My old/current/soon to be last name is a story most people don't know about me!
Long story NOT short, more than you wanted to know:
I grew up with my mexican dad's last name, Munoz. I am clear-white, and have always been teased, kids calling me ghost, casper, whatever. Rude people would even say things like "Oh theres no way your Mexican!" when they found out my last name. I come home from sunny vaca's and people ask if I even went cause I hardly get any color.
So needless to say it was always hard for me to answer to Munoz, I had no problem "being" 1/2 Mexican, just had a hard time being teased because I don't look like it. After High School I finally got sick of it and had my last name changed to my Great Grandma's last name, we have the same first name as well and I really liked honoring her memory that way. So for the last 13 years I've been Fitch, almost as long as I was Munoz!
NOW, however, I am exstatic (sp?) to finally have a last name I love, and for it to be something that is ME, that fits, that I didn't have to choose, I am just over the moon. I will be Abbie Chalcraft!