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Everything posted by ACDCDCAC

  1. sa kat, does that mean that since doug and i have been renting for more than 3 years and not owning a home during that time that we could qualify??
  2. huh, thats pretty interesting! good to know here's a question for anyone else like me.... doug has previously purchased a home, but i have not. would we still qualify for any first time buyers incentives because of me??
  3. fantastic! the pics look awesome, and i love how everything looks! your dress was gorgeous, the baby is adorable, you looked so pretty! i REALLY love your hair and did you guys really rock out back up the aisle? looks like you were dancin machines! ok sorry for gushing, for some reason i just always LOVE the ROR wedding pics i should have gotten married there.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by albertabride But all in all we're in Jamaica so it wasn't a big deal! and remember in Jamaica everything is no problem, mon! So try not to stress too much about the small things. In the words of Bob Marley "Baby don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright" i love that you said these two lines, that is totally the best way to have a great time, remember that your on vacation instead of at work! and dont stress over things you cant control great review! now where are the pics??
  5. so sorry you have such a negative memory of what was supposed to be the best time of your life could you please post the review and pics in the thread? having attachments is a huge reason the forum gets so bogged down, and it costs points for members to have to open them. if you could do that it would save us mods a lot of time having to go back and fix this. thanks!
  6. heather, its really pretty i love the feather idea. ps the last picture cracked me up for a second, i knew you said it was big, but in that pic it looks like its bigger than your head
  7. heather, its really pretty i love the feather idea. ps the last picture cracked me up for a second, i knew you said it was big, but in that pic it looks like its bigger than your head
  8. Let the voting begin! Poll will be open until Monday February 2nd, 2009 when I will announce the winner!
  9. Let the voting begin! Poll will be open until Monday February 2nd, 2009 when I will announce the winner!
  10. thats a fun story im glad you did it your way!
  11. thanks jamy, i'll message her on FB if doug wants more info. im thinking its really not for us, we're more into the other option you posted.
  12. carly and i used them too, we both discussed in our planning threads and as we got the sand, etc. they are a great company.
  13. one last shot for the evening crowd-- its 1pm seattle time and i'll be posting a poll tonight!
  14. this subject has already been discussed extensively! please use the search function in the top right corner to save precious forum space! thanks
  15. ok i can see em but holy geez they are huge!! yikes!
  16. ah. i dont think hubby realizes this. i think he is thinking its like a couple week/month activity to throw himself into. i dont think we could afford to do that for our actual jobs! not to mention we've got kids who couldnt come with us (their mom migh have an issue with that haha). anyone else??
  17. this subject has already been discussed extensively! please use the search function in the top right corner to help preserve precious forum space thanks!
  18. personally i decided to do my own hair and i sooo wish i would have gotten it done. i straighten every day too, and my curly look is not the gorgeous springy curls that some girls have but more of a hot messy frizz-tastrophe. i always forget that the "air-dryed" look that happens in mexico is totally different that what i end up with at home. if your room is VERY air conditioned, you should have no prob straightening yourself, but if you're like me and the room is even a little too warm, the straightening just wont work right. plus, if you pay someone else to do it and you dont like it, at least you wont be mad at yourself for messing it up, you can blame the stylist
  19. i think yari was going to use fajita republic, but didnt she end up somewhere else? i love fajita republic. but, jamy is right, do the search and you will get so many good ideas!
  20. whats the deal with it anyways? anyone done it? my hubby has it in his head that he would like to do something along the lines of peace corps but i have no clue what that involves. any thoughts? ps i'm checking out this link as i wait for your replies, i just wanted to know if anyone had any personal experiences with it.... Peace Corps
  21. if anyone was wondering, we seriously had such a fun time, trisha, tammy and maura are all amazingly wonderful gals who will make you feel at ease! dont worry, they will make you look gorgeous! ps, i'll can probably be there to help again! yay!
  22. ps tammy, i heard jaymie has found the dress! and she is holding out on us....
  23. gorgeous pics! you looked so beautiful, and your man is a cutie too! is that a perfume bottle eh gave you? its SO pretty! where did it come from?
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