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Everything posted by ACDCDCAC

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by lambert13 Let me know how it turns out. If you still need a traced map I can do it here at work on the drafting program that we use. I have to do those sort of maps all the time. It would take a little while to do so I didn't want to go ahead and do it if you did not need it still. Like I said, just let me know and I can whip one up for ya. jason i'll PM ya for more info..
  2. what a cool place! your work is so fantastic, just breathtaking


    welcome, and sorry for your frustrations. at least you've got some time on your side yet to work things out. good luck! this forum will help give you loads of fun ideas. also, it's fun to see another WA bride here! so glad to have you!
  4. thanks for the review do you have contact info for gabriel?
  5. i'm getting ready to finally use these instructions, and i wanted to BUMP it in case anyone else needs a map too
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but you could also use blue Kool-Aid. That would definitely be the cheapest option! ahhhhhh! erin! you are so full of kool-aideas i love how you are an aqua/turquoise bride, too. i just sit back and let you give me awesome ideas! i gotta do some research and give you some ideas soon too
  7. edna, you'll be fine and back with us in no time! {{{hugs}}} wishing you a speedy recovery!
  8. i dont like the happy news part either, sounds like you had a baby or got a puppy. but, i do think they need a flourish or palm tree or something, like a watermark in the background. a flourish or fancy palm tree if formal, or something like a paisley or more cartooney star fish if more casual. also, the part about having their closest loved ones there, isn't that like a kick in the shins to great aunt margaret who wanted to go but didn't think her walker would make it on the cobbly streets of mexico? ok i thought that one out way too much, but kwim?? other than that, i do love the blue-ish color, but it needs some pink like your logo!! that would rock!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura but better to have pooped than to never poop at all haha blahahahahaha. omg. tears. can't. catch. breath. laughing. too. hard.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by jamisoncollette Master of Social Work Thanks everyone, it does feel unbelievable to be done finally. My daughter was so excited after I explained that graduation means I can pick her up from school, cook, I mean order her dinner, and put her to bed at night. awww, that's so sweet now go focus on the wedding!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by JenniferLynn Knowing that the hubby has something secret planned for tomorrow! ooooh! what was it?? spill the beans to us!! Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I am happy I got all my invites mailed out today!! WOOHOO! Now I can just wait for the RSVP's! good girl! soooo jealous! Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG Oh and I'm also happy today because I get a free car wash since it rained within 7 days of the last time I got it washed - yah! right on! that is way cool Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 I'm happy because we are going camping this weekend- leaving in 2 hours YEY! We are going with a group of friends and one couple has a boat! I love being outdoors! LOVE HEART LOVE camping! so fun! Quote: Originally Posted by FYB87 I'm happy because I got my first check today after being unemployed for 6 months! now that is something to be happy about! so proud of you! i'm happy today because i just realized may has 3 paychecks! i sort of knew it before, but I really just realized that i can spend a whole paycheck on wedding stuff and finally be done buying! YAY!! WOOHOO!
  12. awesome review tami! sounds like you had an amazing time, so glad it all worked out! more pics! more pics!!
  13. puppy smell is the best they are so wiggly and squirmy! i miss our puppies, i wish we could turn them back to babies just for how they look and smell. frank was so cute when he was teeny and rolly polly. thanks for sharing tammy
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan us air. but wouldn't it be an airport wide restiction not airline specific? generally it is an airline specific request, due to weight and balance reasons. i thought it was weird that it was the airport, but you know how whenever new security restrictions are "made" they take a few days for the entire world to jump on the bandwagon, so to speak? so i'm thinking maybe that time it happened to you maybe there was some security thing going on that day/week at gatwick. i'm really curious to see what others have to say..
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB All any of them had to do was take an hour out of their day and eat some f-ing cake! i do have to say that this sentence made me LOL sorry oh erin, you are just not having a good weekend. you need a bottle of wine!!
  16. hi morg, we fly there and there are no restrictions that the airline has been made aware of. but then again, that's us, and not your airline, and you never can tell what restrictions a country will place on things like this, it may not be made available to the airline for the weirdest reasons. hopefully others will chime in with their experience. i guess thats not much help, but just so you know WE have no restrictions on carry-on's to CUN. btw, what airline are you using?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine she looked really pretty, very simple but elegant dress. What the heck did Barbara have on her head though? hahaha! christine that was the exact same thing i was thinking! like some flower child, my first thought was you can take the girl out of the sorority j/k no offense to anyone, i was just referring to the twins "old" school days!
  18. i'm not on any others, i peeked a few times back in the beginning, but from the second i found this site i was hooked! so glad i never joined another one
  19. um, right now i'd be ok if doug mowed the lawn at ANY time of the day or night, it's looking pretty bad right now. the 5 LB dogs can barely find a path to pee anyways, i think that at the absolute earliest, 9am or 10 am, but i guess it depends on your neighborhood. and if it's your own FI, you'd think they would be more sensitive! jerk
  20. ok, i think i was thinking of unlimited reputation. can't find anything other than the give gift option now..?? what ann says sounds better.
  21. um, lets see, when you search in vb plaza, i think, let me go look, BRB..
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