look right on me never does, and what i think will look bad looks good. You never know until you try it on!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jrodsgirl Good Luck to everyone tomorrow. My FI finally gave the scale back so we will see how it goes. He hid it from me this week so I would not weigh myself so frequently. It was getting pretty bad (morning, night, you name it). I'm sure he will confiscate it again. Oh well, lol. haha. i'm the same way. two weeks ago i came home from girls night absolutely hammered and fi caught me weighing myself. I couldnt even walk straight but somehow i managed to walk down the hall and weigh myself. It's an obsession.
  18. lol Wow what a crazy doctor. 1. i can't believe he asked if you were Catholic. 2. can't believe he told you that you shouldn't have sex till your married. 3. he actually told you to go to confession. What a nut! I have to start looking for a new OBGYN, can i have his number? haha
  19. big al is a cutie. Great pics. I really like the first one with al between Cain's legs.
  20. i don't think they are that bad. I really expected a lot worse. The seashell and sand look nice. I would just send them out and not worry about it. Everyone's already seen how great your STDs and Boarding passes were, no one will think you had anything to do with the shower invites. Forget about them.
  21. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure Italy or Mexico would be great. You might also want to check out the dominican republic they have some gorgeous catholic churches.
  22. I think that would work fine. As long as the restaurant it pretty close to keep travel time at a minimum.
  23. I don't think it's rude either. I've been to a lot of receptions and parties that were no kids, i don't think it should make a difference how formal the event is. The parents might appreciate a night away from the kids too. and fmil really shouldn't have a say.
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