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Everything posted by ACDCDCAC

  1. update, in case anyone wonders, the confirmed death in the US was a 23 month old child from mexico, who was being treated in texas. if that matters to you. Texas flu fatality was from Mexico, officials say - CNN.com
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Reluctant Beach Bride We have a 4 year old, who we could not imagine getting married without him there. i think you are making a very responsible decision remember that the day will be special no matter where you get married because the 3 of you will be celebrating it together i really hope you can get something worked out!
  3. oh god girls, i am so heartbroken for all of you its so depressing reading all these threads. i can not even imagine how upset you all are. if there is anything i can do to help, please let me know! research, calls, emails, whatever you need.
  4. woooooohooooooo! shel, have an amazing time, we love you! congrats!
  5. GREAT email yamille! also, this is a good article to put some balance into the flu subject. altho as of this morning there is 1 confirmed swine flu death in the US (a small child in texas), the basis of this article should calm some fears with your guests: Regular flu has killed thousands since January - CNN.com REGULAR FLU HAS KILLED THOUSANDS SINCE JANUARY By Doug Gross CNN (CNN) -- There had been no confirmed deaths in the United States related to swine flu as of Tuesday afternoon. But another virus had killed thousands of people since January and is expected to keep killing hundreds of people every week for the rest of the year. People are nervous about swine flu, but the regular flu kills 36,000 people a year in the United States. That one? The regular flu. An outbreak of swine flu that is suspected in more than 150 deaths in Mexico and has sickened dozens of people in the United States and elsewhere has grabbed the attention of a nervous public and of medical officials worried the strain will continue to mutate and spread. Experts are nervous that, as a new strain, the swine flu will be harder to stop because there aren't any vaccines to fight it. But even if there are swine-flu deaths outside Mexico -- and medical experts say there very well may be -- the virus would have a long way to go to match the roughly 36,000 deaths that seasonal influenza causes in the United States each year. "That happens on an annual basis," Dr. Brian Currie said Tuesday. Currie is vice president and medical director at Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, New York. Mexico closes public places to prevent swine flu spread Since January, more than 13,000 people have died of complications from seasonal flu, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's weekly report on the causes of death in the nation. No fewer than 800 flu-related deaths were reported in any week between January 1 and April 18, the most recent week for which figures were available. The report looks at deaths in the 122 largest cities in the United States. Worldwide, the annual death toll from the flu is estimated to be between 250,000 and 500,000. About 9 out of 10 of those deaths are among people older than 65, Currie said. Most times, they already have health problems that the flu makes worse, he said. "Regular influenza can be taxing," he said. "It causes their underlying disease to decompensate and then they don't have the reserves to get through it. "While it may not be the direct cause listed on the death certificate, it certainly contributed." One of the reasons medical experts are nervous about the swine flu outbreak is that many of the people who have died in Mexico have been young and otherwise healthy. The strains found in the United States have so far been weaker. But even the regular flu is sometimes fatal for younger victims. "It's not unheard of. It happens, either directly from influenza or they get a bacterial superinfection" like staph, said Currie. While researchers haven't developed a vaccine to fight the new swine flu, it can be treated with antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza, the same drugs used on the regular flu. Many times, seasonal flu itself is tough to prevent because it has mutated to a form different than it was when the vaccine was made. Seeking to put the swine flu outbreak in perspective Tuesday, Los Angeles County public health officer Dr. Jonathan Fielding echoed other public officials calling it "cause for concern, but not for alarm." "Given the size of L.A. County, given the traffic between here and Mexico, it would be very surprising if we didn't have any cases," Fielding said. He said the county, where the CDC had confirmed 10 cases of swine flu by Tuesday, sees more than 1,000 flu-related deaths every year. "So it would also not be surprising if there were deaths with swine flu -- even if it had the pattern of seasonal flu," he said. "Thus far, the pattern we see in the United States is very similar to that of seasonal flu -- relatively mild to moderate cases."
  6. oh no im so sad for you that its not exactly what you planned, BUT i am very glad you seem to have a great attitude about it. hang in there and try not to buy any more wedding related goodies in the extra 2 weeks you have now! try to get some early relaxation time in, you deserve it!
  7. sorry, i REALLY hate to hijack poor kara's thread but i just cant stand the thought of people adding to the hype and media sensationalism. um, actually i would feel comfortable going there even today. its the flu. a highly contagious version of it, but it wont hurt you unless you dont stay hydrated or go to the doctor if you realize its worse than mild. YES the flu sucks, and yes its horrible and heartbreaking that people (mexican locals in mexico) are dying because they dont have the means to stay healthy or get to a doctor. but even with all that, i would still feel comfortable going. Quote: Originally Posted by lawieland Our TA says to wait another week, but even in a week, who is going to feel comfortable going to Mexico! again, im sorry to interrupt kara, i really am. i just want to make sure your thread stays about YOU and your wedding and the fact that you didnt cancel your wedding because you were afraid, but because your travel company forced you to by cancelling all their flights/ bookings. it was horribly out of your control and i am truly sorry for that
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR are you drinking during the day again? it was me that changed it! lol OMG i SWEAR i saw alyssa's name. im mildly severely an idiot. dont mind me (again!) THANKS ANN FOR KEEPING ME IN LINE! there, that should do it
  9. if anyone else reads this and booked thru sunquestvacations.ca, here is information directly from their website. Sunquest- Mexico Travel Alert this is for SUNQUEST CANADA ONLY as far as i can see, at this time.
  10. omg i am so upset and outraged for you!! are there no other options for travel? no other airline or way to get to an airport that does fly to an airport near RM?? i am so sad for you
  11. awwww jac looks like you had some fun! my 2 faves are: #32 of you and carly, of course! and also the one with the reserved sticker on your bootay that should be your avatar! omg i cant believe how close you are! finally!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Sapphire723 The USD is definitely back up above the CAD much to the disappointment of the many Canadian friends I made on our journey. I'll write up a review as soon as I get settled in. ahhhh. ok it makes sense now. when i was there 2 weeks ago it was the reverse. thats why i had posted about the whole usd/ca/pesos exch. thing. ok, scratch what i said up above! Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Welcome back!!! I can't wait to hear more... well, more about your trip and NOT about the flu! ditto
  13. wow great deals! sorry you forgot to pack them tho that must have been a bummer!
  14. PS you girls are voting like crazy! 36 already and the poll has only been open since 5am! awesome
  15. oh my holy! i cant believe we've already had 35 votes and this poll has only been open for 6 hours or so. you guys rock
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR I changed it! Good luck, everyone! yipes! thanks alys as you can see it was kinda early. i wasnt quite awake yet!
  17. hi michelle glad you found us, better late than never! now that you're here, you better make sure and come back after the wedding to share a review and pics! thats our unspoken #1 rule
  18. welcome! our very own Mod Carly got married at beaches boscobel congrats!
  19. i 2nd mariesam, beth if you need help making any calls or sending emails or anything, please please please dont hesitate to ask! PM us!! ive got unlimited cell time and nationwide long distance and i dont mind!!
  20. Let the voting begin! Poll will be open until Saturday May 2nd, 2009 when I will announce the winner!
  21. Let the voting begin! Poll will be open until Saturday May 2nd, 2009 when I will announce the winner!
  22. welcome! click on the honeymoon link in my siggy for my review of GBP-T! we loved tequila, the food was so good!
  23. Oh wow I can not even begin to imagine what you are feeling right now, I just started crying when I read this! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. {{{{{hugs}}}}}
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