Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv He just doesn't seem to understand that while I haven't been able to contribute much monetarily, that I have SAVED us a ton of money -- and have been working my a$$ off to get things done, especially the DIY stuff. Don't get me wrong, he does know I have put a lot of time and effort into it ... but I just seem to think that counts for something. It's easier to write checks when you have the money than to do actual work to make a DW happen, IMHO.
tami i know all about this part, believe me! i am in your same spot. doug is the main breadwinner at our house, and when i work OT to save up money to help, my doubletime hours still dont add up to his regular pay! so he has been working all the OT to pay for stuff, but i've been doing all the work.
Thanks for letting me vent...
vent away! you know we love to listen! your wedding is going to be so amazing, just try to focus on the reason you're doing all this, the love you two have for each other! and BREATHE!!