My Secret Bunny was ..............Lisa! (Stormsong)
Thank you Lisa, I was so excited to come home from work today and find my bunny package sitting on the coffee table! (Doug brought it in cause it was raining!)
Lisa got me some yummy and local treats: some Saskatoon Berry chocolates and jam! Also included was a very pretty necklace which reminds me of the celtic style (So cool looking! Hard to see in the pic.), with what looks like jade??
Then, my favorite part was even more special to me when I went to the website that was on the label, and I realized that Lisa herself had made it for me! On my gift idea list I had mentioned that I just ran out of my perfume (Pink Sugar, which I LOVE HEART LOVE) and Lisa MADE me a lotion and shower gel, as well as some cute little cupcake shaped bath-bomb thingies.. ALL in the Pink Sugar scent!
Lisa, I don't know how or what you did to find that scent and make it into this gift for me, but I really love it! Thanks!
BTW, your website is cool! I loved reading thru it!
EDIT: OK per Lisa to post her website! Check it out!
PS I finally came around with my pb edit issues, look what you can do! Round the corners! And so much more!
PS2 To my secret bunny, I forgot to mention that I was guaranteed that your gift would arrive by or on Saturday, so even tho you STILL don't know who you are, I thought I'd update you!