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Everything posted by ACDCDCAC

  1. Reminds me of Superbad with all the drawings. OMG.
  2. OMG so fun! Looks like you had a blast (again!) jealous
  3. I know, I totally do rely on mine for the countdown! Yikes! 3 mo's, 2 weeks, 5 days for you!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by melwru I love your first aid kits. super cute. I would love to "borrow" the template but I dont have powerpoint. Is there a way I can convert the file to be compatible with MSword? Just wondering. Hi Melanie, I thought I didn't have Powerpoint either, but when I searched it in my start menu, it turns out it was loaded on my computer. I didn't have an icon on my desktop or anything, just looked it up the same way I found MSWorks, or Paint or Calculator or whatever. Hope this helps!
  5. That was so funny. Doug adores Sarah Silverman. I TOTALLY want a "I'm F&*$@!# Ben Affleck" bumper sticker
  6. I'm just gonna stick with the watermark, ok everyone, just pretend its freckles!
  7. Hi Kris! So glad to see another Seattle girl on here! You are gonna get addicted! Keep your eyes open, I think we might be planning a Seatle meet-up soon-ish
  8. Oh no Cali! That sucks! What do you have to do to get it taken care of?
  9. Wow Tami! I love your band too, it's going to look so beautiful!
  10. We got these little double-sided adhesive uhhm, holders? I guess you would call them? Like the newer types of white-out strip things. They come in both removable and permanent but they don't have a name of what the product is 'called' on it, just a brand, TOMBO/MONO. I just looked in the aisle at Michaels that had adhesives, lots to choose from. Creative Memories makes a nice one too.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Does anyone know where to get them in the Cancun area? I don't think the TSA will let you travel with them, even in your checked luggage... Yes Rebecca, you are completely right, any type of fireworks, or item marked "flammable" for that matter, is on the list of prohibited items. Good luck finding them in Cancun, tho, they would be sooo cool! We are going to use them at out AHW, since its a week after July 4th I know I'll have no problem finding them.
  12. The only way I could save it is to do the watermark like Sarah and Morgan mentioned, I didn't want to buy Lumapix just yet, and I don't have Powerpoint I was messing around with MSPaint, but it was't doing what I wanted. Oh well, this will have to do!
  13. One more thing to add to the BDW twins! Good luck Cali! You'll do fine.
  14. OMG just finally remembered I was gonna look at these, the picture at C-16 is so funny, and I love the parasols you had for your BM's, so funny cause we just ordered the from the same site for ours! OK lady, now where are those promised Pro Pics?
  15. Jennifer, that's a great idea. I'm gonna have to try that as it seems I can't even figure out Sarah's Lumapix for Dummies PS, yours looks really good!
  16. My old/current/soon to be last name is a story most people don't know about me! Long story NOT short, more than you wanted to know: I grew up with my mexican dad's last name, Munoz. I am clear-white, and have always been teased, kids calling me ghost, casper, whatever. Rude people would even say things like "Oh theres no way your Mexican!" when they found out my last name. I come home from sunny vaca's and people ask if I even went cause I hardly get any color. So needless to say it was always hard for me to answer to Munoz, I had no problem "being" 1/2 Mexican, just had a hard time being teased because I don't look like it. After High School I finally got sick of it and had my last name changed to my Great Grandma's last name, we have the same first name as well and I really liked honoring her memory that way. So for the last 13 years I've been Fitch, almost as long as I was Munoz! NOW, however, I am exstatic (sp?) to finally have a last name I love, and for it to be something that is ME, that fits, that I didn't have to choose, I am just over the moon. I will be Abbie Chalcraft!
  17. Thanks for the link, Drea, I forgot about that! Now my only problem is, I've got my collage created, saved as .jpg, exported, all that who-ha-ha, but how on earth do I view the image so I can upload it to photobucket so I can get it in my Sig? When I try to upload the image into photobucket it says it does not have a valid file extenson, as if I've saved it as something other than jpeg. What now? It's so cute and I want to finsh it!
  18. Ann I LOVE your belly-timeline! That is so adorable!
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