I was glad to see I am not the only one with issues on this! I love searching the older threads to see what everyone else has done, it helps so much!
We are having:
Maid of Honor (age 9, Doug's daughter),
Matron of Honor (best friend-thank the lord she's married!),
and 3 BM's (ages 4-13! Doug's nieces)
Best Man (age 12, Doug's son),
Other Best Man (not sure what to call Doug's best friend, what is the opposite of matron? Patron of Honor?),
and 3 GM (ages 11-15! All of Doug's nephews)
Also a Flower Baby (just over 1 yr old, our niece)
and 2 Ring-Doggers (our chihuahua's, the place where we are having our "Big Fake Wedding" will allow us to have them for this
Doug has 2 sisters I am close with, and I have none. I have 3 girl cousins I am close with, so if I went that route I would have had 5 BM without even having asked any friends. I considered this, but there is no way I want to do it without my best friend. Doug has a whole lot of buddies, but not a lot of best friends, and he wouldn't have been able to pick between them all. Also both his brothers and both his sisters were already in his first wedding to ex. For some reason I am feeling super traditional in this department, so we decided just to pick one best friend each, his kids as the 2 "important" positions, and then all his nieces and nephews instead of his bro's and sis's. It's worked out well, and none of his sibs are offended since we are honoring them by asking the kids. The hard part is finding a BM dress that will work on both a 4 yr old and a 31 yr old! Ha!