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Everything posted by ACDCDCAC

  1. ok im jumping on the TB thread bandwagon just started watching 2 episodes ago. ive read all the books but the most recent one, so its a bit easier to jump in to watching the show and not watching the old ones first. but from just these last 2 shows they sure do like changing shit up!
  2. Thanks so much to everyone who voted! Now without further aideau.... The Winners Are: Cindy (Shoesiesluvr) B2B and Tammy Host Mrs. Congrats Ladies!
  3. Tammy this sounds like a really awesome and EASY contest! Get to postin' those reviews everyone!
  4. hi girls! im not from the UK but i realized i should pop in and say hi at the very least hope you all are having fun planning your weddings, and enjoying the New BDW!!
  5. Woohoo! First MotM on the New BDW! Vote now! Vote now! Vote NOW!
  6. First MotM Contest of the New BDW! YAY now get to votin'!
  7. fyi when we got married and filed jointly, our tax return the next year was not bigger, but combined. so say instead of each of us getting $1000, instead we got $2000 total. being married didnt give us "more" money total just more money compared to filing individually if that makes sense. that was just us, BUT i would def look into it before you make a decision to get married at a certain time based off of your tax return. maybe try filling out forms both ways, 2 singles and a joint, and compare the $ amount you will get back (maybe use last years as an example.) that way you have an idea what to expect...
  8. totally now if we could just get some more buddies in here... we gotta keep our eyes out as the founding members haha
  9. hi guys, actually we already have a thread for this kind of posting, go ahead and move the convo over to the Shout Box http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/53847/the-official-shout-box-thread
  10. oh and i used to be west seattle until we bought a house back in november in tukwila, so kirkland counts too
  11. hi lindsay! i know there used to be a handful of us, but lately i havent run across anyone so i thought id shout out and see who answered hopefully we can find everyone here and get a group together to meet up!
  12. bumping this thread to specifically ask about people's experiences with Meridia. one of my closest friends has been prescribed this and has been taking it for almost 2 months and is down 30 pounds! im in a rut and im out of control with my eating. no matter how hard i try i cant seem to curb how much food i can shovel in! im constantly hungry and feel like i could eat a horse at any given moment. ive gained so much weight that its uncomfortable: breathing, heartburn, etc. i am having an amazingly difficult time not giving in to cravings. anything i want, i eat, even tho i feel horrible about it as im eating it. i need a SERIOUS kick start to cutting back my portion size. im eating the same amount as my 6' tall hubby and almost 15 yr old son!!! (that is SO not right!) does anyone have any stories or info regarding Meridia that you would share with us?
  13. i know you girls are out there somewhere... post here so we can get to know eachother and maybe plan a meetup someday soon!
  14. no, there is no app available yet (no matter what phone you are wondering about.) HOWEVER this new software has the capability to support an app in the future, so lets keep our fingers crossed!!!
  15. BUMP!! now that we've got our 2nd home back in action, lets get those noms in! maybe ill leave it open a couple more days..... but maybe not! muahahahahaha
  16. dont forget, somewhere in here is a place to block the forums that you never use! (havent found it yet haha)
  17. and PS thank you for setting such a great example on searching before creating a duplicate new thread! YOU ROCK!
  18. oh. when i first read that i was going to say the new posts thing. im thinking as of your first login to the New BDW that ALL posts are new to you. so once the new forum catches up with "you" it will finally show you only YOUR new posts. does that make sense?
  19. jamy, New BDW is crackalackin. to say the least!
  20. one last bump! today at about 6am PT until...? ASAP!!
  21. i figure facebook will probably have a site overload cause all the bdw'ers will be on there instead for 24 hours so be prepared to find a 3rd alternate thing to do bwahahahaha
  22. Nominate Your MotM for July! Some of you may not know about this contest. "MotM" is short for Member of the Month. Each month we open a thread where you can nominate a member as a "Mrs." or as a "B2B" (Bride to Be). The rules are: A) Please limit your choices - 1 nominee per category (if you post more, only the first nominee will count) If your choice has already been nominated, please choose another member rather than saying "Mine has already been nominated." C) The winners from the past 3 months cannot be nominated. The winners from the last 3 months that we have had the contest are: June: Amanda(BachataBride) and Cassie May: *Rachel* & Diana (Lady_ Di) April: TammyB & Linds I will post a Poll with your nominations by Wednesday the 28th, then we can vote and have our new winners by the first week of August! Happy Nominating!
  23. it's really going to be a great thing us mods have gotten a sneak preview and it's just beautiful (for a webpage haha), as well as uber functional! we're all excited to dig in and play around!
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