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Everything posted by ACDCDCAC

  1. melissa they look fantastic! i love how they turned out the mom and daughter who run c&p are so sweet and helpful! i loved working with them, and i love their product!
  2. Thanks so much to everyone who voted, we had over a whopping 60 votes for both categories! Now without further aideau.... The Winners Are: Yael Mrs. and Meg&Shay B2B Congrats Ladies! You will have your banners shortly!
  3. bad ass! i saw a blurb about it on your fb a few weeks (?) ago and wondered when we'd see something here thats tooooo cool!
  4. congrats little lady!! hope it's everything you dreamed it would be!
  5. the only thing i'd be worried about it if they make brownies in jamaica! it might not turn out at all like you are expecting if their version of brownie is different from yours. as far as mom and friends/family reactions to it, screw it! its your wedding, do what you want!
  6. ive always had this too, do you get the little red x of doom instead? i can see most of the siggies, but i cant see my own! and i can see MOST of the pics uploaded from photobucket, but from certain people i have never been able too see their posted pics (until i get home from work that is.) i am fairly certain its a restriction set on your work computer. i know for a fact it is on the ones i use at work. we cant access anything but twitter. cant even access youtube or anything sorry wish i had better news for you, like "click this magical button to see ALL pictures!" i wish!
  7. Let the voting begin! Poll will be open until Monday August 3rd, 2009 when I will announce the winner!
  8. Let the voting begin! Poll will be open until Monday August 3rd, 2009 when I will announce the winner!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Bing & Win Win 150 posts - holy cow! That's alot! yikes, soooo if 150 is a lot, i guess i went overboard. anyways, the reason this thread was posted is because the original member asking the question wondered why a link wouldnt work for her. the link was a dead-end link because it no longer held valid information and we had deleted it. the FAQ's have been edited and the dead-end link is no longer there. im going to close this thread now as the intended question has been answered and there are already multiple other threads discussing point and peoples opinions on them and we dont need this thread to continue to delve deeper into a subject that has been discussed extensively. thanks!
  10. argh, bad girl sophie!
  11. bahahahahahahahahahaha omg kate you know i needed that laugh today! so funny ps i swear to gosh i am not stalking you today, i just keep posting after you
  12. yay kate! i just stumbled across these how fun! man, what a house, huh? lucky ducks. looked like the perfect setup and it must have been a fun time! ps am i greedy to ask for more pics??
  13. i just remembered to repost the sticky with the thread link in the chit chat corner, so im gonna let the noms stay open a few more hours
  14. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...archid=2629853 check these out
  15. wow! she has been tweeting all over africa with him. i wonder if he finally got sick of her princess ways, after she "lost" her passport on the plane. that was mean, honestly i like her, she seems really sweet.
  16. oh shite! thats sooo not cool oh well. i guess you wont be inviting them over anytime soon!
  17. awesome Jackie! you will love love love akumal and I am so jealous you get to go next week! don't forget about my mango margies at the bar
  18. Summer is in full swing! Nominate your Member of the Month for July to keep it going! Some of you may not know about this contest. "MotM" is short for Member of the Month. Each month we open a thread where you can nominate a member as a "Mrs." or as a "B2B" (Bride to Be). The rules are: A) Please limit your choices - 1 nominee per category (if you post more, only the first nominee will count) The winners from the past 3 months cannot be nominated. T The winners from the last 3 months that we have had the contest are: June: Amy and Desiree May: Kathy and Jacilynda April: Kaylee and Savannah I will post a Poll with your nominations by Tuesday the 28th, then we can vote and have our new winners by the 1st of August! Happy Nominating!
  19. thanks for the info. clarification here, its c-e-r-t-i-f-i-c-a-t-e. not c-e-r-t-i-f-r-i-c-a-t-e. using the right word/spelling will also help minimize the potential confusion. ( sorry couldnt help it!)
  20. holy. shilz. ana, those were SO worth the wait! amazing. of course it didnt hurt that you and hubby are drop dead gorgeous i could watch that over and over, you must be freaking EX-CI-TED! there were so many faves, i just love the 2nd to last one where he is just barely kissing one of your lips, such passion!
  21. i know we changed the points system, and that you arent able to open attachments until you reach a certain point level. BUT i didnt think that links counted. ill look into it and see whats up...
  22. congrats on the announcement mel! so excited for your adventure!
  23. kristy, they are soooo beautiful! love the slideshow! you looked amazing and everything turned out so great, everyone looked so happy to be there
  24. so if you're in love with the 2nd dress, why did you buy the 1st one? $? personally i do think the 2nd one looks fantabulous. sorry that probably doesnt help your confusion between the 2, but i just love how the 2nd one looks on you. the 1st one is beautiful, i just dont think it has that special something that the 2nd one does. plus your smile looks happier in the 2nd dress. is it too late to switch?
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